Several Christian Ministries in the city of Charlotte booted up this past Saturday morning, locked and loaded with “Jesus Loves You” bottles of water, bright red “God Has A Better Way” t-shirts, and armed with the sharp double edged Sword of the Spirit, to allowed the theology of the church house to become biography in the streets. Why? Because those who hate God’s Word and love death (Proverbs 8:36)were granted a “Festival Permit” by the city of Charlotte to legitimize and outrageously display a sin that God calls an “abomination.” Homosexual sodomy is a sin that destroys precious people who practice it, and cities and nations that approve of it. Our city fathers never should have allowed this.
That’s right! This total debauchery was billed as a day for the Charlotte “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered” (LGBT) community to proudly parade its sin like Sodom in the streets of our city. And proud they were – many proclaiming that they too, were Christians. News flash: one cannot be a Christian and a practicing homosexual at the same time. It is impossible, “…they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting Him to public disgrace.” Hebrews 6:4-6.
The context of these verses in Hebrews is talking about those who were once walking with God and now, because of their backsliding and choice to live in sin, are removed from the grace and mercy of God. So many enslaved in sexual sin are deeply conflicted and cannot make things right no matter the smooth words of those attempting to justify or rationalize this horrific sin. The “Hound of Heaven” continues His dogged pursuit of those who call evil good and good evil, because He loves them. He does not desire that any should perish (2 Peter 3:9).
It was Biblical love that brought us to the streets of Charlotte this Saturday to expose the horror and hopelessness of the sin homosexual sodomy in the absolute belief that Jesus can save the most wretched of sinners. How did we know this to be true? We each looked in the mirror that morning and saw the most wretched of sinners staring right back at us. If Jesus could and would save a wretch like me, He can and will save anyone who humbles himself and calls on His wonderful Name.
Almost 700 Christians joined us in this battle for our city and for the souls of those enslaved by this horrible and very proud sin. The Gospel of Christ was proclaimed at the head of the noisy streets. At the head of the public square it was heralded. In hundreds of conversations and divine appointments, Jesus was shared. And, when it was all done, God did indeed find a few that were willing to stand in the gap on behalf of the land. Thank you Jesus!
Oh, by the way, I was arrested at 4:30 PM for violating the noise ordinance in my city. When a city decriminalizes one behavior (homosexual sodomy), it won’t be long before they criminalize another behavior (Christianity). What a glorious time to be alive and lay it all out for Christ! ~ Flip