Thank God! Before our very eyes we are witnessing God Himself put an end to the public abomination of homosexual sodomy in the city of Charlotte, North Carolina . Simple Christians living out their faith in the streets of Charlotte are having a powerful impact on the radical homosexual agenda in this city. Public displays of transvestite sex with kids, man on man, woman on woman, and man on beast, are being forced back into the closet by the Church of Jesus Christ in Charlotte. Our prayer is that those lost in the bondage of homosexual lust will be set free by the Gospel of Christ so that they will no longer have to hide in closets practicing vile and filthy sexual perversions. God doesn't want them there. He desires that they be free to be who He created them to be. This is true freedom! For information on Charlotte Pride's internal problems see http://www.q-notes.com/top2007/top02_012707.html