I heard abortionist Randall Whitney’s testimony to the jury this past week in Orlando as he made the statement that he saw the babies “wiggling around in toilets.”  It was jaw dropping for me to hear and witness the matter of fact way in which he described it.  Chet Gallagher, who attended abortionist Pendergraft’s trial with me, said he saw juror number six in horror and tears as she listened to the testimony. 

Note this well.  I have been privileged to share the Gospel of Christ with Randall Whitney on more than one occasion.  He attended our last Rally session on Friday night, though most of you were unaware of his presence.  He came as a guest of Mark Hall who has been sharing Christ with Randall for many years.  Rusty preached that night and I know that God spoke to Randall’s heart.  Please keep Randall Whitney and his wife in your prayers.

Pray that God will save Him, through our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ!      ~ Flip

Click HERE to read this article by Kathleen Gilbert on Lifesitenews.com.