BTK – Not the Only Serial Killer in Wichita Bill O'Reilly has never heard of mass murderer George Tiller? You have got to be kidding! Tiller has never met a baby he would not kill, baptize in the name of Jesus, and then burn to ashes in his own "on premises" crematorium. He is simply the single most notorious murderer in the United States of America. People from around the world come to kill their children in Tiller's abortion mill. "Tiller the Killer," the mad butcher of children in Wichita, is finally being exposed for what he really is. This is all taking place at the very same time Dennis Rader, aka the BTK (bind, torture, kill) Murderer, is being brought to justice in Wichita. Coincidence? Not in God's economy. These two men have much in common:
The one thing that we can find different between these two men is that BTK stopped killing in 1991. That is the same year that Christians from across America came to Wichita to lay their lives down in front of Tiller's abortion mill so that the slaughter of little baby boys and girls waiting to be born would stop. Over 2500 Christians were arrested during the tumultuous summer of 1991. The gates of hell in Wichita, KS were hemorrhaging as the Church of Jesus Christ allowed her theology to be biography in the streets. This was enough to stop BTK, but George Tiller continued on in his murderous spree. God is speaking to the saints in Wichita and, indeed, He is speaking to all of us in America . What is He saying ? "See how the faithful city has become a harlot! She was once full of justice; righteousness used to dwell in her - but now murderers!" Isaiah 1:21. Yes, our great country has become a nation of murderers. As we have shed blood in the womb, we are reaping a horrible harvest of bloodshed in our schools, workplaces, and streets. "...bloodshed follows bloodshed..." Hosea 4:2. If we sow blood in the womb, we will reap blood in the streets. Removing the BTK murderer from the streets of Wichita will not restore peace to that city. There will be others more ferocious than he. How do I know? "Do not be deceived; God cannot be mocked, a man reaps what he sows." Galatians 6:7. Until George Tiller and his ilk are brought to justice, and the shedding of innocent blood in the womb ceases, there will be an ever increasing harvest of bloodshed in Wichita and in America. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Reverend Flip Benham (980)722-4920 or Kristene O'Dell (972)240-9370. Below is an email from OSA – Wichita Dear Saints, All eyes are on Wichita once again. One serial killer is caught and one to go. Over a week ago we called for the intercessors of the city to meet with OSA on Friday night March 4th. God knew, what we did not know, about the timing of this meeting. We were following the leading of the Holy Spirit. This was before BTK was captured. This was before Phil Kline's investigation went public and nation wide. Last night Phil was on Bill O'Reilly talking about George Tiller doing abortions without reporting underage girls, and the possibility of doing illegal abortions on late terms. I want you to understand that our former governor Bill Graves vetoed the law that a woman over 24 weeks pregnant could only have an abortion if it was a danger to her health, i.e.. bodily function. He and the Attorney General at the time, Carla Stovall, rewrote the law to include "mental health." Of course you know you can drive a mack truck through that one. The current governor, Kathleen Sebelius, is pro abortion to the max and has done everything she can, including stripping funds from the A.G. office to a minimum, to deem him ineffective. However, OUR GOD IS MIGHTY and Phil Kline is in this office for such a time as this. Don't forget Bryan Brown is now the Deputy A.G. of the state of Kansas. I could hardly believe my ears last night when Bill O'Reilly said he didn't know about George TIller before. Praise God, the world will watch and see. Please pray as we meet with the intercessors of the city Friday night. We have much to share with them, and God has already been speaking to them. There is another serial killer that needs to be brought down. Lord Bless,