September 29, 2005 Government Money Corrupts Us “When government money enters into the picture of the hurricane relief efforts, you can bet that corruption is not far behind,” said Rev. Flip Benham, National Director of Operation Save America. “The work we Christians do, we do in the Name of Jesus. We don't expect repayment. We have freely received from Him and therefore we freely give.” “Government money, however, corrupts! And large amounts of government money corrupts absolutely! When the state begins to finance the church, the church becomes beholden to the state. No longer will she exercise her sworn duty to be the moral compass for the government. She will sink into sheepish docility and become a lapdog and rubber stamp in the hands of the government.” “The purity and selflessness we have seen as the Church of Jesus Christ has run to the roar of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita has been nothing less than magnificent. God's church has been the first responder. Those who are there know this to be true. The church was there to meet the physical and spiritual needs of those ravaged by these twin disasters, but soon she will be overwhelmed by the ooze of governmental slime (cash).” “For those of us who have been in this relief battle from the very beginning, no money from the government is desired, and no money is required. Our thanks remains in heaven, and often passes through the lips of so many of those that we have been able to help. What we do, we do in the strong Name of Jesus. He freely gave all for us, and this is simply our way of saying, “Thank you!” to Him. To attempt to pay us for what was freely and graciously given to us by Jesus is an insult both to us and to Him. It would be nothing less than accepting a bribe.” The Bride of Christ must never be bribed by tasting the forbidden fruit of the government dole. “Our dependence and trust is in God alone. He is our provider, we need no other. It is God Himself who is reaching out to touch people in this national calamity through His church. It isn't FEMA. It isn't the Red Cross. They cannot save us – oh, they tried to fill that role, but they found that the disaster was simply too big. Perhaps God planned it that way to show us where our real salvation rests – it rests in Him alone. A point to ponder: God has more disaster than our federal government has relief! For more Information: Rev. Flip Benham (980) 722-4920