On the Rule of Law regarding the intentional killing of innocent people, My commitment to God's prohibition of murder means that:
Signature : _____________________________ Date: ___________ Print Name _________________________________________________ City: _________________________________State:__________________ Phone:_______________________ Background: Forty years and fifty-million victims since Colorado became the first state to legalize the killing of the innocent, this 40/50/1 Commitment comes from Colorado Right to Life, in an effort to correct our own failure. Our state has failed America. And our pro-life community has failed God, because for political reasons we have so often compromised on Thou Shall Not Murder that today we have difficulty discerning right from wrong. Many in America's pro-life community have become legal positivists, defending our officials, laws, and rulings that intentionally kill the innocent, as long as they comply with our legal process. Sixty years ago at Nuremberg, America prosecuted German judges who had personally opposed the holocaust, but nevertheless upheld and complied with laws to intentionally kill the innocent; today, our Christian pro-life community holds up such officials as the hope and heroes of the pro-life movement, demonstrating our own slide into moral relativism. We have lost the moral high ground, and now watch the suicide, euthanasia and even child euthanasia movements gain ground. We must never again become accessories in the regulation of killing the innocent in the false hope that we thereby move toward victory. When those who fear God will compromise on murder for political gain, the world becomes increasingly dangerous for children and the vulnerable. Please register your commitment online, by mail, or by phone at the contact information below and see our website for more information and for a list of signatories including pro-life organizations and leaders, and the number of private individuals, listed by city and state, who have signed this pledge. ColoradoRightToLife.org ? 2050 S Oneida St. #116 ? Denver CO 80224 303.753.9394 ? 303.753.9341(fax) www.coloradorighttolife.org