Mission Statement and Vision of Operation Save America
Mission Statement
OSA is a Christ-centered ministry, focused on rebuilding the spiritual foundations of our culture. We seek to both serve and awaken the church to her duties by strengthening families, equipping the church to engage the culture, and by mobilizing the church to effective political action.
Historical Christian orthodoxy affirms the Lordship of Christ over all spheres of life, hence a biblical worldview must govern all areas of both our private and public lives. As sound biblical teaching has waned in our pulpits, America has increasingly abandoned her Christian foundations resulting in our major institutions becoming godless and socially destructive.
The most visible and grievous example of this is the barbaric practice of abortion. The Church must confront this murderous industry and seek to rescue these helpless victims. OSA has been on the forefront of this fight for over 30 years and will continue to help lead the charge to end this holocaust and establish justice for the preborn.
Three Strategic Areas
- To fight this fight the church must be healthy and strong. At the heart of healthy churches are healthy families. At the heart of healthy families are clear biblical gender roles and distinctions. Strong godly men who embrace their roles as providers, protectors, and spiritual leaders. Strong godly women who embrace motherhood and their roles as nurturers within their families and society.
- Strong healthy churches are outreach churches, taking the Great Commission seriously. This involves preaching the gospel in the public squares of our communities; sound apologetics and communicating a rational defense of the gospel and a biblical worldview, refuting false ideas and unbiblical ethical systems. This also entails acts of service and mercy in broken communities and amongst the orphaned, widow and fatherless. Thus we equip, train, and lead Christians into battle in each of these areas.
- One of the most significant of these areas is that of civil government. Jesus is King of Kings. This is a political statement. He was crucified by earthly powers for confronting the corrupt civil authorities of his day. We must learn how to fight and win politically; how to get good men in office, how to run effective grassroots campaigns, and how to govern in a biblical and Constitutional manner. Corruption and injustice must be resisted, not pacified. We must train and mobilize the church to fight this battle effectively.
- Unite Christian organizations and ministries through service, humility, integrity and bold action, i.e. provide seasoned Christ-like leadership.
- Teach, train, and provide resources for Christians to influenece and impact all sphere’s of their local community
- Host regional events to facilitate networking, sound teaching, mobilization and outreach
- Equip and provide a platform for discipling the next generation, leading them into battle, and preparing them for leadership