Terri Schiavo – God's Wake Up Call to America At 3:00 EST, the feeding and hydration tubes were removed from Terri Schiavo. This is indeed a shocking turn of events since Judge Greer had to ignore a subpoena from the Congress of the United States of America. “This day will be a bench mark in the face off between the culture of death and the culture of life. A line has been drawn. The die has been cast. And the day has come where we must choose – life or death,” said Reverend Flip Benham, Director, Operation Rescue/Operation Save America. “I am thankful for our rich Biblical heritage that when death came to the door, and the tyrants of the age shouted their threats, there were those who took them on in the name of Jesus. Terri Schiavo is God's gift to us. We are not God's gift to her. Her plight has been brought to the forefront so that we might take care of her. It has been said that the measure of a nation is how we take care of those at the dawn of life (newborns), those at the twilight of life (the elderly), and those in the shadows of life (the sick and the handicapped) – those like Terri Schiavo. We need to be a people who are not only vexed in our souls by the injustice we see in our time, but a people who know we have been born for such a time as this. We must love Terri with more than just our words. We must act on her behalf. “If it is inevitable that Terri must die, it is imperative that she not die alone.” We will be coming to Florida to do exactly what Jesus would do – to bring her food and water. For More Information: Kristene O'Dell (972) 240-9370