Dear Saints, The following report from Pastor Mark is incredible for the Lord. I don't know any group of Christians who have the courage to spread the gospel at the schools, and still take on the issues of our day. The Lord can use the natural tendency of teens to debate as they are formulating their "world view." I'm so proud of the Christians who are taking the time to make a difference in the minds and hearts of strangers to us, but not strangers to God. Thank you Pastor Mark for leading God's Going Back to School this year. Praise the Lord for the salvation of 2. All of heaven is rejoicing and we rejoice with the Lord and give Him all the glory and praise due His Name. Donna Lippoldt God is Going Back to School Report. We finished our first week last week at West High. We passed out flyers/tracts to approximately. 375 students per day. Except for Wednesday we had 10-15 people per day. Monday -salvation, Tuesday- creation vs. evolution, Wednesday - homosexuality/Islam, Thursday- abstinence/abortion, Friday-salvation invite to youth rally/concert. One day we had a teacher come out to us with about 10 or so of our flyers that students had discarded in the school and gave them back to us and thanked us for being there. On Friday the principal came out to speak with us somewhat disgruntled, said some parents said that we 'forced' them to take our flyers...don't even know how we would exactly do that, but the security guard was there and I asked him if he had been observing us. He said yes, then I asked him if he saw us 'force' anyone; he was speechless I think due to the fact that he was in front of his boss the principal. The principal said he called around to other high schools to see if we had been there. They all said no and he wanted to know why he 'was special.' I told him because he had earlier in the year told one of our youth church members that she couldn't wear her Christian T-shirt. Then he said, "I knew I recognized your name!" and that, he “didn't want to get into all that." At the Friday evening rally we had around 50, most from S1 but had 4 from West and 2 of them responded to the altar call. Please note the following dates: GOD'S GOING BACK TO SCHOOL Rev. Robert Behn from Buffalo, New York May 16th-Trial for Rescue Team in Blue Building May 22nd- 10:30 a.m. Spirit One Christian Center May 25th- Sidewalk Counseling Training-7 p.m. Please don't forget to mark your calendar for July 16th-23rd in Denver, Colorado For the National Event. Kansas is the closest state with a vital OSA, let's be well represented. Go to the national web site www.operationsaveamerica.org for more information. You are a blessing and the lifeblood of this ministry, we appreciate your prayers and financial support.