2000 Articles
the Life of the Mother is Not a Valid Exception for Abortion
By Douglas W. Phillips, Esq.
January 5, 2000
What to do? Susie is aware of only three options. Option One: She could
simply pray, trust God and accept the very real possibility that both
she and her son will die; Option Two: She could sacrifice her own life
and leave her son with the necessary provisions for his own survival;
or, Option Three: She could kill her son, leaving her with the necessary
food and water to make it to safety. This last option is the most ominous,
but the one Susie feels obligated to carefully consider.
Abortion Die
By Rusty Thomas
December 27, 2000
Let abortion die, its covenant with Hell annulled.
May history condemn it, the present reject it, and the future be appalled.
No memorial, no gravemarker, no inscription to recite,
No burial, no honors, just death to this blight.
Regarding the Integrity of St. Elizabeth's Hospital
December 20, 2000
If the hospital is trying to get things straight now, I say that would
be great - praise God. Let's clean house of all involved in any lies and/or
deceitful practices first. Let's get the keys for the crises pregnancy
center immediately, let's try implementing a practice of full disclosure
to the patients of Dr. Shah, let's take away any special parking privileges
and office space for Doctor Shah (since they are not required for a doctor
on staff), let's have daily prayer out in front of the clinic (on
the same side of the road as the clinic, there is a sidewalk there), let's
give the counselors full access to any and all facilities and supplies
at the crisis pregnancy center (including sonogram, pregnancy tests, etc.).
In short, let's drive the point home to Dr.
Shah that the hospital is Catholic and yes, very pro-life - let's not
just use lip service.
Nation is Shifting Toward the Lie
December 18, 2000
The pluralists felt that evolution should be taught side by side with
creation. It certainly seemed fair. "Can't we all just get along?"
"For the sake of unity can't we find some common ground?"
Little did they understand that one worldview would not tolerate the other.
Little did they know that they were being used by the devil himself in
the battle between two seeds. Little did they know that they were involved
in a war of eternal proportions that has ravaged generations throughout
the pages of history. What was done in the Scopes trial of 1925, paved
the way for the Supreme Court ruling on January 22, 1973 whereby a mother
can, simply because she chooses to, kill her unborn baby.
"dubia" ["W"]Should Do
December 18, 2000
Do you think for one moment that he [Clinton] was concerned about how
signing these Executive Orders would affect his presidency and his ability
to govern a deeply divided nation? More than half the people voted against
him. He had no national mandate, yet this fact did not hinder him at all.
He wasn't looking for bipartisan support and the media didn't demand it
of him either. Mr. Clinton understood the battle better than we do. He
knew to whom he was beholden and he repaid them quickly and well. The
demons in hell rejoiced and innocent blood flowed.
Tale of Two Blobs
December 18, 2000
Long ago this church became enslaved to Democratic "giveaways" and programs
that would benefit the black community's pocketbook. The bride of Christ
has been bribed. It voted in lockstep for Mr. Gore to the total abandonment
of the principles in God's Word...Look at those who voted for Bush. Ten
percent of them were political ideologues also. Most of this ten percent
were born-again, radical, socially concerned Christians. The other ninety
percent were those who voted for their pocketbooks. They desire government
to get off their backs and tax them less. This large glut of oozing ignorance
has but one thought in mind before the ballot is cast - itself. To this
large blob, as with the Democratic Party, it is the economy, stupid!
of Rachel's Park
December 8, 2000
The Lord laid on my heart a vision of creating a memorial to the unborn
called Rachel's Park, based upon the Scripture in Jeremiah 31 where
Rachel is weeping for her children who were no more (Jeremiah 31:15).
When I approached my pastor, John Wachsmann, about the idea, we agreed
that it should be a permanent site, one right there on the same property
where months earlier we had heard the cries. Of course, at the time I
never made the connection between the cry of the hurting baby and our
proposed permanent site for Rachel's Park.
for Rachel's Park
December 8, 2000
"Welcome to Rachel's Park. A Cemetery of the Innocents and a Memorial
to the Unborn." The pathway will continue, and on both sides of the pathway,
2000 little white crosses will be permanently planted. These 4000 little
crosses will testify of the horrible truth that 4000 little image-bearers
of Jesus Christ die every single day in America. The area of the crosses
will be fenced in with a sign on each side that reads, "This is hallowed
sacred ground. It is designed to restore the dignity, the humanity and
personhood of the unborn that this nation has denied. Treat this site
with all due respect."
Christian Mandate to End the Murder of the Innocent
December 5, 2000
There can never be national repentance until there is first repentance
in the Church of Jesus Christ. We evangelicals have been busy pointing
our crooked little fingers at everybody else - the wicked abortionist,
Planned Parenthood, the Supreme Court, et al. - but we have failed to
point our finger in the right direction. It is us - God's church. That's
right! How can we call a nation to repentance while overlooking our own
sin - our silence and cover-up of the shedding of innocent blood?
Great Divide in Our Nation
December 5, 2000
Our nation is not divided over geography, gender, race, or ethnicity.
Though the most recent exit polls of our presidential election clearly
indicate that these differences do exist, they are not what divide us.
Americans Reaping What They Have Sown?
By Bob Behn
November 13, 2000
It is almost comical if it wasn't so sad to watch the upheaval in Florida
over the presidential election and vote count. One can see the Republican
Party and their supporters getting what the pro-life movement has been
receiving for the last 20 years. All the lies, court battles and the never
ending lust for blood money has descended upon the citizens of America
in the guise of, "We just want the voter to have the right to vote."
Creek Loses a Family Concerning Hybel's Interview with Clinton
Letter from Chris Church
October 29, 2000
This has been a troubling and painful month. We are leaving a group of
people we love and a place where we have served and been served. We would
never leave over a single issue but I believe your actions reveal deep
value problems and we cannot support those values.
Theft of Thanksgiving
by Rev. Flip Benham
November 1, 2000
Thanksgiving, more than any other American holiday, points us directly
to Christ and His providential hand in our national history. It points
to the fact that this was a nation founded by Christians. It points to
the fact that our governmental system was built upon biblical principles.
It points to the fact that the inalienable rights of men such as life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness were given by God and not by governments.
vs. Christianity
New version
by Rev. Flip Benham
September 29, 2000
This is what inevitably happens when one attempts to "build bridges" into
the enemy's camp. The purity of the Gospel message becomes muddied. Rather
than allowing God's Word to stand on its own in the condemnation of sin,
we attempt to soften the message to make it more palatable to those it
is supposed to convict. In an effort to be nicer than Jesus, we strip
the Word of God of its convicting power to turn men from sin, and we allow
them to wallow in it, "loving" them all the way to eternal damnation.
We call this love, but God calls it hate!
at Willow Creek
September 1, 2000
For more than an hour Mr. Hybels questioned President Clinton about his
faith, his conversion, his failure, and subsequent recovery from some
"mistakes." The 5,000 pastors, and thousands more who were viewing the
interview on closed circuit TV, gave Mr. Clinton a standing ovation when
the interview was over. Never once did Mr. Clinton mention his sin - only
some "mistakes." Never once was he asked about the other "mistakes" he
has admitted to in court but never confessed or repented of. Never once
was he confronted concerning his unflagging support for the killing of
millions of children in their mother's womb. Never once was he questioned
about his adamant support for the radical homosexual agenda. No, he was
simply affirmed in his "Christian walk" and reminded that he was a great
president. What a travesty!
is Pretend Salt
by Rev. Flip Benham
Updated September 29, 2000
Conservatism looks like salt, talks like salt, acts like salt, seeks the
vote and friendship of salt, yet, when the test of taste comes, it is
revealed for what it really is -- a tasteless enabler of perdition!
of the President
by Rev. Flip Benham
Updated September 29, 2000
"The kisses of an enemy may be profuse, but faithful are the wounds
of a friend." (Prov. 27:6). Rather than kissing this President and
betraying him, we need to become his friends and love him as Jesus does.
Most of us are hesitant to do this because what Jesus did in loving others
seems so unloving. He loved enough to wound even his own disciples with
the horror of their own sin.
Owner Indicted for Extortion
June 15, 2000
By Rick Cundiff, Ocala Star-Banner
and Spielvogel now are subject to arrest if they do not turn themselves
in to federal officials, U.S. District Court spokesman Steve Cole said
late Wednesday. Once in custody, they will be subject to a bond hearing
before a federal magistrate, Cole added.
Cost of Muzzling Speech
By Joseph Farah, WorldNetDaily
while all this was going on, the activists who tried to warn his patients
of the dangers they faced were being ordered by a court to take their
peaceful sidewalk counseling further and further away from the clinic
-- effectively denying patients information about the potential horrors
awaiting them at the hands of Dr. Steir. In 1989, the clinic succeeded
in getting Judge James T. Ford to ban their counseling: From a 51-foot
section of public sidewalk. Two years later, the same judge granted a
permanent injunction against the counseling and imposed a $99,100 fine
on the pro-lifers, three of whom hadn't been to the clinic since the first
By Brittany Graham, Age 10
We may know abortion is wrong, but there are many who dont. What
does God say we should do? "Rescue those being led away to death; hold
back those staggering toward slaughter.... (Proverbs 24:11 -12)
Won't Reopen Carhart Fire Probe
by David Hendee and Judith Nygren
Donlan and the other anti-abortion representatives asked the state to
file criminal charges against Carhart if he has been withholding evidence.
If evidence doesn't exist, Carhart should be held accountable for slandering
abortion opponents and implying that fire investigators failed to do their
job, the group wrote Wednesday in its letter to the state.
House Seeks to Join Carhart Case
by the Associated Press
The court has not yet said whether it will let the administration participate
in the argument, but in a friend-of-the-court brief made public Thursday
government lawyers called the Nebraska law "unconstitutional for three
Says He Has No Conflict in Carhart Case
by Deborah Alexander
Federal law allows those who provide fetal tissue to recover their costs,
but they are not to receive other compensation. Blank says the arrangement
between the Medical Center and Carhart violates federal statutes.
Wrong With this Picture?
by Patte Smith
Tatoo parlors in Orlando and around the state just have to make sure putting
a permanent mark on a kid's body is ok with the parents. Seems reasonable.
They might get an infection or something, right? Abortionists here in
Orlando don't have to make sure of any such thing.
Pa#0000FFrts for Sale
by Rusty Thomas
Finally, the 20/20 interview has done something that I thought I would
never live to see, an abortion advocate actually admit that something
was wrong in the abortion industry. Gloria Feldt, the President of Planned
Parenthood, actually said this practice was inappropriate.
Univeristy Continues...
February 29, 2000
A response from a Wash-U student to OSA's stand on birth-control for overpopulation.
by Rusty Thomas
For the most part, the Church in America appears to be paralyzed, like
a deer hypnotized by the headlights of an approaching Mac truck. One wonders
what it will take to move the Church from the playground to the battleground.
How long will we sit idle while good is becoming evil and evil, good?
When will we take the weapons of our warfare, which are not carnal and
pull down these lying strongholds of satanic deception? How long before
the Church wrests back from the wicked the virtues of Christianity that
must be centered in the Truth that will set the captive free, instead
of allowing this enemy to pervert them with his lies to kill, steal, and
Pray for Randall Terry
by Flip Benham
February 1, 2000
Therefore, it is with a profound sadness that I report to you that Randall
has separated from his wife and family, from his church, and from all
of us who have been running the race of faith with him. It is a self-chosen
of Articles in the year 1999
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