1. Bill Clinton
was not our problem. He was a sign and judgment from God. "Therefore the
Lord was angry with His people
and their foes ruled over them." Ps
2. Abortion is
not our problem. It is a sign and judgment from God. "
but Ephraim will
bring out their children to the slayer." Hos 9:13
3. Losing our
kids to drugs, gangs, and murder is not our problem. It is a sign and judgment
from God. "Even if they rear children, I will bereave them of every
" Hos 9:12
4. Kids killing
kids is not our problem. It is a sign and judgment from God. "
bloodshed follows bloodshed. Because of this the land mourns
" Hos
4:2-3. "
Since you did not hate bloodshed, bloodshed will pursue you." Ezek 35:6
5. Homosexuality
is not our problem. It is a sign and judgment from God. "They exchanged the
truth of God for a lie
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful
" Rom 1:25-26
6. Rampant crime
is not our problem. It is a sign and judgment from God. "
No one could
go about his business safely because of his enemy, for I had turned every man
against his neighbor." Zech 8:10
7. Bad laws and
statutes are not our problem. They are a sign and judgment from God. "
because they had not obeyed My laws
I also gave them over to
statutes that were not good and laws they could not live by
" Ezek
8. The fact that
God's people have become waffling compromisers or conservatives, unwilling to
stand for Him, is not our problem. It is a sign and judgment from God. "The
men of Ephraim, though armed with bows, turned back on the day of battle
" Ps 78:9
9. Becoming a
society of "victims" and blaming others is not our problem. It is a sign and
judgment from God. "
The fathers have eaten sour grapes and the
children's teeth are set on edge." Jer 31:29
10. The
incredible number of lawsuits strangling our judicial system is not our
problem. It is a sign and judgment from God. "They make many promises, take
false oaths
therefore lawsuits spring up like poisonous weeds in a plowed
field." Hos 10:4
11. The foolish
idea that "money can fix anything" is not our problem. It is a sign and
judgment from God. "
but money is the answer for everything." Eccl
12. The fact
that we do not have men of courage and principle is not our problem. It is a
sign and judgment from God. "I will make boys their officials; mere children
will govern them." Isa 3:4
13. The fact
that radical feminists are moving into positions of great power is not our
problem. It is a sign and judgment from God. "Youths oppress my people,
women rule over them
your guides lead you astray, they turn you from the
path" Isa 3:12
14. The fact
that our women are now placed in military combat units is not our problem. It
is a sign and judgment from God. "Look at your troops - they are all women!
The gates of your land are all open to the enemy
" Nahum
15. Gay Pride
Days and the blatant homosexual agenda are not our problem. They are a sign and
judgment from God. "The look on their faces testifies against them; they
parade their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it
" Isa 3:9
16. AIDS is not
our problem. It is a sign and judgment from God. "Men committed indecent
acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their
perversion." Rom 1:27
17. The fact
that the true prophet is not welcomed in today's church is not our problem. It
is a sign and judgment from God. "
the prophet is considered a fool,
the inspired man a maniac
snares await him on all his paths, and hostility
in the house of his God." Hos 9:7-8.
18. The fact
that many pastors preach only positive, "seeker friendly" messages is not our
problem. It is a sign and judgment from God. "They dress the wound of my
people as though it were not serious. 'Peace, peace,' they say, when there is
no peace." Jer 6:14
19. The fact
that God's people in the American church demand only positive messages is not
our problem. It is a sign and judgment from God. "The prophets prophesy
lies, the priests rule by their own authority, and My people love it this
" Jer 5:31
20. The fact
that "my rights, my body, my choice" has become the mantra of the day is not
our problem. It is a sign and judgment from God. "In those days Israel had
no king; everyone did as he saw fit." Jdg 21:25
21. The fact
that senseless violence is increasing in the streets is not our problem. It is
a sign and judgment from God. "Violence has grown into a rod to punish
" Ezek 7:11
22. The fact
that our former President was a confessed liar and adulterer yet had a high
job-approval rating is not our problem. It is a sign and judgment from God.
they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of
those who practice them." Rom 1:32
23. The fact
that our Congress did not deal justly concerning the impeachment of President
Clinton is not our problem. It is a sign and judgment from God. "Acquitting
the guilty and condemning the innocent - the Lord detests them both." Pr
24. The fact
that abortion, homosexuality, gambling, and pornography are being praised is
not our problem. It is a sign and judgment from God. "Those who forsake the
law praise the wicked
" Pr 28:4
25. The fact
that street violence, domestic violence, child abuse, infanticide, and
euthanasia are on the rise is not our problem. They are a sign and judgment
from God. "In the streets the sword will make them childless. In their homes
terror will reign. Young men and young women will perish, infants and gray
haired men." Dt 32:25
26. The fact
that injustice reigns in our courts is not our problem. It is a sign and
judgment from God. "When a land falls into the hands of the wicked, He
blindfolds its judges. If it is not He, then who is it?" Job
27. The fact
that the prophets are blowing the trumpet in America to fight the Gospel battle
and no one shows up is not out problem. It is a sign and judgment from God.
"Though they blow the trumpet and get everything ready, no one will go into
battle, for My wrath is upon the whole crowd." Ezek 7:14
28. The fact
that airplanes are smashing into buildings by terrorists is not our problem. It
is a sign and judgment from God. "I will set My face against you so that you
will be defeated by your enemies; those that hate you will rule over you, and
you will flee even when no one is pursuing you." Lev 26:17
29. The fact
that God Himself has become our enemy is our problem. It is a
sign and judgment from Him. "Yet they rebelled and grieved His Holy Spirit.
So He turned and became their enemy and He Himself fought against them." Isa