After some major battles as to where God would have us hold OSA’s National Event this year, it became very apparent that Orlando, Florida, was the place He desired us to allow His theology to become biography in the streets. From Cayce Anthony’s “Not Guilty” verdict and her subsequent release, to the trial of James Pendergraft, a supremely arrogant abortion mill owner (he owns five mills in Florida), God’s providential hand was evident in setting the stage for simple little Christians to paint a “living parable” about what is truly ailing America.
Enjoy Brenda Spurlock’s report. ~ Flip
Orlando: God’s Perfect Timing
by Brenda Spurlock
Man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. (Proverbs 16:9)
The question of where to hold Operation Save America’s National Event is always a matter of prayer and fasting. Flip sensed it was God’s will to stage this year’s event in Orlando. He was to learn later just how precisely the Lord had timed OSA’s arrival.
The Orlando trial of Casey Anthony on charges that she murdered her two-yr.-old daughter, Caylee, had just ended. It took the Christian witness of OSA proclaimers to connect the dots between the murder of this little girl and the spilling of innocent blood of more than 52 million unborn children over the past 38 years. At the jail where Casey Anthony was held, signs carried by the well-loved children of pro-lifers put it succinctly: a picture of Caylee with mouth taped, followed by the words,“LateR Term Abortion.”
In describing a time much like the present, Hosea 4:2 says that “bloodshed follows bloodshed.” As Flip concludes, “When there is bloodshed in the womb, it follows that there will be bloodshed in the streets.”
Pendergraft Pays Up
The special timing of the Lord also enabled us to witness a tremendous victory for Florida’s little unborn boys and girls. Another trial was in progress during the week we were in Orlando, that of notorious late-term abortionist James Scott Pendergraft.
Abortionist Pendergraft has a LOT of baggage; his medical license has been suspended four times! Now, as a result of a civil action case filed against him and one of the abortion mills he owns, Orlando’s Women’s Center, Pendergraft is on the hook for $36.7 million.
Over $18 million of this will go into a trust fund for JH, a catastrophically injured little girl, now 10 yrs. old, who was born alive at 22 1/2 weeks, weighing 1 lb 2.5 oz., following the administration of Cyotec to induce the mother’s labor and bring about abortion. Cyotec, a drug not approved by the FDA, increases the risk of live birth.
The Plaintiff’s attorney, Jennifer Fernandez, described abortionist Pendergraft with all of his clinics, his medical management corp. and other businesses as an “abortion dynasty.” Regarding the babies, no matter what happens or how many are delivered in the toliet to drown, “He just doesn’t care!” she said. Jurors gave a resounding “yes” to the question,”Was he motivated by unreasonable financial gain?” His gross sales range from $4.5 to $6.5 million a year. The loss of millions of dollars may be the only thing he understands. That this causes him stress and makes it more difficult for him to continue killing unborn children is a cause for rejoicing. The Lord brought about justice. Blessed be the name of the Lord!