Operation Exposing the truth of abortion – Eph 5:11 Planned Parenthood Expelled from Colorado Springs Public Schools In a campaign that began less than six months ago to expose the pro-sex, anti-parental involvement lies which characterize the foundation of Planned Parenthood, a few dedicated Christians were able to build the momentum needed to oust the organization from the public school system in Colorado Springs. In October of 2004, Mike Gamble, a concerned citizen who lives in Colorado Springs, was fed up with what he had learned about Planned Parenthood and their widely accepted sex education classes which have been taught in the public schools over the past 30 years. He decided to do something about it. Enlisting the help of Ken and Jo Scott, leaders of the pro-life action group Denver Pro-Life Alliance, they mounted a campaign against Planned Parenthood which exposed them for who they really are: the largest abortion provider in the world with a history steeped in racism. Using federal laws which mandate the disclosure of the use of public funds to anyone who requests the information, Mike was able to discover when and where Planned Parenthood was teaching, and who invited them. Armed with this information, a contingent of activists joined him for a graphic display of the horrors of abortion outside of three different High Schools where the abortion provider was for those days. This caused parents and teachers alike to get involved, while newspapers were ablaze with editorials and letters to the editor on both sides of the issue. The group informed all the schools in Colorado Springs that every time Planned Parenthood was teaching, they would also be there with the display of large graphic signs. The strategy worked. The schools in Colorado Springs voluntarily decided not invite Planned Parenthood into their classrooms, even though the school board voted to allow Planned Parenthood to continue teaching sex education. Not only is this a victory for Christians in CO Springs and throughout the nation, but a testimony to the effective-ness of displaying the graphic truth of abortion to a country that would rather look the other way. CONTACT: Mike Gamble 719.266.8686