We are now at the Word and Warfare stage of our campaign Operation – First Abortion Free State. We will be reading the entire Bible (unsheathing the Sword of the Spirit) at the gates of hell (the local abortion mills) in all five of the states that have one remaining abortion mill within their boundaries. Our desire is to present to our Lord the first abortion free state at the Lincoln Memorial where we will also present to Him our National Emancipation Proclamation for the Unborn Child, in January, 2013. The spiritual significance of this is monumental for it frees God’s hand to heal our land. Below the dates and places for Word and Warfare. ~ Flip
Word in Warfare Opportunities
The States of Refuge campaign continues to march on. The next major push in implementing the vision is called Word in Warfare. Brother Chet Gallagher (Our state leader in Mississippi), based upon his study of Scripture, devised this battle strategy in spiritual warfare to be employed at the gates of hell throughout the land.
The Word in Warfare mission is designed to inspire Christians to unsheathe the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and declare, “Thus Saith the Lord” by reading aloud the entire Bible at key gates. In this instance, it will be employed at the five states, Arkansas, Mississippi, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming at the one death camp remaining that defiles our land. Each state leader will commence this aspect of the States of Refuge campaign on different dates.
Chet Gallagher in Jackson, Mississippi and Coach Dave Daubenmire in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, will kick their Word in Warfare assignment off on April 2, 3, and 4th. This is a strategic time. The Spring Forty Days for Life ends on April 1st. Right after this time of fasting and prayer, Word in Warfare will unleash God’s Word. We are praying God’s Word will go forth in power to defeat this evil that murders babies, enslaves the workers of iniquity, defiles our land, and invokes God’s judgement upon our nation.
Remember the power of God’s word according to Jeremiah. Jeremiah 1:9, 10 declares, “Then the LORD put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the LORD said to me, Behold, I have put my words in your mouth. See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.” God’s Word spoken by God’s people in faith can root up what is evil and plant what is good in God’s sight.
A Kansas Pastor in Jackson Hole, Wyoming plans on commencing the Word in Warfare on April 27, 28, and 29th. Pastor Mark Kiser in Little Rock, Arkansas plans on initiating Word in Warfare on May 4, 5, and 6th. Cal Zastrow is still working on the dates for Fargo, North Dakota. As soon as he gets them to me, I’ll pass them unto you.
All these state leaders need volunteers to come and boldly delcare God’s Word to the principalities and powers dominating these abortion mills. Please pray about supporting this next phase of the campaign in some manner. These men and this ministry need prayer. Let them know you are praying. These men need team members to stand with them to wield the sword of the Spirit in the battle for the souls of men, the lives of babies, and the future of our nation. Please try to come and participate if at all possible. Each team leader needs about 20 team members optimum and 10 team members minimum. Help send them if you cannot go yourself with financial support.
You can send your donations to:
States of Refuge P.O. Box 3126 Waco, TX 76707or donate online at:
To contact these men to volunteer to pray or participate in one of these states, here’s the contact information:
Jackson, Mississippi – April 2, 3, and 4th | Contact Chet Gallagher at chetgallagher@gmail.com
Sioux Falls, South Dakota – April 2, 3, and 4th | Contact Coach Dave at coach@ptsalt.comg
Little Rock, Arkansas – May 4, 5, and 6th | Contact Pastor Mark Kiser at pastormarkkiser@yahoo.com
Fargo, North Dakota – Dates to be determined | Contact Cal Zastrow at calzastrow@hotmail.com
God willing, I plan on participating in four of the five Word in Warfare events. Since there is a conflict in schedule with the April 2, 3, and 4th, dates, I plan on joining Coach in South Dakota. With all dispatch, please pass on this strategic ministry opportunity and call your friends, family, and churches to help get boots on the ground in these five states during this next phase of the States of Refuge campaign. Thanks!
Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas