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God's Servants at the "Summit Women's Center" BPT
Reports from 1st Quarter Thirty prolifers , including four clergy (Pstr. Randy, Pstr. Miller, Fr. Smith, Pstr. Mike) came out to pray today in the windy cold weather. I thank God for my brothers and sisters that care enough about the lost and the needy to come out to rescue them from slaughter. From what I saw today: Ten moms came to
abort. The mom that changed her mind is 17 years old and 18 weeks pregnant. Please pray for her salvation, she wants to come to church Sunday on the van. She already has a little boy a year old. "For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins." Colossians 1:13 Our ministry in front of the abortion center is the last chance for life for so many unborn babies. We reach out to the moms with the simple message of God's love by offering help. Because Christians are there, babies are saved. Hope to see you at the gates Friday morning 7a.m. as we reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. We ,the Church of Jesus Christ, will stand .... until the killing stops. For the Least of
These, March 22, 2002 Dear Saints, Today we had twenty-five lifesavers come out in snow and sub-zero wind chill to pray for little babies sentenced to die. Four clergy were present including Pastor Dave, Pastor Mike, Fr. Markey and Fr. Smith. We thank the Lord for these men of God that are willing to come out of their comfort zones and make a statement about righteousness in our community. To sin by silence when we should speak out makes cowards out of God's people. "Besides everything else, I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches " 2 Corinthians 11:28 There were eight escorts present, all the college students are on spring break. There was the regular armed guard at the door, and a police car parked in front across from street from 7-9 a.m. From what I saw: Nine moms came to
abort. I hope to see all my brothers and sisters at the very gates of hell where little boys and girls are torn apart limb by limb. These little babies are all created in the image and likeness of almighty God. God never makes a mistake, each life is precious and valuable. If the parents don't love their babies, we want the babies to know we love them and they do not die in secret. We are there to stand in the gap for them for them. We pray for mercy and grace that they would be spared and that their moms would have a change of heart. But for the ones that are aborted, we pray they won't feel the pain, and that they will wake up in the arms of our loving Lord, Jesus. We pray that they know we loved them enough to be there for them and plead for their lives. In the Battle for
Life, One Baby Saved Today, PTL! Thanks to sidewalk counselor Carmen Vazquez and others, a Portuguese couple changed their mind and did not even enter the killing center. We gave them resource information and a video to take home to watch all about abortion. PTL! Thirty prolifers came out to pray today at 211 Middle Street. Pastor Randy brought a group of students on the bus to stand in the gap for their peers and pray for the babies sentenced to die. Father Smith and Pastor Miller were also there to represent the clergy. There were about ten escorts and the armed guard was stationed at the door. There were three or four cop cars around the area from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. There was also a man in a green pickup truck taking photographs from the parking lot across the street. From what I saw: Eight moms went in
the mill. Sunday, Pastor Dave taught on judgment and mercy. (Micah 6:8) You cannot have one without the other. If the blood of just one innocent person brings judgment to a nation, what will become of America where all 50 states are covered in innocent blood knee deep? Daily their blood cries out to God for justice. God will not withhold judgment forever. We need to repent and beg for his mercy. Micah 6:8 He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. We cannot have mercy without justice. If you are going to love mercy, you have to act justly. Israel had a habit of murdering the prophets sent by God to warn them of their sin. Jesus pointed this out to the religious leaders of His day. In Matthew 23 he predicted the coming martyrdom of the Saints as well as His own death. Jesus announced the time for mercy was over. The innocent blood from the first murder of Abel up to when the prophet Zechariah was crying to God for their untimely deaths. The judgment of hell was upon them. Now, Christians, is the time to stand! For the Least of
These, "Who
will rise up for me against the wicked,? Who will take a stand for me
against the evildoers?" Psalm 94:16 Thirty prolifers came out to the streets today to rescue the innocent from slaughter (Proverbs 24:10-12). There were ten deathscorts to combat the efforts of sidewalk counselors trying to persuade moms not to have their children killed. Fr. Markey and Fr. Smith were there to represent the clergy. The abortionist (MAB) arrived at 9:40a.m. Donald and Jeff were on video most of the morning. THIRTEEN CAME TO
ABORT. There was a police car parked across the street. The officer got out and was walking up and down the street. He left at 8 a.m. Stacia and Barbro were there to pass out post abortion literature. Eight of the twelve took the info. We need to pray that these moms receive salvation. "Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free/" John 8:32 In the past twelve
years of activism we have seen: For the Least of
These, POLICE PRESENCE AT MILL It has become apparent that the police are back. For weeks they have been having cars parked on the streets and in the lot. Both marked and unmarked cars have been seen. It continues to amaze me that with all the crime in Bridgeport the police have nothing else to do but intimidate peaceful prolife Christians who come out to the streets to pray and distribute litertature. "And when He approached, He saw the city and wept over it saying, "If you had known in this day, even you, the things which make for peace! But now they have been hidden from our eyes. For the days shall come upon you when your enemies will throw up a bank before you, and surround you, hem you in on every side, and will level you to the ground and your children within you, and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not recognize the time of your visitation." Luke 19: 41-44
Today (Mar. 12) there were two hostile cops (#947 Laracuente & #129 O'Ravitz) at the door. When we approached them to introduce ourselves, like we normally do to all the police that come there, they would not talk to us or shake our hand. I thought police were supposed to be public servants and not take any sides ?? Romero, the armed guard, was also at the front door. Stacia and a friend were there to offer post abortion literature. She was there when the mom came out that changed her mind. PTL! We invite all of you to come out to share the gospel on the streets of Bridgeport. Jesus and his apostles did street ministry. We pattern ourselves after His example. In Acts the apostles went to the roadsides, town squares and marketplaces. If and when the mill moves to 3787 Main St. it will be a busier location. It is presently under reconstruction and should be done in 4-6 weeks. We need to pray that the Lord prepares us to minister to the lost and the needy in this new location. We can't hide within the security of the church walls and never engage in our culture. We must stop the apathy and indifference in the Church and repent of our complacency as we stir ourselves to action. As we turn back to God He will instill in us the passion and courage we need to fullfill the great commission. See you at the gates. In the Battle for
Life, Dear Saints, Thursday March 7, 2002 -morning Rev. Philip (Flip) Benham did chapel at Christian Heritage School in Trumbull. He taught at the junior and senior high school chapel classes. Chaplain Randy Matthews was most gracious to us. I thank God for his support for the street ministry at our local abortuary. The students were receptive to the messages and many came back at night for the rally. Thursday March 7, 2002 -evening Chaplain Matthews and CHS again hosted a youth event. FFO played the praise and worship. We thank God for them! Many teens and adults came out to this event. Rusty Thomas and Flip Benham both got to share the gospel with the youth. It was a great time of sharpening and challenging them in the Word and with their walk with God. Two teenage girls received salvation. PTL! Matthew 18:10 "See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you, that their angels in heaven continually behold the face of My Father who is in Heaven." Friday, March 8, 2002 - morning We had over 80 prolifers come out to pray at a vigil on 211 Middle St. where little baby boys and girls are killed. We had saints from Hudson Bay, NY, Texas, and upper Connecticut. There was praise and worship over a sound system run by Jamie. There were numerous police cars called to the sight where they again enforced misinterpreted laws on us. We abided by their unconstitutional demands (for this event) and we will let our lawyers take care of the rest since a federal court has already ruled against the city's mis-application of ordinances. Eight moms came in
to abort. Friday, March 8, 2002 - noon We were confronted with a group of Yale students with signs and can noisemakers. The whole scene was secured by Yale police. There weren't any problems. Flip and other prolifers tried to share the love of Christ with the lost. We went inside William Harkness Hall a bit after 12:30 p.m. for Flip's lecture. The room was packed. Flip shared the gospel and the truth about abortion, evolution, civil disobedience, and many other subjects. The pro-aborts were invited in with the help of Pastor Larry. Quite a few did come in with their signs and had lots of questions for Flip when the lecture was over. I believe it was quite a learning experience for all there. We did not get out until after 2 p.m. (There was a decent article in the CT Post on Sat. page A8). Sunday, March 10, 2002 Rusty and Flip both had the opportunity to speak at Gospel Light Church in Bridgeport. Thank you Pastor Miller. The congregation was challenged to be in God's word daily and to take a stand against the shedding of innocent blood in their community. Three received salvation. PTL! Another baby was born into the ministry. We just found out that Denise had her daughter "Bianca" on Feb. 9 at Bridgeport Hospital and she weighed in at 8 lbs. PTL! Marilyn Carroll Thirty prolifers came out to the streets today to pray and stand for righteousness in their community. " ... so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus." Acts 20:24 There were three police cars and two unmarked police cars in the lot. I really don't know why? The armed guard was at the door, at one point he told a policeman that he was covering the area in front of the mill door. Ten "deathscorts" were there to combat our efforts, Donald was back on video. Pastor Larry and Fr. Smith were there to represent the local clergy. We had two cameras going. From what I saw: Nine moms came to
abort. The mom that changed her mind was 21 weeks pregnant and from a local Christian Church. What does that say? One thing it says to me is that pastors are not preaching against abortion and fornication from their pulpits or the congregation is not listening. Shame on us who call ourselves "Christian." True followers of Christ should obey God regardless of what He requires. Depending on our circumstances, this can be quite a task. When we face a difficult situation self-preservation is an overpowering emotion that can interfere with choosing to do the right thing. Obedience of God requires courage. Joshua is a fine example of courage in the face of enormous obstacles. "Only be strong and very courageous; be careful to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you may have success wherever you go. This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success. have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord you God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:7-9. We have a very exciting week coming up. I hope to see you all at the "gates", where the King of Glory is lifted high and the enemy cannot prevail against His Church. We win in the end! PTL! In His Service, TWELVE BABIES DISMEMBERED Twenty-two prolifers came out to the streets and witnessed twelve moms and accomplices enter the killing center to terminate their children. This was a sad day, not one mom changed her mind to choose life for her baby. I know God commands us to proclaim the gospel regardless of whether anyone converts or not, but it is awesome to actually see someone have a change of heart. I can only imagine how disappointed the prophets of the Old Testament were when nobody listened to what they had to say. "I have asked the Lord for only one thing; do I want to live in the Lord's house all my life, to marvel there at His goodness, and to ask for His guidance. In times of trouble He will shelter me; He will keep me safe in His temple, and make me secure on a high rock." Psalm 27:4-5 We thank God for the committed counselors that were there today before they went to work. We are grateful for Vinny, too, who has been so faithful to carry the signs and put them up along the roadway. These signs tell the story of truth and life and what abortion really is. If we are silent about the violence of abortion, more babies will die and more moms will hurt. Operation Full Court Press was in action today as the saints worshipped in song, read the Scriptures, preached the Word, counseled and prayed. There were fifteen deathscorts including Scott on video. We had two camcorders going for our side. Police cars were all around today, not because of us. Romero, their armed guard, was at the door of the abortuary. A few good men: Fr. Markey, Fr. Smith, and Pastor Dave were there to represent the clergy of our community. I hope to see you at our local "high place" where little baby boys and baby girls are sacrificed on the altar of convenience. We will be here until the killing stops as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. From what we saw, thirty babies were killed this week. I believe abortion is legal in our nation because of the Church's inactivity to prevent it. If the Church remains silent and refuses to repent, I see our nation going down. Matthew 18:10, 14 "See that you do not DESPISE one of these little ones, for I say to you, that their angels in heaven continually behold the face of My Father who is in heaven ... Thus it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones perish." For the Least of
EIGHTEEN BABIES KILLED IN BRIDGEPORT TODAY (Does anybody care?) I thank God for the thirty lifesavers that came out to the streets between 7 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. The delight of sacrifice is told by Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:15 "I will gladly spend and be spent of you." Two clergy were present (Pastor Randy and Fr. Smith) and CHS students came before school. Five, out of the 136,000 Bridgeport residents, cared enough about little baby boys and girls that were sentenced to die on 211 Middle Street. Another twenty-five saints journeyed from area towns. Three out of six hundred Bridgeport churches were represented at the killing center. Only a minute remnant in the church was willing to get out of their comfort zones and get up early to go out in the cold to save a life or redeem a soul. Why do the wicked prosper? It's because we don't want to be inconvenienced. SHAME ON US. Pastor Larry's teaching Sunday was from the book of the minor prophet Obadiah . God's people did not heed to the warnings of the prophet and allowed ungodly forces to take over their nation. The children of God became prideful and arrogant with their wealth and security. God used their enemies to crush them. God reduces the wise to fools. God judges for our lack of compassion. We know babies are dying at Summit Women's Center every Tuesday and Friday but the local Church still says "It's not my problem". (Prov. 24:10-12) Christian sidewalk counselors tried earnestly to persuade moms not to kill their children today; but there were fifteen deathscorts to drown out our message of truth and hope. They mock and laugh at the Gospel. Obadiah also says, God will right the wrongs against His people. God will judge and fiercely punish all who harm His people. All those who defy God will meet their doom. All who are proud, will one day be shocked to discover that no one is exempt from God's justice. Their acts will boomerang upon their heads (vs. 15b) From what I know: In spite of all the evil around us we were still able to have Church on the streets. "You must aim to be saintly and holy, filled with faith and love, patient and gentle. Fight the good fight of faith and win for yourself the eternal life to which you were called ..." 1Timothy 6:11-12 We sang songs of praise and worship to our God, we read His word and we lifted up the mighty name of Jesus. I encourage all of you reading this to come out to the streets ... until the killing stops. We reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. As we meet, the very "gates" of hell are lifted up, so the King of Glory can enter in. For Him, ANOTHER BABY WAS BORN INTO THE MINISTRY ON FEB. 20. A 19 YR. OLD MOM HAD A BABY BOY, TYRONE, 6 lbs. 11 oz. 20" at Griffin Hospital. The mom called and requested a Bible, she is so happy. FIFTY SAINTS OUT TO PRAY, ONE BABY SAVED OUT OF FIVE We praise God for the fifty saints that came out to the streets to pray today for the young children sentenced to die at 211 Middle Street. Five moms came to abort and one changed her mind. We thank God that Fr. Markey helped to persuade a Spanish speaking mom not to abort her child. We need to pray for her, she is from Mexico and in a difficult situation. Thirteen "deathscorts" were present to combat efforts of sidewalk counselors to minister life and truth to moms going in. The armed gurad was at the door and a couple of police cars drove by. Thanks to Pastor Miller's large group today, we had praise and worship and church on the streets. It was a sweet savor to our Lord and King Jesus Christ. Operation Full Court Press was in full gear as we prayed, counseled, read scripture and sang songs to our God. Three clergy were present (Fr. Markey, Fr. Smith and Pastor Miller) to rightly represent the leadership of His Church in our community. Please pray for Pastor Miller as he prepares to go to India to preach a three day crusade with his son Josh (March 1-3). We received good news today from Fran that the video on abortion we gave to Nellie helped to save her friend's baby's life! PTL! We pray that the Church of Jesus Christ will come out to the "gates" (Amos 5:10,15 Zech. 8:16). This is a mission field where Christians can apply Jesus' Great Commission to "teach all nations " ... "to observe al things whatsoever I have commanded you: ...' Matthew 28:19,20. We must respond to the wake-up call for repentance and action as we acknowledge our sin of apathy and turn from it. Love your enemies and do what is right in the sight of God. Please don't stand idly by. We need to declare to the world what God says as we pass the message of Bloodguilt from city to city, before it is too late. We are the voice for the voiceless and their blood (45 million dead babies) cries from the ground. The Holy Spirit is present with us as we stay low to the ground and humble ourselves before our Lord and King. We need to weep over the things we did not do, and claim responsibility. Only then, can God heal our land. I know Christians don't want to hear a doom and gloom message, but God's truth is the only hope for America. No Supreme Court, no President, no Congress has the power to turn our nation back to God, it's up to us ... His Church! Are you willing to get out of your comfort zone? Only then will this happen. "Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent." Rev. 3:19 For the Least of
These, Today eleven moms were carrying their babies into the killing center to be ripped apart limb by limb unto death. There were nine "deathscorts" to accompany the women to the doorway. No legal tactics or name calling can change the truth. Over twenty prolifers stood on the streets praying and interceding for the precious little ones scheduled to die (Proverbs 24:10-12). There were two clergy (Fr. Smith and Pastor Larry) to represent the local leadership of the Church. The armed guard (Romero) was at the front door and a police car was parked across the street in the lot. Sgt. Leonzi drove by ( I bet he misses us :-) The abortionist (MAB) arrived at 9:45 a.m. Please pray for all abortion providers. I wonder if they ever figure out how many babies have to die to pay their salaries? "I am sure that never was a people, who had more reason to acknowledge a Divine interposition in their affairs, than those of the United States; and I should be pained to believe that they have forgotten that agency, which was so often manifested during our Revolution, or that they failed to consider the omnipotence of that God who is alone able to protect them." George Washington We were as John, the apostle, Mary Madeline, and Mary, mother of Jesus, when they stood at the foot of the cross. They were there to affirm the dignity of Christ and we are there to affirm the dignity of His "image bearers." Christ silently suffered and died, and so do these precious babies. One mother turned away today. Ten babies were left to die! Stacia was there with her husband, to offer post abortive literature to all of them after their abortions were performed (we still need more volunteers for this vital ministry 11 a.m.-1 p.m.) "We will continue to fight with the best of our ability and with all the talents God has given. And we do so with a clear conscience, knowing that all God requires is faithfulness." Don Wildmon Over a thousand babies are alive today because Christians dared to come out and stand for righteousness on 211 Middle Street, Bridgeport. We have been there for twelve years now, and our Lord consistently has had His hand upon us. "John the Baptist leaped in his mother's womb when the presence of Jesus, in Mary's womb, came into the room. As Christians, we have the Love of Jesus in us. I feel the unborn children, much like John, can feel the great love of Jesus when we are out there." Rev. Ed Martin We, the true Church of Jesus Christ, need to repent and come out to end abortion in our land. Pastor Dave did an extremely powerful message on Sunday from the minor prophet Amos. Israel believed that they had favor with God as does the United States. But the truth of the matter is that God's word is moral truth and unchanging, not relative to circumstances. We should never presume God is on our side, just because we are Americans. We are headed for destruction, just like Israel, because we have not listened to our God. We have strayed so far from the Biblical Church and become the complacent, lazy American Church. We are a combination of the lenient church of Pergamos , the compromising church of Thyatira, the lifeless church of Sardis and the lukewarm church of Laodicea (Rev. 2 & 3 ). We don't want to come out of our comfort zones to become as the obedient church of Philadelphia and the persecuted church of Smyrna. Woe to us, as we shame His holy name. Lord, please help us, your children, to lay down our lives for you and die to self. I hope to see all of you this Friday morning, 7 a.m. and on at the "very gates of hell" as we reach out to moms "who find themselves where they should not be!" "AM
These, Twenty prolifers came out to the streets today to stand for our Lord Jesus and His little "imagebearers" (Genesis 1). Fr. Markey was there praying to represent the clergy in our community. I encourage more leaders to come out to the streets. If the pastors and priest will lead, their flocks will follow. Remember what Jesus said in Matthew, whatever you don't do unto the least of these you don't do unto Me! It's up to us the Church of the Living God to end abortion in our land. Ten "deathscorts" were ready to distract the attention of the Moms going in to kill their children. Some were college students (Yale/Wesleyan). They need to familiarize themselves with the F.A.C.E. laws. They just walk in front of us and block. That is why we need the videos going. Today one of the older women was telling the moms to "just smile ... they (meaning us) just hate it when you just smile." In our daily reading today, (Leviticus 20) our Lord is talking about child sacrifice. He says anyone who sacrifices their child would be stoned back in that culture and He himself will turn against them! And, He goes on to say, if the people of the community pretend they don't know what the man has done, and refuse to put him to death, then God himself will set His face against the family and cut them off. God made it clear that this practice was detestable, and strictly forbidden because it was (1) murder and against His law and (2) was a tragic waste of human life and (3) connected to idol worship. I don't think God has changed his mind about the value of human life. Today in our nation 4400 babies a day are sacrificed to the idol of self and convenience. Parents no longer know how to lay down their lives for their children. Parents of days past would willingly lay down their own life so their child could live. Today, that concept is totally foreign. From what I saw today:
One of the families that changed their mind were Middle Eastern. Only the aunt could speak English. They need lots of help and we are willing to help them. The abortionist arrived to do his grizzly work around 9:30 am. The new armed guard stays inside most of the time. Keep praying for him (Romero). There was no cop car in the lot, just a couple of drive bys. Scott was on video for them while Pat and Don are supposedly vacationing in the Virgin Islands. We need to continually pray for all the lost, even those we don't like. "Love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way you will be acting as true sons of your Father in heaven ... if you love only those who love you, what good is that? Even scoundrels do that much. If you are friendly only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even the heathen do that. But you are to be perfect, even so your Father in heaven is perfect." Matthew 5:45-48 In the battle for
life, Another baby saved
from abortion was born on Feb. 5, a girl, 10:28 pm, 7lbs. 5oz. 20"
We welcome Jayda! PTL! Carmen and I were not there Friday but the
report shows that: Twenty two prolifers came out and three clergy (Markey, Smith, Dave). Fifteen deathscorts were present and a police car at end of the street. "Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy. " Proverbs 31:8-9 Today twenty prolifers came out including Pastor Randy, Pastor Miller, and Fr. Smith to represent the clergy. Some CHS students came to pray before school. We encourage more to come out. Vinny was faithful to get the signs up. A picture speaks a thousand words. These signs have helped persuade many women not to abort their babies and communicate to the public why we are out on the streets. Scripture tells us
in Matthew 18:5-6 that "whatever you do onto the least of
these you do to Me." When babies are ripped apart, Jesus
is ripped apart, too. Operation Full Court Press was working as we had
Scripture A police car was
in the vicinity most of the I want to encourage all of you to keep on coming out. I heard a great illustration this weekend. It was about beating cement with a sledge hammer. You can beat it for days and days and it seems like nothing is happening and it won't break. That is because you cannot see all the tiny spider cracks. Then all of a sudden one day you beat it and the whole thing crumbles. That is what will happen with abortion. Remember it takes a village to kill a child. It takes the Church to stop it. There is no mercy apart from judgment. We are the wicked ones, we need to repent. Our brothers' blood cries from the ground. If we know babies are being killed in our community, it is our obligation to stand against it. The Church alone is the only entity that has the power to bring abortion to an end. The Church can do so much more than we can imagine. America can bless God by stopping abortion. " ... then if My people (who are called by My name) will humble themselves and pray, and search for Me, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land." 2 Chron. 7:14 I hope to meet you all at the very gates of hell, where little boys and little girls are sentenced to die. This is a street ministry where we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. For the Least of
These, Saints, One of the young moms that we met at the mill had a baby girl Jan. 29, she named her Shanaia and she weighed in at 5lbs. 13oz. We thank God for this precious life! Nearly 25 prolifers came out between 7am - 10 am this morning to pray even though the wind chill factor was zero. After three hours in the cold, Carmen and I were pretty frozen, but not as frozen as the seven dead babies that we believe were killed today at 211 Middle Street. From what we saw:
I thank God for a few good men that came out to pray today before work from our men's ministry. It is so powerful to see them praying on the streets near the killing center. The clergy was represented today by Pastor Randy, Pastor Miller and Father Smith. Friday, Pastor Dave, Father Markey and Father Smith were there as the leaders of our local churches. They are a symbol of real men, that care enough about the defenseless, voiceless children to come out and stand for righteousness. James tells us that pure religion is this: to look after widows and orphans in their distress (James 1:27). The Church of Jesus Christ is accountable to set the standard in our community and in our nation. "Not a king in all the earth -- no one in all the world -- would have believed an enemy could enter through Jerusalem's gates! Yet God permitted it because of the sins of her prophets and priests, who defiled the city because by shedding innocent blood." Lamentations 4:12-13 Fourteen deathscorts were out today to make sure babies died. Both sides had video cameras going. The abortionist came at 10 am. We had a police car across the street watching us and some drive bys. There was a new armed security guard there today. Please pray for him, the abortion providers and the deathscorts, who appear to be lost in need of the Savior. "Good people are directed by their honesty; the wicked shall fall beneath their load of sins." Proverbs 11:5 "Wickedness never brings real success; only the godly have that." Proverbs 12:3 "A good man hates lies; wicked men lie constantly and come to shame." Proverbs 13:5 Carmen spoke to a young woman leaving who had gone in late this morning to make an appointment for her fourteen year old sister. This young lady claimed to be a Christian and said her grandmother is a minister. After Carmen had a lengthy conversation with her she said she would cancel and not have anything to do with it. We need to pray. When I hears stories like this I only wonder what these so-called ministers are teaching from their pulpits? Do they ever mention abortion or promiscuity as sin? Woe to us, the Church of the Living God! I heard on one of the Superbowl commercials Sunday night :KNOWLEDGE IS CONTAGIOUS, INFECT TRUTH! I hope and pray that each and every one of you will go do this at the "gates" near you, as we reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be! For the Least of
These, Nine Babies Saved in January We thank God for nine confirmed babies saved but we are saddened for the 68 babies were killed in January on 211 MiddleStreet. We were there to stand in the gap for them, even though their parents did not love them they know that the saints did and pleaded for their lives. To show a word picture - that is about two and a half classrooms full of children, dead because their moms did not want them. Woe to us in this country that call good evil and evil good! I thank God for the 20 prolifers that were disciplined enough to get up early and come out on the streets before their busy day. That is what real Christianity is all about. We need to lay down our lives for others. Jesus is our role model. He was inconvenienced, he was made uncomfortable, he was persecuted for righteousness. We need to follow hard after Him, the author and finisher of our faith. There were 13 deathscorts including Donald on video. We had our video going too. The abortionist went in the back door around 9:45am. The previous armed door guard is gone to a new job. Last Friday was his last day. The new guard that came Tuesday said he would never come there again! PTL! Today there was no guard but there was a cop car stationed across the street and a few drive bys. Continue to pray that God opens the eyes of the workers to see how wrong and how evil killing children is. The medical waste truck was there again today to pick up baby body parts. Child killing is a thing so horrible that God himself says three times in Jeremiah that he never would have even thought of it. " ...they burn to death their little sons and daughters as sacrifices to th eir gods -- a deed so horrible, I've never even thought of it."(7:31) "... They have built high altars to Baal and there they burn their sons in sacrifice - a thing I never commanded them nor even thought of!" (19:1) " And they have built high altars to Baal ... There they have burnt their children as sacrifices to Molech - something I never commanded, and cannot imagine suggesting. What an incredible evil, causing Judah to sin so greatly!" Parents sacrifice their children to satan at the high places (Summit) on the altar of convenience. From what I saw today:
I hope to see you all at the very "gates" of hell every Tuesday and Friday ... until the killing stops. The Church of Jesus Christ should be abhorred that this is happening in our community and in our nation. We need to reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be! "Someday each one of us will have to stand, all alone, before the judgment seat of Almighty God. At that time, when we are asked, "What did you do during the crisis of your times?" I think you should be able to say 'I went out there on those streets, to those places where they were killing Your children, and I tried to save them.'" -Joe Scheidler In His Service, Over 20 prolifers
came out to pray and counsel today. It was a cold winter morning on 211
Middle Street, Bridgeport. There were seven deathscorts including Donald
on video. Emilio was the armed guard stationed at the door of the killing
center.Please continue to pray for these people. We had two video cameras
going. Fr. Smith was there for a while to represent the clergy of our
community. We need more pastors and priests to come out to the streets.
The people follow the lead of their shepherds. The abortionist arrived
around 9:30am (MAB). The Lord asks: "Who will rise up for me against
the wicked? Who will take a stand for me against the evildoers?" Psalm
94:6. The answer to this should be His Church - "We will,
Lord". It's time to run to the roar of the enemy and do serious damage
at the Gates of Hell. We will continue to stand and "Contend ...
for the gospel without being frightened in any way by those who oppose
(us). Phil 1:27-28. Jesus calls us to "GO!" not to stay :-) Twelve moms came
to abort. Mother Theresa had
great wisdom when she said: Hope to see all the local people at the gates in Bridgeport, where we meet every killing day ... until the killing stops. We reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. For Him, Twenty prolifers came out to pray on this rainy winter morning. Eleven deathscorts were present with Donald on video. We had two cameras going. Emilio was the armed guard at the door and the abortionist (MAB) showed up around 9:30 am. He looked a little under the weather. Please pray for this man and all the abortion providers, Jesus loves them but hates what they do. (We know this from Scripture.) From what I saw today: Seventeen
moms came to abort. Fr. Markey was there to represent the clergy of our area. I praise him for his diligence in this battle. God used him last Saturday to draw 500-600 out to the church for a prolife service and 200 out to the mill to pray (I got the stats right count this time :-). We hope these people will act on what they heard and get involved as we stand against the murder of children in our community. Their blood cries from the ground to our God. Their voice will be silenced until we, the Church, repents. God has been removed from our nation's conscience and we are suffering the horrible consequences. We are the only institution ordained by God to turn our nation back to Him. Remember 2 Chronicles 7:14, "we must humble ourselves, and pray, and turn from our wicked ways, God will hear, forgive, and bring healing to our land." We must reintroduce the doctrine of Bloodguilt into the Church. We need to repent of our apathy and defend unborn children who cannot defend themselves. "We allow our theology to become biography as we live our faith out on the streets." (F.B.) Our God tells us in Matthew 16:18 that the "gates of hell cannot prevail against His church" That is why we Christians meet at the very gates of hell on 211 Middle Street where God's "imagebearers" are sentenced to die! We show huge posters of babies alive and babies dead from abortion because this is " ... something I did not command, nor did it enter my mind." Jeremiah 7:31. Murdering our own children never entered the mind of God. Abortion will never end in America until the Church does something to make it end. The government can't do it, it's us the Church. All you have to do is show up, and God will go above and beyond what you ever imagined. He is an awesome God, He knows our hearts and He hears our prayers. Give Him an opportunity to show up.Hundreds of mills have closed all around our nation because Christians were bold and courageous enough to come out to the streets. Hope to see you next Tuesday and every killing day ... until the killing stops. We reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be! We need to be there early, moms were going in today before seven! Saved
to Serve, New Year Begins With Many Victories I am grateful for the 16 prolifers that showed up during different times this wintery morning. There were a few new faces. It is always a small remnant that our Lord can depend on to do His work. From what I saw: Fourteen
moms came to abort.
Matthew 10 Hope to see you all at the very "gates of hell" on 211 Middle Street, Bridgeport - this Friday and every killing day until it stops. Remember Matthew 16:18 - all the powers of hell will not prevail against the Church of Jesus Christ! For
the Least of These, New Year Begins With Many Victories Today we start the New Year with praise and thanksgiving to our Lord for all the good things He has done. Our settlement was signed by the judge for our lawsuit against the City of Bridgeport. God has allowed us to continue His work on the "streets" as we minister to the lost and the needy who find themselves where they should not be. We had a good group (15) from CHS out today to pray before school. These youth are such an encouragement to us and gives all who see hope for the upcoming generation.We are glad that the abortion count was down low today but we are sad for the ones that did die. From what I saw: Four
to five came at abortion time. Today over twenty prolifers came out to pray and counsel. There were six escorts including Donald on video.The armed guard was at the door. Pastor Randy was there to represent the local clergy. The Lord has given us eyes to see the evil of abortion. He has placed concern in our hearts for the unborn and their parents. We also care about the abortion providers and pray they receive the Good News of the Gospel. Please join us as we continue to defend the least of these and offer hope and life to those entering this killing center. They, too, can find healing and reconciliation with Christ. We, the Church of Jesus Christ, need to evaluate how we spend our time. We want to make a difference for eternity. God's love for us was a selfless demonstration of sacrifice. We can love Him back by sacrificing our time and comfort as we stand out in the cold trying to save our preborn neighbors and their parents. We all can afford to sacrifice some fleshly desires as we lovingly and peacefully offer the truth of life-giving alternatives to moms going into the abortuary. We all feel strain out on the sidewalks. I believe Jesus felt strain too, when he ministered here on the earth. Let us all follow His example. "But God demonstrates His own love towards us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8 For
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