OSA Missionary Efforts in the South |
Message from one of the Saints from the New Orleans brigade, Brother Butch Berget:
Written by Shelly Clegg
October 19, 2005
Here is Shelly Clegg's report from Mt. Olive, Mississippi. This was one of our first stops in our hurricane disaster relief effort. We had a glorious time there giving a loaf of bread in one hand and the Bread of Life in the other. If we have friends no where else, we have found some friends in Mount Olive. Thank you all for giving so much and allowing the glory of God to be so vividly displayed through you. ~Flip
October 17, 2005
One lady, a hurricane survivor, told the men, “You need to hold church service!” So the following day, Thursday morning, they did. About 10 people showed up and shared their testimonies about how God had worked in their lives through their losses. A black woman described her fear of white people based on what she had heard about slavery days. She said she had never been more than five miles from home, but when the hurricane was due, she ended up 130 miles from home. A white man asked if her family needed help, explaining that his family lived nine miles out in the woods. With fear and trepidation, they went with him. The first thing they saw at his home was a Confederate flag. But the woman said she had never been treated so nicely in her life as she was treated by this white family.
Commentary & News Briefs
October 4, 2005
Flip, Faye and crew stopped in Birmingham and picked up Dave Lackey then met up with Coach Dave Daubenmire, the Breadman and the Gibber in Sulphur, LA. Flip said the first trip OSA made to Louisiana, they went to where food is sold by the pound, the cheapest way they'd found to buy it, and spent $4,600 to fill a 24' truckbed with food. Now, he said, for $1,500, through Pastor Fritz's ministry, they brought a tractor trailer load of food. That's the price of gas for the truck; the truck drivers are volunteering their time to bring it down.
Commentary & News Briefs
October 2, 2005
Flip is on the road to Birmingham today. He'll see Dave Lackey and spend the night, then travel on to Merryville, Louisiana tomorrow. Gib Killion just called him and told him there's several cities in southwest Louisiana that Hurricane Rita tore up that need food. Gib's got the OSA RV whose signs constitute a great commercial for Jesus. He's working with Coach Dave Daubenmire who's using Merryville as a staging area to take food into southwest Louisiana where it's needed.
Commentary & News Briefs
September 30, 2005
Compiled by Jody Brown
Flip Benham, national director of Operation Save America, has led a team of relief workers on the Gulf Coast as they have provided physical and spiritual assistance. Benham says he would never accept government money for doing God's work. "You know what we need the government to do?" Benham asks rhetorically. "Just rebuild the roads; take care of the infrastructure -- and let us take care of people..."
As reported by Pastor Sam Greene
Here is our report for Today's (September 28, 2005) Gospel relief work: Pat Pinkston will be leading another team effort “to bring a loaf of bread in one hand and the Bread of Life in the other” next week. Gib Killion is in Jackson, Mississippi now. He just returned from bringing supplies to Pastor Bill Shanks in New Orleans last night. He toured the city of New Orleans and related how bad it was in several places in the city. He was stunned by the devastation in the city and could not find his way around because everything is rearranged (totally). |
Rusty Thomas
The Churches are banding together in a united vision. They want the Lord's Church, not FEMA, Red Cross, or any other entity to be used to overcome the challenges left by Rita. They desire everything to be done through the Church and in the name of Jesus to provide the practical and spiritual needs of their communities. Operation Save America, Pass the Salt, and Pastor Fritz from His Eternal Power Ministries are working together to make that vision and mission possible for the local Churches.
The Minutemen
This is what we have come to expect from the Minutemen of Ohio. They are waiting upon the Lord, willing to go wherever He calls, and ready to “run to the roar” of our common enemy (the devil) in a minute! We are blessed to serve in the Lord's army with them. Brothers and sisters, our God is with us! ~Flip
Flip Benham with Brenda Spurlock
Flip spoke with Rusty this morning, 29 Sept 2005. Rusty and Gib are in Merryville, La. Gib has distributed all the food that he loaded in the RV and we have food and water coming down from Wichita, KS tomorrow afternoon. The Minutemen of Ohio are bringing two semi's loaded with food and water from Ohio.
Written by Dave Daubenmire
Here is a report from Coach Dave covering our first foray into the southern part of hurricane stricken Mississippi to meet the needs of the folks there. This picture clearly portrays the incredible miracle from God. Inmates distributing food, the Mayor of Mendenhall directing traffic, the police helping the Mayor, and OSA and the Minutemen from Ohio proclaiming Christ from a sound system located on the OSA RV directly behind the camera. When disaster comes the lines of separation between church and state totally disintegrate. The state actually helped the church to proclaim Christ. Several of the prisoners gave their hearts to Christ. The Mayor of Mendenhall, all of the police, and every one of the prisoners joined us for prayer at the close of the day. The Mayor and the sheriff were so overcome with the generosity of Christians from all over the country that their eyes welled up in tears. I have an idea that God Himself was well pleased with His church.
Written by Rusty Thomas
The update to this update is that Gib has loaded the RV and is on his way to Merryville, Louisiana today, September 28, 2005. He has contacted the Police Department and they are eagerly anticipating his arrival. Rusty is on his way from Texas. We talked with Coach Dave Daubenmire (Ohio Minutemen) and he is diverting two tractor trailers of food toward this small forgotten area. Faye, the kids, and I will be driving through to Merryville this weekend. God's Church is coming to the rescue. ~Flip
Can you spell relief? J-E-S-U-S!
Written by Flip Benham
Pastor Ronny decided to have church on Friday night while the hurricane was coming in. Yes, the hurricane was on its way but according to Rusty, “There was another wind blowing.” Seventy-five people gave their hearts to Jesus! When God brings difficult circumstances on us, many turn to Him. The church was being what she always is, doing what she always does, running to the roar and never away from it.
Dear Rusty and OSA, Thank you so much for your tremendous help to us for the hurricane Rita evacuees. We had about 335 that we fed and provided shelter for on Friday. We have never done this type ministry before, but we see God's grace upon it. OSA providing 100 mattresses,100 pillows and blankets, and 200 sheets was a great benefit to the families that we have been serving this weekend. You also provided toiletries, toothpaste, and 40 cases of bottled water.
Written by Flip Benham
Now it appears that we will have another opportunity to bring the theology of the church house outside the four walls of the church, and allow it to become biography in the streets, this time in Texas. God has given us extraordinary opportunities to share His Word and provide for those who have been hard hit by these catastrophic storms. God is getting our attention. He has something to say, and our nation has thumbed its nose at Him all too long. He has been very merciful and patient with us calling us to return to Him, but we have been ever so slow to listen.
Posted September 23, 2005
I talked with Flip Benham our National Director of Operation Rescue/Operation Save America about revisiting Kenner to check up on the progress of the vision. As we were making plans, my home State of Texas came into the crosshairs of another monster Hurricane called Rita. So, instead of visiting the disaster area once again, it appears the disaster area is visiting us. We are not sure where it will hit, but currently it is a category four storm that will level any coast it visits. The real concern is the path that it is on right now is heading toward the oil refineries in Texas. If it hits that area, 26% of America 's oil and gas supply will be smashed. This will not only cripple Texas, but it will have terrible consequences that will be felt throughout America. If you thought gas prices were high before, we have not seen anything yet.
Written by Flip Benham
If you listened carefully to the President's speech Sunday night concerning the devastation of hurricane Katrina, you probably noticed that something was conspicuous by its absence. The word “repentance” was not mentioned once. Yes, the President called upon God to bring us through this travail, have mercy on those suffering, and to help us rebuild - but not one mention of the word “repentance.” No call for a national introspection to see if there might not be something in us that brought Katrina on.
Never in all my life have I seen such devastation as in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. It truly was the Valley of Baca, a place of weeping. But through precious saints willingly sacrificing to bring physical and spiritual assistance in the Name of Jesus, we were able to help transform people's hearts with the life-giving water of Jesus Christ.
Written by Flip Benham
I just got off the phone with Pastor Sam this morning September 14, 2005. Again, he was ecstatic about what God was doing in hurricane ravaged New Orleans. He and his team of 12 arrived in New Orleans yesterday. He met Pastor Bill Shanks, the real Mayor of New Orleans, who arranged for the missionary crew to unload all of their supplies at the East Jefferson Community Health Center. That's right! Pastor Sam spent last night sleeping in a dentist's chair.
Flip Benham with Brenda Spurlock
I spoke with Pastor Sam Green this morning. He is at the High Place in Jackson, MS. He's the most excited man on the face of this earth! He and his church have been planning for this trip to hurricane ravaged Mississippi and Louisiana for the past 2 ½ weeks. Thanks to the generous donations of the Palm Bay people, they brought a generator, personal hygiene items in individual bags, diapers, toilet paper, paper towels, cans of food, water, drinks and more …
Flip Benham with Brenda Spurlock
Tom Raddell went home to Ohio on Saturday, Sept 10, having prepared the way for Pastor Sam Green from Palm Bay, FL. For those of you who don't know, Palm Bay, FL was one of the cities worst hit during last summer's hurricane season in Florida. Pastor Sam read our challenge to not give money to the Red Cross but to send out missionaries with food and supplies to the rural areas in both Mississippi and Louisiana. He is on his way to Mississippi this morning. He has 12 missionaries with him and is leading a caravan loaded with supplies. Our 'Jesus is the Standard' RV is gassed up and waiting for them at the High Place.
Written by Donna Lippoldt
Dear Saints, I just received word from Pastor Mark. He and Martin are heading back from New Orleans. He likened this to going into battle. You have one plan and the plan changes. They had to adapt, and adapt they did. They listened to the Lord and He directed their path.
Here are some of the pictures from Mississippi and Louisiana as we share relief supplies and the Gospel of Christ. As you view these pictures please pray over those in need and the relief workers from OSA. We could not do it without your generous giving. Thank you!
Flip Benham with Brenda Spurlock
OSA has established an additional base 180 miles south of The High Place at Harahan, Louisiana. It's in the epicenter of the devastation wrought by hurricane Katrina and is convenient to Gulf Port and Biloxi. Vincent Bruno, head of Homeland Security in Kenner, LA, has a huge building that he's allowing us to use in Harahan at 1100 Hickory Ave. The building has electricity and running water but no cots, bring bed rolls.
Report from Flip
Written September 5, 2005
The media is lying to you about what's happening in New Orleans. They're showing you all these snarling faces. We were in the New Orleans area yesterday. The police let our seven vehicle caravan loaded with food and water pass with out a problem. We went to Kenner where Brother Bill Shank's church is. The mayor of Kenner was on TV the night before. He said, “I'm not giving one penny to the Red Cross or FEMA ever again! We need help and there is not any help.” When he made that statement on TV, Bro. Bill told me, “We've got to go!”
By Chet Gallagher
Written September 5, 2005
“Please contact me. I have a home.”
We already have a team of ministry volunteers working with Katrina victims in Mississippi. The emergency goal is to feed and clothe them but our next responsibility is to provide homes for desperate families who will have nowhere to go once they are clothed and fed. This operation rescue ministry is called “Shepherd Family Ministry.” Operation Save America Director, Rev. Flip Benham said that our teams there would interview families (beginning today in Mississippi) who have lost everything they own. Remember the state and federal governments were unable to respond quickly. Will the church of Jesus do likewise? 1 million people have lost EVERYTHING … BUT You can rescue one family.
Flip Benham with Brenda Spurlock, Butch Berget, more
Written September 3, 2005
Christians eager to respond are requesting how best to help at this time. In several email conversations and a phone interview Flip and Butch give an update on Camp High Place and relief efforts going out from this staging area. Here is also a list of items needed and how they are being dispersed upon arrival. Other Christians are opening their homes and contact information on our part is provided. Please use this information as the Lord Jesus leads you to respond to those in need.
Flip Benham with Brenda Spurlock
Written September 3, 2005
At night my soul longs for Thee, indeed, my spirit within me seeks Thee diligently; for when the earth experiences Thy judgments the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness. (Is. 26:9)
The thought occurred to me that August 28, 2004 was the day we finished the Walk Across America. We made that walk to say that judgment was coming to America if we didn't repent, but that God wants to have mercy. Precisely one year ago we cut a swath right across America and everybody in our path heard. Judgment came exactly one year later in a ‘little' hurricane called Katrina.
Kristene O'Dell with Flip Benham
Posted September 2, 2005
10:40 am CST: Flip and Dave arrived at The High Place Campsite last night. The situation is not what was expected. Brother Bill's church is there. Most of them have lost everything. There are about 200 electricians that stay at the camp during the night. The community has been ravaged and there are refugees that have located in the surrounding areas. Flip is out today in the community to assess the situation and see where the supplies would benefit the most. Please keep them in your prayers as they share the love and graciousness of Jesus and bring the Lord's provision to those in need.
12:18 am CST: I spoke with Flip around 12:00pm CST. He said he had just got back to the campsite after assessing the situation in the surrounding area. He said the need is great. All those bringing supplies will be greatly appreciated. He is headed back out with more food and water and going a little south. They will use the campsite as their base and just take trucks and begin distributing. Keep them in your prayers.
Brenda Spurlock with Flip Benham
Written September 1, 2005
I spoke with Flip by mobile phone this morning. We're grateful for the opportunity to communicate because he's expecting to hit some dead zones later on where communication isn't possible. He and Dave Lackey were just outside of Meridian, MS at 11:30 am.
Angela Michael
Written September 1, 2005
Hurricane Katrina's path of death and destruction isn't enough as the death toll keeps mounting. "Planned Barrenhood" is enticing refugees with more death. Free abortions and birth-control are being offered by Planned Parenthood of Houston and Southeast Texas clinics to Louisiana's and Mississippi's displaced residents with proper identification.
Flip Benham
Posted August 31, 2005
We are standing on the precipice of the greatest opportunity the Church in America has been given to show that our God reigns and His name is Jesus!
Posted August 30, 2005
Butch Berget just called me and said that he has over 250 people at The High Place Campsite, in Florence, MS, with more coming in all the time. They have no electricity so Butch has already bought six generators. They are in desperate need of things like canned goods, bed sheets, cots, bed rolls, etc. All the stores in the area are cleaned out.
Posted August 30, 2005
Having been through this, I also know that relief efforts must be coordinated. It is the Church's job to do this. What is needed the most here is your funds. David and Flip will purchase supplies, in bulk, much more wisely than we could individually. Also please know that this will not be a short term fix. (Remember - in my neighborhood, one year later, I still have tar paper, not shingles, on my roof and many have no home to live in.) The Church of Jesus Christ must stand with our brothers and sisters in need