May 19, 2006 Birmingham, AL – Why Abortion Mills are Closing! All glory be to God! Summit Medical Center, the abortuary that has been killing children in Birmingham, Alabama for the past 24 years, has been shut down for good. That's right! The Alabama State Health Department walked into the doors of Summit Medical Center at 11:00am, Wednesday morning, May 17, 2006, and closed the doors of this horrific business forever. A faithful sidewalk counselor at Summit for the past 14 years saw the Alabama State Health Department arrive in a white van. Two department officials entered the building and, in a few short minutes, all the clientele began to leave. The counselor was told by the security guard, “This will be very good news for you. The Health Department is closing this place down!” Here's the story: In February, 2006, a young lady had come to Summit Medical Center for an abortion. A sonogram was administered by a non-physician (against Alabama State Law) and she was told she was 6 weeks pregnant. In reality she was 8 months along. She was then administered the lethal drug, RU 486 by a non-physician (against Alabama State Law). RU 486 is known to have caused the deaths of at least 7 women since the FDA approved it. Six days later this woman was rushed to a hospital emergency room in Birmingham, and there delivered a dead 6 lb. 4 oz. baby. The Health Department was notified of this incredible horror. Six weeks later on May 17, 2006, Summit Medical Center was shut up tighter than a drum. Summit Medical Center was the focus of our National Event during Holy Week in April 1994. Through the faithful witness of the Birmingham sidewalk counselors, thousands of babies have been saved, and today the city of Birmingham is almost abortion free. Our God is an Awesome God! Operation Rescue arrived in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1994. There were five free-standing abortion mills in the city. Today, there is only one – Planned Parenthood. Abortionists Tucker, Lucero, and Robinson are all gone. Dozens upon dozens of employees have left Summit Medical Center to go into other work. Twenty-two of the abortion mill employees that we know of have given their hearts to Christ. How did this happen? The powerful and persistent witness of the sidewalk counselors over the past twenty years has won them a hard earned respect from abortion industry employees. The theology of the church house became biography in the streets. Political initiatives are not what brought down the Goliath of abortion in Birmingham. God used gentle Christians living out their faith in the streets. When Christians show up at the gates of hell, God shows up and does exceedingly, abundantly, above all we can ask or imagine. – Reverend Flip Benham FOR MORE INFORMATION: Flip Benham – 980-722-4920