Blog Archives

Baptist News Global article on SBC Church Resolution to Abolish Abortion
Bill Ascol, pastor of Bethel Baptist Church in Owasso, Okla., advocates for a resolution on the abolition of abortion during the SBC annual meeting June 16 in Nashville, Tenn. (Baptist Press)
SBC calls for ‘immediate abolition of abortion…

Summary of the SBC Convention and Church Resolution to Abolish Abortion
This just in from Pastor Derin A Stidd, assistant director, Operation Rescue/Operation Save America:
Update on the Resolution to Abolish Abortion at the SBC annual meeting:
First the good news. The resolution itself passed with a fairly…

Brief Defy Tyrants Video on Pastor Tony Spell
Defy Tyrants put together this short video to alert the masses on the tyranny of the state and the stand of Pastor Tony Spell in the sacred cause of liberty.
Please spread far and wide. Your liberty is at stake.

Strike a Blow for Freedom Rally Message
This post is sent to give you an idea of the condition of the church and state. The state is doubling down on tyranny, while the church continues to slumber. We just returned…

Strike a Blow for Freedom Press Release
This is the national press release going out this Friday. Several men of God will be coming in to address this tyranny and stand with Pastor Tony Spell in the sacred cause of freedom.
Local pastors, Dale Sochia, Bill Shanks, plus, Pastor Matt…

Message Preached at the Abolish Abortion North Carolina Conference
This is the message preached at the Abolish Abortion North Carolina Conference just recently. If you find any merit, please pass it on in your sphere of influence. Thanks!