June 15, 2000 Operation Save America Minister Charged With Violating Federal Injunction For Praying In Public On April 21, 2000 Operation Save America, Buffalo sent this press release (click on link to read press release) to various news groups and churches in the Western New York area. As anyone can see the theme of Operation Save America on this "Good Friday " was the two thieves on their crosses. One was repentant the other was not. Each received their own reward for their actions. To the repentant thief Christ said: "Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise." To the unrepentant he replied not. The silence must have been deafening to him. Because of his blasphemy he had condemned himself. Like the repentant thief, a group of pro-life Christians gathered together on Good Friday across the street from 2500 Main Street to ask Christ to forgive us. We also asked forgiveness for the church, our nation, and those involved in shedding the innocent blood. On the other side of Christ, the abortion industry. Like the thief who mocked Jesus, the abortion industry also mocked the sacrifice Christ made for them. While the group of Christians led by Pastor Eric Johns worshiped and praised God, I was carrying a banner that quoted Proverbs 11:30a (The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life) and entered the forbidden prayer zone in front of the clinic where the killing was going on. I prayed asking forgiveness for myself, the Church of Christ, America and those inside the clinic. I also sang a song of praise (Our God is an Awesome God) and read aloud the scriptures. For this prayer, I was charged by Richard Arcara of violating the Temporary Restraining Order. Being fully aware of the consequences of the churches accepting the ruling from the Supreme Court that forbids prayer in our schools, I like many others failed to make a stand. Now I see the devastating consequences. I felt it was my Christian duty and obligation to respond to this new unjust attack upon our freedom to pray in public. The latest injunction forbids the peaceful assembly and freedom to pray or speak the Gospel truth on the public sidewalks. I knew it was absolutely necessary to make a stand similar to Daniel and others before and after him - refusing to bow to the idols of our day and continue to seek God through prayer (even though such activities were deemed illegal). "Operation Save America Buffalo" encourages all Christians to continue to preach the Gospel and pray just as the Saints before us did. Bob Behn