14 October 2005 City of Concord to Suppress Free Speech of National Christian Group The City of Concord, North Carolina has announced that it has revoked the previously issued permit to Operation Save America for its planned Gospel proclamation this weekend. Criminal charges and arrests have been threatened if the group preaches the Gospel and tests the legality of this reversal. Overturning its previously issued policy, the city has for the first time restricted the free speech of local Christians desiring to proclaim Christ. Pastor Flip Benham, National Director of the organization, stated, “We have jumped through every hoop the city of Concord has set before us. We have applied for and received the appropriate documents. This arbitrary decision is dead wrong! The City of Concord has violated the Law of God and the Constitution of the United States of America.” Concord, North Carolina, has revoked all permits to preach or teach in Jesus' Name. “This will not stand!” said Benham. “ For Christians to be locked up for meeting on a public sidewalk anywhere in America is criminal.”
Since the late 1980's, Operation Save America, previously known as Operation Rescue, has tested the constitutionality of such free speech restrictions in its stated goal of proclaiming the Gospel of Christ and overturning Roe v. Wade.