“Charlotte Pride” Pushed back into the Closet “Charlotte Pride,” that horrific abomination where homosexual perversion is paraded publicly in Marshall Park in Downtown Charlotte every spring, is finished! Thank God! - Rev Flip Benham, Operation Save America, formerly known as Operation Rescue. No more open displays of obscenity with photos of males in full frontal nudity. No more vendor booths selling S&M merchandise. No more sound stage with transvestite dancers simulating sodomy with children. No more vile and threatening comments made toward children by homosexual comedians. Marshall Park will be free this year from the vile assaults of the homosexual community. We pray that God will push the radical homosexual agenda – not just back into the closet – but all the way into its lying, murderous grave, and leave no marker for it. We pray that what happened here will provide a bright ray of hope for gentle Christians who are battling the radical homosexual agenda and “Gay Pride Events,” in their own cities. We pray that many who are lost in the bondage of homosexual lust and sin will be set free by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. How did this happen? Gentle Christians took the battle to the streets. For the past four years we have been bringing King Jesus to “Charlotte Pride, ” the very gates of hell! We have found that the gates of hell cannot prevail against the Church of Jesus Christ! As the Church has come out of the closet, the homosexual community has returned to the closet. Light and darkness cannot coexist. Life and death are not compatible – the beginning of one is the end of the other. Christianity and homosexuality are sworn enemies – one brings life, the other brings death. What: Press Conference Where: Marshall Park, Downtown Charlotte - Davidson and Third When: Monday, March 27, 2006, 11:30 AM Contact: Rev. Flip Benham (980) 722-4920 Charlotterighteous.org