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Roe Memorial – Bridgeport & New Haven, CT

Roe Memorial – Bridgeport & New Haven, CT
January 26-27, 2007
Marilyn Carroll 


We were blessed to have fifty lifesavers including eight clergymen on the streets Friday in Bridgeport. In the picture is Pastor Miller, Pastor Flip, Fr Francis, Fr DeMayo, Fr Markey and Pastor Les Young. Pastor Greco and Pastor Pedro were also on the scene. It was indeed the coldest day of the season so far. Whenever we have a Roe Memorial Event in Bridgeport you can count on the frigid weather!  The police were there (Officer Luna). We had a morning full of praying, preaching and singing unto the Lord. It was sad as we remembered approximately fifty million babies killed by abortion since 1973. It was sad as we witnessed more babies sentenced to die this day. From what we saw:


At Planned Parenthood in New Haven we had a smaller group of 15 prayer warriors. About ten women went in for abortions and two turned away there too. A Yale security van dropped off a young lady. It must be a taxi service for Yale students to Planned Parenthood? We were able to talk to some moms and give out some literature. We even had a "pro-life dog" come out in the freezing cold to stand with us against the killing of children. Animals take better care of their young than many humans do.

Pastor Flip spoke at two services on Sunday at Calvary Life Christian Church in Cheshire . The messages were truly anointed of God and well received.  One young man came up after and was heart broken that his girlfriend was planning to get an abortion. He plans to give her a DVD and literature we supplied so PLEASE PRAY THAT THIS MOM WILL NOT KILL HER BABY. Her name is Denise. The weekend went well.

If you want to read through the Bible with us the schedule is listed on the national website at www.operationsaveamerica.org Just click on the Sword of the Spirit on the left column. In today's readings God gave the 10 Commandments in Exodus 20.

1.) I am the Lord your God, do not worship other gods beside me.
2.) Do not make idols of any kind or shape or bow before them.
3.) Do not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
4.) Remember to observe the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy.
5.) Honor your Father and your Mother.
6.) Do not murder.
7.) Do not commit adultery.
8.) Do not steal.
9.) Do not testify falsely against your neighbor.
10.) Do not covet your neighbor's goods.

Then as we read Matthew 19:16 and on, Jesus is speaking to the rich young man. Jesus tells him he can receive eternal life if he keeps the commandments. Jesus also tells him that if he wants to be perfect (mature) to go sell all he has and give it to the poor, then he will have treasure in Heaven. Then he can follow Jesus. But the young rich man heard this and left because he had many possessions. Jesus told His disciples "It is very hard for a rich person to get into the Kingdom of Heaven -- it is easier for a camel to do through the eye of a needle." They wondered - then who can be saved?  Jesus told them humanly it is impossible, but with God all things are possible!

So please join us out on the streets as we preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to the lost and needy. We reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. We try to persuade Moms not to kill their precious little babies. We plan to be there until the killing stops. If not us, then who? If not now, then when?