God is Going Back to School HARDING HIGH SCHOOL, Bridgeport, CT - Friday Sept. 22, 2006 The angels in Heaven were rejoicing! This was an awesome outreach. Each student had to go in through these front doors. We had access to about two thousand kids in forty-five minutes time. We were able to dialogue and pass out thousands of pieces of literature and Bibles as we continue OSA's national campaign: GOD IS GOING BACK TO SCHOOL. At lease fifteen saints got up even earlier than normal to go to the school at 7 am to reach the students for the cause of Christ. Father De Mayo and Pastor Miller joined us as local clergymen. We gave out a case (200 pieces) of LOVEMATTERS.COM newspapers on abstinence and abortion. We gave out two cases of Bibles and hundreds of tracts. We were also blessed to give out a bag of colorful Scripture wristbands that have www.PrideandPeace.com to unlock the secret code. Even little four-year old Daniel was passing out stuff. We gave out everything we brought, not one thing was left. Please pray the anointing on the literature. Lots of the kids were hanging around outside until it was time to go in. They were interested in what was going on and looking at all the posters. They could not believe the horrible pictures of aborted babies. We know what they were talking about in school that day. The school security police wanted us to go across the street, but I told him it was public sidewalk and that we had talked to someone earlier at the Police Dept. After he called in he found out it was fine. This school is known to be one of the worst schools in the city. They have had many fights with gangs, etc. It is right in the middle of the hood. We found it to be the opposite, it was one of the best school outreaches we have had. Thanks be to God. There was not one problem as we talked to the students about Jesus and the truth of abortion. The kids were polite and receptive. Some Christian kids told us how happy they were that we were there. Three boys told me they had tried to stand against abortion but other kids told them to shut up. Most students wanted everything we had to offer them. Even the bus drivers were asking for the literature. The students could see that we really cared about them. One girl stayed with Dave Lackey to help him the whole time. She was a Christian young lady that needed encouragement and Dave said his trip here from Alabama was worth it just to minister to her sweet spirit. |