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2010 Bible Reading Schedule

2009 Bible Reading Schedule

2008 Bible Reading Schedule

2007 Bible Reading Schedule

9/11 - Will We Connect the Dots?

Abortion, Islam, and Homosexuality
What Do These Three Have in Common?

ABORTION - The Heart of our Nation is Changing

Abortion, Who is Most Responsible?

A Day of Infamy Lawrence vs. Texas

Are Christians Terrorists?

Baby Malachi
A History of a Little Boy
Though He's Dead He Still Speaks

Do Not Judge

Beware of So-called "Living Wills"!

BTK - Not the Only Serial Killer in Wichita, KS

Does God Still Judge the Nations?

Christ vs the World
All Religions Do Not Lead to God

Conservatism is Pretend Salt

Does God Still Judge the Nations?

"Do Not Judge"
Conversation Between Flip and North Meck Student

Ecclesiastical Court

Election 2008: What Are We To Do?

The Election is Over
Now Let's Go Fight the Battle

Emancipation Proclamation
"A Study in National Repentance"

The Faustian Wager
Incrementalism Part II

Fighting The Lie
Overcoming the Radical Homosexual Agenda

The Graphic Truth of Abortion

Would Jesus Carry Such Graphic Pictures?

Hillary Rodham Clinton Is God's Man

Homosexuality vs Christianity
Should We Build Bridges or Storm the Gates?

I Am Not Ashamed of the American Flag

The Lie From the Pit of Hell!

Incrementalism vs. God's Word
Where Do You Stand?

Michael Jackson
The Tragic Truth About Homosexuality

No King but Jesus!

Our Nation is Shifting Toward the Lie

Pleading the Case of the Fatherless to Win It

The Battle Between Two Seeds -
Passing the Torch to the Next Generation

Republican or Christian
Choose You This Day Whom You Will Serve

America is Dying!
The Salt has Lost Its Saltiness

Saving Terri Schiavo
What We must do to Save Terri and Others Like Her

Saul's Armor - The Failed Strategy of the Pro-life Movement

Signs and Judgments
Bill Clinton - The Nation
George Bush - The Church

Sing a Little Louder

The Great Divide in Our Nation

Abortion, Homosexuality, Islam
Three Different Gloves Same Fist

The Steel Girder Cross of the Twin Towers

Truth VS Reality
"The Tumbling Woman"

The Theft of Thanksgiving

The Way of the Cross


Why Do Our Conservative Friends Hate Mike?

Why Are All Terrorists Muslim?

Why Are Kids Killing Kids

Why Are Kids Killing Kids North Meck

Why We Don't Shoot Abortionists

Would Jesus Carry Such Graphic Pictures?