God's Servants at the "Summit Women's Center"
Bridgeport Street Reports from 2001
Bridgeport Killing Center Closed in Observance of Jewish Holiday The Summit was closed today because of the Jewish holiday. Babies were not killed and we praise God for that. We look forward to the day when little baby girls and little baby boys will be safe in their mother's wombs. "Complete the work you have received in the Lord." Col. 4:17. About 25 prolifers came out to pray. CHS students were there with their teacher to pray before school. We all had a good time in concert with prayer. Fr. Markey was there to represent the local clergy. Scott was the only escort that showed up. Anthony came later to clean the building. Please continue to pray for our nation to experience true repentance. Pray that President Bush would lead the way and not be ashamed to speak the name of Jesus: the name that is above any name. Pray the church will become the true biblical church and come out to the streets, not the complacent American church that hides in the pews. "For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?" 1 Peter 4:17. Come join us every Tuesday and Friday 7 am and on... until the killing stops! For the Least of These, Less than 20 prolifers came out to the streets today to reach out to the lost who found themselves where they should not be. It was a rainy morning. We were there to be His voice, His hands, His feet. We were there to do what we know He would do if He were here in the flesh. Represent Him. "As the Father has sent Me, I also shall send you." John 20:21 One mom came in shackles and handcuffs from jail. This is where our tax dollars go. There were 12 "deathscorts" out to combat our efforts to reach the lost and needy with the Gospel of Life. God tells us in His word that those who hate me love death. The armed guard was at the door and I saw a police car two times during the morning observing 211 Middle Street. My continued prayer is that our nation would see its hypocrisy and blatant disregard for humanity. The same number of precious lives taken at the Twin Towers is the same amount killed legally everyday in abortion clinics all over America. Shame on us. I believe that: Millie and I were there to offer post abortion counseling until 12 noon. I was able to give out four literature packs. I pray and I know that the Lord's word never returns void. Happy is the nation whose God is the Lord. For the Least of These, Over 35 prolifers came out to 211 Middle Street to make a public appearance against child killing in Bridgeport today. Father Smith and Pastor Randy were there to represent the clergy. The CHS students came to pray before school. Video cameras were recording for both sides. The armed security guard was stationed near the doorway of the death camp. There was a police presence during the course of the morning. We saw two cars parked and observing at different times. Some drove by and two police were on horses. Most of the people were there between 7-8 am before they go to work or school. We all prayed during our nation's moment of silence and listened to our national anthem as it was broadcast across the airwaves in America in memory of last week's attack. The prolife number dwindles down to a handful by 9 am. One of the moms changed her mind by observing the pictures posted along the streets. She did not even go into the mill. Another mom that is going to keep her baby was 18 weeks pregnant. She was already showing. I believe ten came to abort. Today three of us came back for post-abortion counseling from 11 am-1 pm. We were able to minister to every mom that came out of the mill after her abortion. Our number one motive for being at the killing center is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A by-product of that results in babies' lives and others' souls getting saved from temporal and/or eternal death. Church, please come out and take a stand for our Lord and His commands. Father, have mercy on us, forgive us our sins and allow us the honor of your unmerited favor and protection. Lead us back to that straight and narrow path that our great country was founded upon with your laws and your precepts. Wake up your people before it's too late. Help our country see the connection between the innocent blood shed through abortion at the rate of 4400 a day and and the senseless barbaric killing of the people in New York City and Washington DC who both had no control or defense over being burned, decapitated and ripped apart limb by limb. Both groups of people were created in the likeness and image of God. Both are valuable in His sight. Both will be missed and grieved for. "And I searched for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one. Thus I have poured out my indignation on them; I have consumed them with the fire of My wrath; their way I have brought upon their heads," declares the Lord God (Ezek. 22:30, 31). For Him, Thirty-five lifesavers came out to pray today where little baby girls and little baby boys were sentenced to the terror of having their little bodies ripped apart limb by limb. What hypocrites we are, that we now cry out about the sanctity of human life and continue to allow 4400 children to be killed daily in our nation. There were fourteen proaborts in force to combat the efforts of a few sidewalk counselors. Both sides had videos going and the clinic private armed guard was at the doorway. If you are reading through the Bible with us daily the reading guide for 9/11/01 was Isaiah 21-23. (Parts of it read ...Disaster is roaring down on you from the desert, like a whirlwind sweeping in... my stomach aches and burns with pain... The sleep I once enjoyed at night is now a faint memory. I lie awake trembling... Grab your shields and prepare for battle! You are being attacked!... What is happening? Why is everyone running... The whole city is in terrible uproar. What do I see in this reveling city? Bodies are lying everywhere... Leave me alone to weep; do not try to comfort me. Let me cry for my people as I watch them being destroyed. Oh, what a day of crushing trouble! What a day of confusion and terror... defenses have been stripped away... But all your feverish plans are to no avail because you never ask God for help... The Lord Almighty called you to weep and mourn... Weep for your harbor is gone... Mourn in silence, you people of the coast....) We need to hear the Lord's prophetic messages in His word, repent and turn from our wicked ways or our Lord will not be able to heal our land. He will not go against His word. Seven moms came to abort. The mom that changed her mind took our literature and said she would call the Hopeline if she needed help. Psalm 72:12-14 "For He shall deliver the needy when they crieth; the poor also, and they that have no helper. He shall spare the poor and the needy, and shall save the souls of the needy. He shall redeem their soul from deceit and violence: and precious shall their blood be in His sight." Father Markey was there to represent the local clergy in Bridgeport. "The spirit of God has given us no cowardly spirit." 1 Tim. 1:7 We commend the CHS students that are back this week. They are such a light to all who see them at this dark and dingy back alley killing center. Their presence does make a difference. Darkness hates light. You can see the demons squirm when they appear. Psalm 21:7 promises that God always loves us and He will not let us be overwhelmed. We could never do this without His Holy Spirit and remember, this too shall pass. I exhort all our locals to come out and be seen as a living epistle for Christ at 211 Middle Street... until the killing stops. With Prayers for Life, Bloodshed Touches Bloodshed Hosea 4:2 "There is only cursing, lying and murder, stealing and adultery; they break all bounds, and bloodshed follows bloodshed." I write this report with a grieving spirit. Our nation has forsaken God and is experiencing the consequences. We have become so evil and wicked that we are no longer under His protection. We need to repent and bring our nation back to Him. God uses prophets to warn nations. September 9, 2001 national Christian leaders warned the Washington D.C. police right in front of the White House that if our nation continued to shed innocent blood we would surely reap the damages. Now look what has happened. Ezekial 35:6 "therefore as surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I will give you over to bloodshed and it will pursue you. Since you did not hate bloodshed, bloodshed will pursue you." How dare we say we care about innocent lives being taken when we murder 4400 innocent children daily right here in America. How dare we Christians say we are pro-life and never show up in front of our local killing centers to help save babies lives and reach out to moms that are lost. America we need to REPENT and ask for God's mercy in this final day of warning. Deuteronomy 32:35 "It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them. Thirty five prolifers came out to the streets to stand for truth and righteousness today, while most of the church slept. It was a pleasure to have John here visiting from Pittsburgh. Eighty year old Father Smith and Pastors Miller and Randy were here to represent the church. The jail brought a mom in shackles to abort her baby, paid for with our tax dollars. The armed security guard was at the door and numerous cop cars and a cop on a bike were around to observe us. Shame again that adults are allowed to rip apart tiny innocent boys and girls that cannot defend themselves and the cops and the guard is outside watching us. We live in a backward, barbaric, uncivilized society. Seven babies were dragged to slaughter. Forgive us Father - from Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets Father, why is the thing we need the most, the thing we do the least? Why are most of us so busy we don't have time? You must have many frustrated days when Your eyes roam to and fro throughout the earth in search of someone whose heart is completely Yours. You must weep often when You seek for a man or a woman to stand in the gap to fill the breech and find no one. Your heart must ache at times for us, Your people, to rise up and be what You've called us to be. We Humble ourselves before Your throne and ask You to forgive us for our lack of prayer. And forgive us as leaders, Lord, who have not told Your people the truth. Forgive us as a church - the Body of Christ - for allowing evil to rule in this land when You have more than enough power in our wombs to change it. Forgive us, for it is not Your fault, that we have a generation marked X. It is not your fault that we kill the next generation before it takes its first breath. It is not Your plan that we still have not overcome the principality of hatred that divides this land. Forgive us, Lord. Cleanse us now and break the curses we have allowed to rule over us. Forgive us and cleanse us from the sin of apathy, complacency, ignorance and unbelief. Wash us with the water of Your Word. Break off of us this lethargic prayerlessness, which we justify a thousand different ways. It really boils down to disobedience, unbelief and sin. Father, please forgive us and deliver us. Set us free from being hearers of the Word only, and not doers. Give us homes and churches that are founded on the rock of obedience to Your Word. Rise up in Your people with stubborn tenacity that Jesus had, that the Early Church walked in. Cause us to cast off everything that would oppose Your Spirit and move us into a realm that pays a price and lays hold of the kingdom of God. Fill us with Your Spirit. Baptize us in fire. Let there be an impartation of the Spirit of grace and supplication. Let there be an anointing that comes from Your throne to hungry people who are tired of status quo, of mediocrity, of death and destruction. We are tired of it, God. We are tired of being defeated by a defeated enemy. We are tired of being held back from our destiny, both individually and as a nation. We are tired of lack and disease. We are tired of sin. We are hungry for something - the God of the Bible! In His Name, Seven Babies Were Saved in August We thank God that seven precious lives were saved from death this past August, 2001. "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord." Zechariah 4:6 Over 25 lifesavers were out on the streets today during 7am-10am. Signs were displayed and literature was distributed as sidewalk counselors pleaded with moms not to have their children killed. I believe some people get belligerent when they do things in spite of their belief that it is wrong. They become very defensive. It seems the more they violate their own moral belief system, the more strongly the sensitivity is felt. That is why some clients lash out at the counselors. But some of the toughest ones going in turn out to be the softest ones coming out, once they have changed their minds. This is similar to what Isaiah, the prophet, went through. God did not promise him great success. God told Isaiah the people would not listen. Isaiah was to write and speak the messages anyway because eventually some would listen. "Then I heard the Lord asking, "Whom should I send as a messenger to my people? Who will go for us?" And I said 'Lord, I'll go, Send me'." Isaiah 6:8. There were 10 deathscorts plus Donald on video. We had two cameras going for us. I saw five cop cars either go by or park nearby and observe. The abortionist and his assistant was escorted by car to the front door by Pat before 10 am. Studies show that abortionists are the losers and washouts of the medical profession. I don't think anyone struggles through medical school with the aspiration to join the glamorous profession of baby killing. We need to continue to lift abortion providers up in prayer. From what I sadly observed - about ten babies were aborted today.
"But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the Lord, I will wait for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me. Do not rejoice over me, O my enemy. Though I fall I will rise; Though I dwell in darkness, the Lord is a light for me. " Micah 7:7-8 I hope to see you all on Tuesday, at one of the "gates" of Hell where the Church of Jesus Christ will stand... until the killing stops. For the Least of These, There were about 30 people that came out to the streets earlier today at Middle and Gold to stand in the gap for innocent baby boys and baby girls sentenced to die at the killing center. Ecclesiastes 11:5 "As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things." We had an out-of-state visitor from Georgia who stopped by just to encourage us and let us know he was praying for the ministry. (Thank you.) A few men from church came out early this morning at 6:30 am, we appreciate them and encourage more to come and join them. Fr. Smith was there to represent the local clergy. Donald was on video for them and about ten deathscorts were strategically placed around the different corners near the mill. Three cop cars were seen going by and one parked in the lot across the street for a while. Escorts were pushy and grabby. Besides them pushing us away and grabbing clients' arms the escorts take our literature right from the moms' hands outside and inside the center. Again, where is the "choice"? Why are they so afraid to have these young parents read our literature? We know they are worried they might change their minds and decide to keep their babies. Proverbs 14:25 "A truthful witness saves lives, but a false witness is deceitful." By 9 a.m. Carmen and I were just about the only ones left on the desolate street. Please come out later in the morning if you can't get out early. We need post abortion counselors too. Elizabeth dropped off the abortionist around 9:30 am, he waved to our video camera. We told him we are praying for him. We continue to pray that our Lord will give him eyes to see and ears to hear what God the Creator thinks about what he is doing. Proverbs 12: 6 "The words of the wicked lie in wait for blood, but the speech of the upright rescues them." Around nine moms came to abort. It was hard to tell exactly the number of clients because the door was not opened until late (around 7:20 am) and clients and their accomplices were crowded in the outside cubby with escorts. Some were even in an escort's car . The private armed guard was on duty for the center. We had two video cameras going to capture the disheartening activities that transpire at 211 Middle Street. Someday our great-grandchildren might view these in horror and unbelief like we today view Nazi Holocaust films. We are living in a barbaric uncivilized time of history where parents pay to have their very own sons and daughters ripped apart limb by limb to death. How sad and how evil. Shame on us as a nation and as a church, that we have stood idly by and allowed this to go on for 28 years and 45 million precious ones are dead. We will have to make an account before almighty God for every drop of innocent blood that has been shed. Their blood cries from the ground. I hope to see the local people at the "gates" Friday. Be encouraged. Romans 8:38 "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." For Him Alone, Today there were 30 Lifesavers who came out during the 7 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. time span to stand in the gap for little baby boys and little baby girls that were sentenced to die. Fathers Markey and Smith were there to represent the local clergy as they stood on the sidewalks in prayer. The three pro-ball players came again today. Thank you everyone and thank our Lord that two lives were spared the slaughter of abortion. Sidewalk counselors were used of God to stop abortions one life at a time. One mom wants to come to church Sunday for the parenting class. Another mom left the abortuary crying and told me she was not going to abort her baby. PTL! The Holy Spirit moved in their hearts and heard the prayers of the saints. Please keep these moms in your prayers, also pray for the abortion providers to come and know the one, true God - King Jesus! Fourteen came to abort. Two changed their minds.
There were eleven proabort escorts and their videographer Donald present. Clients complained to Escort Betsy about Donald videoing them and Betsy said that they have to video us because they bring us to court so much. Oh, really Betsy, and when was this? We were brought to court once in the past twelve years and found not guilty. I don't know why it surprises me that people who believe in killing babies would not flinch to tell a lie, it all seems to fit together. Sin is sin and Satan is the Master of Lies, and he comes to kill, steal and destroy. But we serve a God that has given us authority over the enemy. "The wicked in his pride persecutes the poor, Let
them be caught in the plots which they have devised." A man client left the mill and told the escorts he did not need them; they did not listen but continued to escort him to his car to prevent me from giving him literature. After Betsy and Pat left him he took a 800# business card in case his woman needed emotional, medical or legal help. There were four police vehicles that I saw patrolling the area, I was told that one of them was Officer Mani Cotto in car T7. He was one of the motorcycle cops on 5/18/01 who was so adamant with issuing the Stan Scott injunction on "all persons "even after we explained it was just for Mr. Scott. Of course "all persons" was only interpreted by the police for prolifers, not for proaborts. Shame, that the people outside the mill trying to save lives are scorned upon, and the ones inside ripping little babies apart limb by limb and killing them, are left alone. What have we come to as a nation of so-called civilized people? The armed guard hired by the killing center was at the
door. The abortionist arrived at his normal time to start his grisly job.
Our prayer is that child-killing would stop in our nation, one community at a time. As the Church of Jesus Christ awakes from it's 28 year slumber and men become what God has called them to be, abortion can and will end in America. The Church is the only entity that has the power to defeat Satan, not the government. It's us the church. See you at the "gates". For the Least of These, "Evil triumphs when good men do nothing." Edmund Burke There was a total of 40 Lifers out to the streets today during the course of the morning between 7 am and 9:30 am. Fr. Smith and Pastor Miller were there to represent the clergy. We are still waiting for the rest of the real Church to wake up and stand so child killing will end in our community. There is a spiritual stronghold over the greater Bridgeport area. Upon repentance and action we may be free of the shedding of innocent blood. Rise up, oh men of God, stand for your Lord, your families, your city. "So when you spread your hands and prayer, I will hide My eyes from you, Yes, even though you multiply prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are covered with blood. Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; Remove the evil of your deeds from My sight. Cease to do evil, Learn to do good; Seek justice, Reprove the ruthless; Defend the orphan, Plead for the widow." Isaiah 1:15-17 We were blessed to have three young professional baseball players come out to pray today. We are aware that they took time out of their busy schedule to get up early after a late game night and stand on behalf of our Lord's precious little ones. There were about eight clinic escorts plus Donald on video for the pro-aborts. Their major thrust is to keep the young moms from hearing our message of hope. They will try almost anything to hinder us (but) "Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world." Phil. 4:13. The difference is we have the spirit and the power of the living God and His word does not return void. Even when we don't see results in the physical realm, things are happening in the heavenlies. The killing center still has it's own private armed guard at the door, plus the police still patrol the area quite often. I saw at least five police cars cruising by the mill this morning and someone told me Officer Barnum was in one of them (he must miss us). People are so blind that they don't see the real violence taking place is inside the abortuary where little innocent baby boys and baby girls are ripped apart limb by limb to death. Shame on us! The blood of those babies is crying from the ground for vengeance and scripture tells us that bloodshed will pursue you (Ez. 35). Eight moms came to abort.
"God is light, and there is no darkness at all in Him. If, then, we say that we have fellowship with Him, yet at the same time live in the darkness, we are lying both in our words and in our actions. But if we live in the light -- just as He is in the light -- then we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from every sin." 1 John 1:5-7 I hope to see all the local people at the "gates" on 211 Middle Street where "I will stand at my watch" (Hab. 2) ... until the killing stops. For Him, Proverbs 14:24a A truthful witness saves lives, but a false witness is deceitful. The prolife presence at the place of execution was 45. They cared enough about their teeny tiny neighbors to get up early and give of themselves and their time to help save a life and a soul. Those babies will know they were loved by us and not abandoned to die alone in those horrible chambers. They will know that prayers were uttered on their behalf outside the mill. Pastor Miller was there to represent the local clergy. There are many pastors in Bridgeport that were not there. They did not even give a thought that Christ's little ones are dying an excruciating death right in their neighborhood. Jesus spoke of white sepulchers; they are everywhere. The religious leaders are a bigger threat to these babies by their inactive agendas than all the pro-abort government people. Shame on us the church, that we are still allowing this to happen, over 28 years and 40 million dead. Ten came to abort. One left. Nine were left to die. Proverbs 12:6 The words of the wicked lie in wait for blood, but the speech of the upright rescues them. There was a large group of prayer people and live music from the youth. Operation Full Court Press was activated. Scripture tells us that Satan and his cohorts hate the praises of God's people. They flee. God's word was being read. Eleven clinic escorts were on duty to detour women from hearing the gospel saving message of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The abortionist arrived around 10 am to do his grisly work. We need to continually lift up these abortion providers before our King to draw them to repentance and a new life. We were all lost, too, until we accepted Jesus into our lives. Job 38:15 The wicked are denied their light, and their upraised arm is broken. Sidewalk counselors were approaching distraught parents with offers of hope and love provided by the body of Christ. We still have the private armed guard service at the door of the mill. It seems that cop cars are sporadically parked at the ends of the street to observe the action here. Praise to God one of the moms had her baby on August 12th. It was a boy weighing in at 7 lbs. 10 oz. and his name is Jose Angel. We thank the Lord for making the way for this precious one to be born. His mom is one of the women in our child training class on Sundays. We just provided her with a bassinet and her baby needs a week before she had her son. God is never late and always on time! Also, there is a Post Abortion Bible Class on Saturday mornings at 8:30 am, at Gospel Light Community Church, 222 Charles Street. Breakfast is served. I hope to see you all at the "gates" on 211 Middle Street every Tuesday and Friday morning until the killing stops! Romans 8:38-39 - For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. For Him, There were over 30 prolifers on the streets to pray and proclaim that abortion is wrong and evil in the sight of God. Fr. Markey was present with his rosary group to represent the clergy of the city. We exhort leaders to come out to the streets and be a godly example to their flocks. If the Church of Jesus Christ does not stand against child killing, who will? Jesus said, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. (So) ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field." We are asking you Lord Jesus to send the workers. Every Tuesday and Friday little boys and little girls are brutally killed right here in our community. Over 955 babies' lives have been spared from a horrible and painful death in the past eleven years. Over 335 moms, dads and unsaved passers-by have come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Even clinic workers have quit their jobs and are now serving the King of Kings. The harvest is great and you are needed. I pray the Lord of the Harvest will break your heart and bring you into this life-saving work. There were about eight "deathscorts" on duty for their master. The abortionist came in to do his grisly business before 10 a.m. Seven moms came to abort. The numbers going in are definitely down. We continue to pray that moms change their minds before they even get to the mill. Our prayer is that this center would change its course from killing babies and start birthing them. Just think how they can really "help women" if they had a birthing center free of cost with alternatives and resources available to moms in need. One of the young moms we met there came to visit us and tell us she had her baby on July 6. A baby girl, 7.5 lbs. at Bridgeport Hospital. We praise our Lord, for the life of this precious one was spared! See you all at "the gates" on 211 Middle Street, where the church of Jesus Christ will meet ... until the killing stops! For the Least of These, Forty lovers of life came out to the hot, humid streets today (99 degrees and sunny). "He gives power to the faint (weak); and to them that have no might he increases strength." (Isaiah 40:49) Pastor Miller was there to represent the local clergy. There was a group of men from our church out to pray. As I said before, Carmen and I and the other counselors can help stop a few "abortions" but men need to stop "abortion" in our nation. Abortion is a men's issue. They are the ones that impregnate the women and then bring them to the mill. The men of God are a prophetic voice to our nation. When men don't do their part - women are forced to take over. When this happens it brings a curse on a nation. "Oh my people! Can't you see what fools you are? Weak as women! Foolish as little children playing king. True leaders? No, misleaders! Leading you down the garden path to destruction." Isaiah 3:12 "Your troops will be weak and helpless as women. The gates of your land will be opened wide to the enemy and set on fire and burned." Nahum 3:13 Eleven moms came to abort. There were nine clinic escorts and a new armed security guard today. The abortionist arrived a little before 10 am. Mr. H. was on video for them and we had two cameras going. Stericycle came to pick up "medical waste" today and left with three large boxes full. God only knows what "medical waste" was packed in those boxes. Woe to us. Shame. We had signs displayed on the streets of live and dead babies. We had other photos comparing the American Holocaust to the Nazi Holocaust. These pictures speak thousands of words. We have been taught in scripture to use word pictures to make a point. The first biblical example of this is found in Judges 19-20. Some lewd Benjamites wanted to sexually abuse a Levite. Instead a concubine was sent. She was repeatedly and brutally raped through the night until death. She struggled to get back to her master's threshold. The Levite took her dead body and cut her in twelve pieces and sent the remains throughout Israel as a testimony of this outrageous crime by the Benjamites. Once this news got out, the people "rose as one man" (Judges 20:8) in unity with purpose against the Benjamites where our Lord gave them victory over the enemy. The truths learned here are 1.) a perceived injustice, 2.) a graphic display 3.) the display triggered the people to unite in purpose 4.) the united people acted together to bring about social justice and change. "Fear not for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am God ... Fear not I will help you. Fear not..." Isaiah 41:10, 13, 14 One mom changed her mind. I counseled her going in and Carmen counseled her when she left the mill. Her mom went in with her. I remember showing this black girl my picture of the ambulance taking a mom out of the mill and a picture of "Baby Mary" - an aborted baby from Orlando. I told her to look at me. I meant everything I was saying to her. After that she did leave the abortuary and told Carmen she is 18 years old and 18 weeks pregnant. She already has one baby home. Her mom is kicking her out. We might need a shepherding home for her. Her baby is at least 8-10 inches in length and weighs half a pound or more. This mom is already showing. Her baby's ears are functioning and hears quite a bit. Her baby probably heard us pleading for it's life. Thank you Lord Jesus for saving this precious little life. "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31 Hope to see all the local people at the "gates" on 211 Middle Street. Let us covenant with God to stand ... until the killing stops. Let us continue to reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. For Him Alone, There were 25 prolifers out during the course of the morning on Friday. There were about eight clinic escorts present, also. Pat, their leader, was obviously running the show again, as she does every Friday. Her affections were running high as she was seen hugging the guard at the door, hugging Holly (the last manager before Debbie), hugging the women escorts and talking to the officer in the police car. Our prayer is that she runs right into the arms of King Jesus and hugs him too! Please continue to pray for her salvation. Another escort was complaining to the armed guard that Carmen pushed her and hurt her. He was standing right there. He did not respond. I am sure he knows we have two videos going and capture most everything on tape. Pat's husband was on video for them. The armed doorguard's job duties seem to be extended to carrying in bags for the manager, Debbie. Very interesting. The escorts even service the clinic clients as far as putting money in their meters and taking their keys from them and going out to their cars and getting things in their cars for them. This shows how "pro-choice" they really are. Once these women in crisis are in the mill, the escorts and workers seem to do anything to prevent them from leaving. If they wanted them to have a real choice and the opportunity to hear the truth about abortion and that there are better alternatives than killing their babies they would not prevent them from hearing the message of the sidewalk counselors. "Thus saith the Lord, thy Redeemer, that He formed thee from the womb..." Isaiah 44:24a Ten moms came to abort. The abortionist arrived earlier, around 9:10 am (this was second trimester day). These babies were God's precious "image-bearers". We started our class this week for the young moms and dads about child training during our Sunday School hour. Our van ministry led by Nancy and Tom picked up a van load of moms and children from Bridgeport. Thank you! We had at least 15 young parents in the class. PTL! The workbook lessons are all based on scripture. We have a lot of needy moms due soon to have their babies, plus we have lots of moms we are currently helping. See you all at the "gates" on 211 Middle Street - where little baby boys and baby girls are torn limb by limb to death. We will be there as the body of Christ. We are His hands, His feet, His mouthpiece - reaching out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. Please join us there every Tuesday and Friday 7 am and on... until the killing stops! "Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy." Proverbs 31:8&9 This action is mandated, not requested. Sidewalk counseling is the living application of this verse in our society. For the Least of These, Four babies were saved in the month of July. PTL! for each life. We had around 40 caring people out on the streets between 7 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. on 211 Middle Street in Bridgeport to plead and pray that moms would not kill their babies. Pastor Mike was out to represent the clergy in Bridgeport. Youth were out praising the Lord in song. The armed guard was on duty by the door and a police car with two officers was parked in the lot across the street. Abortionist Blumenfeld arrived a little after nine. Please pray for him. To my knowledge: Eight moms went in and eight babies were left to die. One turn-away. "Can wicked leaders who use the law to do unlawful
things Psalm 94:22,23 Let us pray that the merchants of death will repent and come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. For the Least of These, There were over 40 prolifers who came out to our local mill to pray and reach out to those who found themselves where they should not be. We are there Tuesday and Friday mornings 7 a.m.-9:30+ a.m. The mill had their gunned security guard in the doorway, and there were three cop cars sighted on the streets, parked and observing. Eleven "deathscorts" were present. Videos were going on both sides. We were glad for a few good men praying, but we need more. Abortion is a man's issue. Men impregnate the women and then bring them there to kill their babies. We need men of God to take a stand for what is right. The church on the street is the prophetic voice to our community and our nation. The mercy ministry (for example, C.P.C.) then takes care of the moms and babies. We also need some women to come out for post-abortion counseling from 9:30am-12:30. Please consider this. Twelve moms came to abort. "When are enemies and the surrounding nations heard that the wall was finally finished, they were frightened and humiliated, and they realized that the work had been done with the help of our God." Nehemiah 6:16 We need the men of God to stop abortion in our land and women to stop abortions. In other words, when women listen to the persuasion of the counselors and change their minds, we are helping to stop the number of abortions. When men are a prophetic voice and stand up with Godly submission for our Lord and to our government, abortion will stop in America. Like in the days of Nehemiah, Ezra and Esther, the government is trying to stop God's work. But we must be willing to stand and lay down our lives for the bigger picture. We will not shrink back. Our purpose is to bring the Gospel of Christ to the high places, and when these lost souls come to know the Lord, the killing will stop. Pray that Abortionist Mark Alan Blumenfeld will come to know Jesus. "You need to keep on patiently doing God's will if you want him to do for you all that He has promised. His coming will not be delayed much longer. And those whose faith has made them good in God's sight must live by faith, trusting Him in everything. Otherwise, if we shrink back, God will have no pleasure in us." Hebrews 10:36-38. With Prayers for Life, There were well over 30 concerned people that came out during the course of the morning to rightly represent the heart of God and His love for the babies and their moms. Pastor Miller was there to represent the local clergy. Eleven moms came to abort. Apparently the mill got rid of their overtime police duty. They have hired their own private guard for the front door. The escorts did not congregate by the front door like they usually do. Compassionate Christians pleaded with moms not to kill their babies. "He will give eternal life to those who patiently do the will of God, seeking for the unseen glory and honor and eternal life that he offers. But He will terribly punish those who fight against the truth of God and walk in evil ways -- God's anger will be poured upon them." Romans 2:7,8. Thank God we are on His team and He is our Commander in Chief. For the least of these, There were over 30 prolifers out in front of the baby killing center on Middle and Gold Street. We pleaded with moms and dads as they went in and tried to persuade them not to kill their children. Only two left that I was aware of, leaving eleven to die. "What you have not done for the least, you have not done for Me." Matthew 25:45 There were six clinic escorts; Elizabeth and Clive were on video for them and we had various videographers. Sgt. Leonzi was there shaking the boat for a short while. We had a few problems early on but they got ironed out. There was a mystery man videoing in a dark green GMC van with its lights on all morning. It had Massachusetts plates. One of the workers was concerned and asked the officer (#150). The man in the van went over to the policeman and told him he was with the clinic. The abortionist arrived at his normal time. Tiffany was there after we left and got to speak with some dads and give out literature for post abortion counseling. We need more people; please contact us. I just got a call yesterday from one of the moms we counseled and helped with supplies. Her saved baby girl was born on April 1, 2001. She weighed in at six pounds. The mom said she is so grateful to us for saving her baby. I told her it was not us but God. She said she loves her daughter so much and that she is so adorable. She now has two boys and two girls. We will get a photo soon. Psalm 37:7,9,34 "Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him, do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who carries out wicked schemes... For evildoers will be cut off, but those who wait for the Lord, they will inherit the land... Wait for the Lord, and keep His way, and He will exalt you to inherit the land, when the wicked are cut off, you will see it." A church sign had the words: A MOTHER KILLS HER CHILDREN. IS THAT NEW? Something for us, as a nation and as the church, to think about. With Prayers for Life, Police Interference Hinders Free Speech As 30 prolifers gathered outside Connecticut's "busiest" abortuary the police continued in their attempt to silence our speech and and interfere with our literature distribution. Clients going into the abortuary were asked by police "Do you want to be bothered?" The only logical answer to this question would be "no". Then the cop would proceed to tell the counselors to "back off". The cops did not ask these young moms if they needed help to continue their pregnancy, or someone to talk to their parents. Or maybe they needed somewhere to stay, access to food and clothes, furniture, jobs, medical insurance or housing. Their answer might have been different. I don't think a church outreach providing a community service to the poor and needy should be called "bothered". Our Lord tells us to: "Bear one another's burdens" Galatians 6:2 "Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary." Galatians 6:9 Another officer was opening car doors, taking client's hands and ushering in clients. Now the police are clinic escorts! Did they tell the clients that the abortionist inside was on probation for botched abortions with four formal complaints for negligence and incompetence, or did they tell him that a woman was taken out months ago hemorrhaging with a perforated uterus and bladder and had to get a hysterectomy never to have children again? If we were allowed to share truth with them, their "choice" may have been different. "Nazism and Facism occurs when a government or a culture utilizes death to solve its economic and moral problems." Dr. L. Alexander As far as we could see: There were eight clinic escorts including Patricia on video. There were three officers present (Leonzi, Johnson, Duncan) plus a detective and city attorney. Two clergy (Markey, Smith) were present to represent the leadership of the local church. The abortionist arrived at his normal time, speaking to life counselors as he entered the death camp. Hope to see you all out on the streets every Tuesday and Friday 7 a.m. ... until the killing stops. Please continue to pray for these lost souls that end up where they should not be. "They did not conquer by their own strength and skill, but by your mighty power and because you smiled upon them and favored them. You are my King and my God. Decree victories for your people. For it is only by your power and through your name that we tread down our enemies" Psalm 44:3-5 For The Least of These, There were over 25 prolifers on the streets today standing in the gap for the precious babies sentenced to die. Pastor Miller and Fr. Smith were there to represent the local leadership of the church. We pray that the Lord will turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children (Luke 1:17). The high places will not come down until the heart of the Church of Jesus Christ has His heart and hates abortion so much that they are willing to come to the streets and say so. Many Christians and churches believe that prayer is enough. This is not scriptural. The apathy of the church has allowed abortion to continue in our nation. Jesus was our best example, after He prayed in the garden of Gethsemane He went to the cross. Without our prayers and our sacrifice for the unborn, where would they be? Fifteen moms came to abort. There were eight deathscorts and Donald was on video for them. Abortionist Blumenfeld came to do his grizzly work at 9:30 a.m. Officer Jay Duncan (#150) was on police duty for the death camp. Sgt. Leonzi came by for a short time. It was reported that Deputy Chief Boston said it was determined that clinic escorts illegally painted a white line in the street leading the police to believe that prolifers had to stand beyond the line. "Who will rise up for me against the evil doers? Or who will stand up for Me against the workers of iniquity?" Psalm 94:16 The couple that changed their mind were very young. The mom took the brochure for the Hopeline CPC and then they took off in their jeep. One of the other moms, Violet, had her baby, Michelle, on May 24th. She weighed in at 6lbs. 20 oz. PTL! Pray for all these lost souls who find themselves where
they should not be. For the babies and our Lord, Victory for Gentle Christians Who Stood "Do not let this happy trust in the Lord die away, no matter what happens. Remember your reward! You need to keep on patiently doing God's will if you want him to do for you all that he has promised. His coming will not be delayed much longer. And those whose faith has made them good in God's sight must live by faith, trusting him in everything. Otherwise, if they shrink back, God will have no pleasure in them." Hebrews 10:35-38 Today we had victory on the streets of Bridgeport. The illegal injunction was lifted from us in the current effort between the Bridgeport police and the Summit Women's Center to freeze our First Amendment rights. As of May 18th they were trying to put Stan Scott's buffer zone on us, even though everyone knew it was given specifically to him in the 1997 verdict after two years of litigation. Federal and State Attorney Generals Janet Reno and Dick Blumenthal lost their case. God heard our prayers again and has allowed us to stay on the public sidewalk as we reach out to the lost and the needy with the gospel of Christ. "Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is within the power of thy hand to do it." Proverbs. 3:27 I thank all the courageous Christians that stood up for their Lord and their First Amendment rights. The American Family Association issued a lawsuit on our behalf against the Bridgeport police and the Summit killing center. It appears the police have backed down. Today twelve moms came to abort. Two changed their minds. Three turned away. Seven precious babies were left to die. Officer Barnum was at the door today. The white buffer line around the street was painted over with black paint. The white lines on the sidewalk remained. One of our people asked Barnum if we could go in the street now, and he said yes, the buffer was a safety hazard. After a while Sergeant Leonzi came and I called him over to ask him about the line. He said that Deputy Chief Boston lifted the injunction against us, the line was just for Stan Scott. Twenty five lifers were out to pray. "Godly men (and women) are a growing tree that bears life-giving fruit, and all who win souls are wise." Proverbs 11:30 Seven deathscorts were present. Abortionist Blumenfeld arrived around 9:30 a.m. Donald was on video for them, we had two cameras going all morning with numerous videographers. Father Markey and Father Smith were there to represent the clergy of the local churches. Please come and join us every Tuesday and Friday 7 a.m. and on... until the killing stops! "Where there is no vision the people perish..." Proverbs 29:18 In His Service, Our rights are continually violated as the abortion industry works with the police to use the Scott injunction on all prolifers. It creates a limited time for us to reach out to women in crisis. It even prohibits our constitutional rights to leaflet when pregnant moms are dropped off inside the bubble zone marked 28 feet around the front door. The result is babies will die without the chance of someone trying to rescue them. Please continue to pray for our lawyers and the judge. We want truth to prevail. We live in an unjust society with man-made laws used to murder little baby boys and little baby girls in their mothers' wombs. What have we come to as a people that we have to plead with parents not to kill their children? America can no longer be a great nation. We need to be like Elijah and remain faithful to God during times of loneliness and discouragement as we experience our nation's wickedness. We are a constant thorn to the workers of iniquity. Look at Jezebel, she ranks as the most evil woman in the Bible. She died in the defiant and scornful way she had lived. Those that reject God will always end up in disaster. We all face the judgment and attempted escape is futile except through repentance and salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord. Again and again the Lord sent messengers (2 Kings17:13,14) but the stubborn people mocked them and persisted in their wickedness, as they do today, and refused to believe Him. Forty prolifers came out to take a stand for the innocent today on the streets of Bridgeport. There were eight deathscorts including Don on video for them. Officer Melicio (#876) was on duty. Blumenfeld came in to do his grizzly business at 9:25 am. The CHS youth came to pray with one of their teachers before school, PTL! Pastor Miller and Fr. Smith were there to represent the clergy. We have post abortion counselors on site when the women leave after the abortions. "Do not be afraid, only have faith." Mark 5:36 Eleven moms came to abort. One changed her mind. One turned away. Nine babies were left to die. Hope to see you all on Friday morning, 7 a.m. at the very "gates" of hell in our community. We will stand for the children... until the killing stops. For Him, June 8, 2001 There were over 25 prolifers out to the streets over the course of the morning. From what we saw: "If you dehumanize others, you dehumanize yourself. If you stop your ears to the silent pleading of a little life, then you become insensitive to the prompting of your own heart and mind." Dr. Ney, Centurions We were short on counselors and videographers today. Please be consistent as we fight for the souls of mothers and the lives of their children. The police are enforcing Stan Scott's injunction on us so it makes it very hard for us to cross from one side of the center to the other. We need videographers and counselors on both sides of the bubble. There were nine deathscorts on duty at the killing center today to usher women in to kill their children. Bill Myers was one of them. He is a leader in the state Hemlock Society. We live in a culture of death. Shame on us, America, that we have stooped so low! Officer Duncan (#150) was on duty at the door, Sergeant Leonzi stopped by in an unmarked car for a while. Donald was on video for them and we had two cameras going most of the time. The mom that changed her mind is 15 years old and Mexican. Carmen got to speak to the young lady and her mom in Spanish across Gold Street before the escorts noticed. Then two of them came and tried to lure them away. The other five turn-aways were probably some changes, but we cannot confirm this because the escorts made it impossible for us to talk to or give literature to them. If they were really for women they would want them to receive the resource information of help available, but their major focus is to keep them from knowing the Lord and truth. Please join us every Tuesday and Friday 7 a.m. ... until the killing stops. Don't let the roar of the enemy keep you home. Little baby boys and little baby girls are being drawn to death right in your community. Speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. "Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent - the Lord detests them both." Proverbs 17:15 In His Service, June 5, 2001 Four Babies Saved Today Thirty prolifers were out to the streets in Bridgeport today to tell moms that God has a plan for their lives and the lives of their children. We were blessed to have David Benham, Flip's son, a professional baseball player, there to witness to the lost. The Lord heard the prayers and the pleas of His people and moved in a mighty way saving at least four babies. Seventeen moms came to abort. Four changed their minds. One turned away. Twelve babies were left to die. The parents that changed their minds were one black mom, one oriental couple, a middle eastern couple, and a latino couple. It was very hard for me to talk to the black mom; she told me she changed her mind, she was not going to abort. Then Susan, one of the deathscorts told her to tell me she did not want to talk to me. That was the end of that. I did not get any more info from her, nor was I able to give her the literature of help available. Dagney spoke to the oriental dad and he went in and got his woman out. The young lady, Bushelle, was glad they changed their minds, she even let Carmen pray with her. The third change was a middle eastern couple. Everyone counseled them but Millie was the last to finally convince Lobna not to abort. Jay, the baby's dad wanted to keep their child, but she was persistent, that at 29 she was too young to be a mom. Millie told her she was 30 and had two children, and shared her testimony. They exchanged phone numbers and plan to become friends. PTL! The last couple we saw that changed their minds were teenagers. Louisito, 18, rode his bike into the mill. His girlfriend, Milagro, is 17 years old and eighteen weeks pregnant. We asked the young dad if he went to church, he said he grew up in Pentecostal church and wants no part of it. I guess that is how they ended up at the abortion mill. Please pray specifically for all these people. There were at least three cars, one coming from the opposite direction, that parked inside the bubble. We could not counsel these moms and offer them the alternatives they needed to keep their babies. The police are still using Stan Scott's injunction on us. We just trust the Lord that He will work out this situation as we continue to stand for Him, the moms and the babies that are sentenced to die. There were seven deathscorts, including Scott on video. Abortionist Blumenfeld came in to do his grizzly work at 9:45a.m. The officer on duty was Duncan (#150); they did not have their police video person present. Cop cars drove by sparingly today, the novelty is wearing off. Three clergy were present (Pastor Randy, Pastor Miller and Fr. Smith) to represent the leadership of our local churches. The CHS students came to pray before school. The sin of our times in the Church of Jesus Christ is complacency towards evil, and not taking action to stop it. "... the sin that believes in nothing, cares for nothing, seeks to know nothing, interferes with nothing, enjoys nothing, hates nothing, finds purpose in nothing, and remains alive because there is nothing for which it will die." - Dorothy Sayers Hope to see you all at the "gates" on Friday, 7 a.m. as we continue to stand for righteousness... until the killing stops. For Him, Fourteen Babies Saved in May - Sixteen Killed
Today As you see from the May stats, the reason the pro-aborts are coming down so hard on us is because we are so effective to bring the gospel to the very "gates" of hell. I don't know of any prolife political groups that sit in their nice little offices that are being persecuted for His sake. The enemy does not care about them, it's the church of Jesus Christ out on the streets that kills their business of child sacrifice. They are trying to legislate us right off the streets. A report was given to Carmen by a girl that had an abortion Tuesday. She said that while all the moms were waiting in the waiting room to abort Tuesday they all heard a baby crying! We believe this is the reason three moms left and changed their minds. The baby was either a baby being aborted or the cry of a baby's innocent blood coming from the ground? "Your brother's blood calls to me from the ground." Genesis 4:10 There were 40 prolifers out during the course of the morning. For those in our nation calling for revival, it will not happen without repentance! Repentance almost always comes in the response to judgment and tough times in our lives. Judgment begins in the house of God. (1 Peter 4:17) There were seven deathscorts present, we had numerous pushing and pressing incidents from them. Abortionist Blumenfeld came about 9:30 a.m. The officers at the door were Officer Barnum and Sargeant Leonzi. There was a police car present for a very short time. Stan Scott's bubble zone was still being used against all prolifers. Donald was on video for them, we had numerous videographers, and three cameras going. The police even had a black woman with plain clothes and a badge videoing for them! The CHS students came to pray before school and three clergy were present (Pastor Dave, Father Markey, Father Smith). Pastor Dave got to counsel a dad driving by whose daughter is four months pregnant from a rape. Pastor Dave gave him literature to take home. Pray that they change their mind. Twenty-three moms came to abort. One changed her mind. Six turned-away. Sixteen babies were left to die. One mom that changed her mind was black and eight weeks pregnant. She took all the literature for help. We had counselors present until 12:30 p.m. for post-abortion counseling. Tiffany took a pregnant mom to the Hopeline. Marianne saw five moms come out between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 and gave literature to three. One mom received a ride home because she had none. A taxi driver accepted a gospel tract. Be strong and never surrender to the pressure of the enemy. The Lord never gives us more than we can handle. Whatever happens don't stay home and let the babies die. The future of our country depends on how we act today. All Heaven and Hell are watching to see what Christians in Bridgeport will do - bow to tyrannical police or continue to obey God. "Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!" 1 Chronicles 4:10 For His Children,