On the last Saturday of January, tragedy struck again in Charlotte, North Carolina, at the notorious “Preferred Women's Health” abortion mill. The morning began with prayer and intercession. The Spirit of the Lord moved mightily among those who came to stand for life. Gentle warriors from F.I.R.E. School of Ministry and Operation Save America took their positions at the gates of hell to proclaim the Gospel of Christ and give mothers considering abortion a real choice. Three women this day had already changed their minds and chose life for their unborn children. The power of God was evident! There was a sense of urgency in the air, and before we knew it, a fire truck and an ambulance arrived on the scene. These are always telling signs that an abortion has been botched. Seeing emergency vehicles at “Preferred Women's Health” is not at all unusual. Due to the presence of the emergency people and vehicles, four more women chose not to have abortions, hopefully forever, but at least for that day! A woman who had an abortion over 20 years ago and had been damaged beyond repair during that abortion happened to be with us. Seeing the emergency vehicles, police, and medical staff, brought back so many memories that she ran into the building begging women to come out. She wanted them to know that her story, which had happened so long ago, was actually coming to pass again this day. Of course that brought more police officers. When they brought the woman out on a stretcher, she looked pale and unresponsive. We were told by a health professional that someone who has lost a lot of blood would look like this woman. So much for the “safe care” one receives at an abortion mill. Thankfully, one more woman towards the end of this ordeal also changed her mind and came out of that place! Since the first of the year we have had 20 women change their minds and choose life for their children. There have been many turn-aways, which we do not count as saves. Several have given their hearts to Christ. Not bad for a little band of Christians desiring that all praise and honor goes to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is amazing what God can do through us if we will just show-up at the gates of hell. There have been several documented tragedies at this abortion mill. One wonders how they could possibly still be allowed to open their doors for business. Then we remember that the abortion industry has garnered for itself “most favored business” status in America. Not even the Health Department or the IRS dares to touch them. As a matter of fact, this abortion mill is known by the hospitals in the Charlotte area as the most dangerous place for a young person to seek medical attention. Hospital personnel are routinely disgusted and shocked by the horrible conditions that the patients are in as they arrive. Just recently a young Hispanic woman was brought in to a local hospital. Her blood pressure when she arrived was 50/30. She was found in a pool of her own blood on a dirty floor at “Preferred Women's Health.” She spent two days on a respirator and thankfully pulled through. She was allowed to almost bleed to death before the butchers at that place finally called for help. This occurred the last week of January 2007. Prior to this, we found out that the 15 year old daughter of a prominent District Attorney arrived at the emergency room with her intestines outside of her body. This young girl had to have part of her intestines and her uterus removed. She will never be able to have children. A few months ago, one of our gentle Christian warriors found a woman on the floor of the bathroom at the McDonald's (just up the street from the abortion mill) lying in a pool of her own blood. She was rushed to the hospital. F.I.R.E. students arrived at the hospital shortly after and were told that it took hours to stabilize this woman. Apparently the man who had brought her for the abortion at “Preferred Women's Health” was waiting for her to use the bathroom and was unaware that she was unconscious on the floor. Thank God that she was discovered by a Christian woman who knew what this lady had just done, and knew what an emergency it was. “Preferred Women's Health” is not only killing hundreds of babies each and every month - it is mutilating many, many women. We believe that it is just a matter of time before their neglect, reckless disregard for life, and lust for money leads to the death of a young mother.