God's Servants at the "Summit Women's Center" BPT
Reports from 2nd Quarter FOURTEEN BABIES SAVED IN JUNE
Thirty-five prolifers came out to the streets today to pray. The duty of these Christians is to remain faithful, not popular or successful. I hope for our Lord's sake and the sake of those who come after us that we would not shirk our responsibility for the sake of respectability. We passed out many gospel tracts today to people walking by. This is a very busy street where lots of cars go by and see the signs.
Two priests (Fr. Markey and Fr. Smith), our children, and four police officers were there during the course of the morning. The Yalie was on video for them. The mill has two new outside cameras now, one on each side of the building near the front doors. The abortionist arrived at 9:35 a.m. speeding into the driveway with his red sports car. Ten
moms came to abort. I am not sure if all eight moms aborted. The abortionist left around 11:10 a.m. Only four women clients came out between 11:05 am and 12:35 PM that looked like they had aborted. The other four women were seen leaving around 10:30 a.m. We are not sure if they aborted.
We urge you all to invite your friends and come out to 3787 Main Street every Tuesday and Friday morning, 7 a.m. and on. As Pastor Steve stated "The real work is trying to involve the Church in this war. Many churches are stuck in the rut of we never did it that way before. This is a street ministry that preaches Jesus to those who don't know Him yet." For the Least of
These, NO DEAD BABIES! Forty prolifers came out today. We had a bunch of children, and three clergy (Fr. Smith, Fr. Jeff, and Pastor Mike). Three police, the armed guard and the Yalie were present during the course of the morning. Some of the dancing school kids came next door, we tried to put the live baby signs on that section of the street. EIGHT
MOMS CAME TO ABORT. Business was dead again today. I believe it is an answer to prayer that babies lived and were not ripped apart. From the eight moms that came to abort, four changed their minds, two turned away, and two were sent home. The abortionist never showed. It was probably not worth it for him to come for just two. I surmise those babies are happy. My heart rejoices that they are alive and were spared death. Literature and videos were given to most of these parents. Some told us of specific ways we could help them. Please pray they all let their babies grow to term and be born.
In this verse, 2 Sam.3:1, we see evidence that time plus conflict equals change. We are told that this war lasted a long time. David's side grew stronger and Saul's side grew weaker. Warfare is one of the most repeated themes in the life of David. We have fought this tough abortion war for many years. We need to believe God that as time passes, change will come. We will never be the same after this long severe battle. The Lord is causing us to grow stronger.
We will fight these enemies in different ways for the rest of our lives. It is sometimes discouraging when we see no progress, but we must assure ourselves that time plus conflict equals change. We want change in order to please God and obey His commands. Our battles will not be fought in vain. God obviously wanted us to learn from David's approach to warfare because he included it in so many of his Psalms on the subject. Psalm 20: "May the LORD answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you. May he send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support from Zion. May he remember all your sacrifices and accept your burnt offerings.May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. We will shout for joy when you are victorious and will lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the LORD grant all your requests. Now I know that the LORD saves his anointed; he answers him from his holy heaven with the saving power of his right hand. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm. O LORD, save the king! Answer us when we call!" David constantly called on our Lord to fight his battles and David knew who brought the victory. God permits our battles to be used to accomplish a divine end. We can depend on Him as we grow stronger instead of weaker. We are believing God to end abortion in our community and in our nation. We encourage all of you to come out on "THE STREETS" Tuesday and Friday mornings, from 7 a.m. and on. You cannot have a victory if you are not there. Join us as we reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. We, the Church of Jesus Christ, will be there ... until the killing stops. The gates of Hell cannot prevail against His Church. For the Least of
These, THREE BABIES SAVED TODAY PSALM 126:5,6 "Those who sow in tears, will reap with songs of joy. He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him." Thirty-five saints were out today praying, crying, and worshipping to our Lord and King, Jesus Christ. He heard our prayers, He felt our tears and He received our worship as a sweet savor. He honored our feeble efforts and three moms heard the wooing of the Holy Spirit and changed their minds and one mom turned away. Carmen took one mom home and Dolores took another. We must always remember it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35) and remember the miracles of long ago (Psalm 77:11). Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Sixteen
moms came to abort. I thank God for all my brothers and sisters who are so faithful in this battle. Today we had two clergy, Fr. Markey and Pstr. Marshall. We had some children to plead for the unborn, Vinny & Co. were on signs and Art was on video. We had counselors and we had prayer warriors. I am honored to be on the frontlines with them. We had at least four different police officers present and the armed guard. A disgruntled driver drove into the clinic lot saying how dare we compare the Nazi Holocaust with the American Holocaust. In America today, about 4,400 innocent people are killed in facilities like Auschwitz. For most of them there is no one to come to their rescue. In 1945, there were not enought heroes to save 6 million Jews and 8 million other "unwanted" people in Hitler's Europe. But for 1,200 Poles, at least there was Oskar Shindler.But for 1,051 Connecticut children, at least there were saints in Bridgeport who cared enough to stand in the gap for them during the past twelve and a half years. As I study 1 & 2 Samuel, I see that assured victories are not easy wins (1 Sam. 30). There are references to exhaustion (v. 10), hard work (v. 17), nonstop 24-hour battles (v. 17), and 400 escapees (v.7). Victories sometimes require blood, sweat and tears. I believe God uses this to strengthen and mature us all at the same time. His idea of victory has nothing to do with plunder, it has to do with people. It isn't important to God what comes out of the battle, but who. We don't have to win big to win. Four hundred men got away and God called it a victory. The abortionist came at 9:45 a.m. I believe there was a woman abortionist there today that came another time, also. She was there Tuesday, too. Maybe they are training a new butcher to kill the babies. MAB has four formal complaints and is on probation. I am sure he is risky business to the Summit Women's Center, who just put up their new sign today. It also looks like the dancing studio is taking permanent residence there. They are going to be quite surprised Tuesday morning when they have summer camp 8:30 a.m. in the morning. Pastor Bob Behn, from Buffalo NY, says it well. "God is calling His faithful followers to bring an even more powerful weapon to bear on the sin of abortion and its industry of darkness. God is waiting no longer on the church, a prolife president, politicians, judicial authority, or the citizens of America to bring an end to child killing. All of these have been given the opportunity to repent and seek His forgiveness. All have failed to do so. This leaves those of us who hear the cry of our Father's heart, no where else to turn but to Him! We have forgotten the power of our God and failed to believe with all our heart that God will do what man has failed to do. (Zechariah 4:6) "'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty." Yes, God is calling us to have faith to believe that He will do for us what all others have failed to do, namely end abortion!" BE A HERO AN UNBORN CHILD IS WAITING FOR. COME OUT TO THE STREETS IN BRIDGEPORT (3787 MAIN) ON TUESDAY AND FRIDAY MORNING STARTING AT 7 AM. Come before work or bring your children. We, the Church of Jesus Christ, reach out to the lost and the needy who find themselves where they should not be. We will be there ... until the killing stops. For the Least of
These, Forty prolifers came out to the streets to pray today before they started their day. Two clergy were present, Pastor Miller and Pastor Larry. It was nice to have our children with us whole morning, now that CHS is out. The city schoolbus went by again at 8:15 a.m. with all the children shouting "No more abortion." It looks like a little girls' dance studio is moving into the vacant building next door. I don't know if it is just for a summer camp or permanent. I guess they will be surprised to see an abortion mill next door. Use wisdom if you are approached. "A soft answer turns away wrath." Proverbs 15:1 Stacia was there after the abortions to minister the gospel to the moms leaving. She needs more women to do this with her between the hours of 11am- 1pm. I also was informed that the New England Truth Tour came through Bridgeport yesterday between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. and others told me it was in New Haven today at Planned Parenthood. I hope God uses their pictures to turn the people's hearts and open their eyes to the horror of abortion. We Christians are called to bring evil into the light.
I look forward to the day when baby killing in America will come to an end. I know it may seem impossible, but look back in history. The Nazi Holocaust came to an end, slavery came to an end, so why not abortion? "America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great." Alexis de Tocqueville 1835 Today, abortion mills are the modern day "high places" where little baby girls and little baby boys are sacrificed on the altars of convenience. Just because someone is a hindrance, it does not give us the "right" to eliminate them. Abortion clinics all over our nation have closed down when Christians came out to pray consistently for a substantial amount of time (YEARS). Again, my prayer for the Summit Women's Center is that it would become a "birthing center" instead of a "killing center". Police were present in full force today, the armed guard was on duty for the mill. They had the Yale boy on video for them. EIGHT
MOMS CAME TO ABORT. We need to be bold and courageous as we stand in our nation for righteousness. "Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord in not done in vain." 1 Cori. 15:58 I hope to see all the local people out on the streets ... until the killing stops. We are there to reach out to the lost and needy, who find themselves where they should not be. You cannot have a victory, if you are not there. For the Least of
These, THREE BABIES SAVED TODAY! Twenty-one prayer warriors came out in the rain today to stand in the gap for the twelve precious babies that were sentenced to die at 3787 Main Street. Lots of police were present today, the armed guard, the Yale student on video for them and another video person was in a black Mustang. Two clergy were there, Fr. Markey and PST. Dave. Thanks to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, three moms changed their minds and left the killing center and received information for help. TWELVE
CAME. This is just a first step of our ministry. Many other things transpire during the week. This week, for example, one of the moms went for a job interview that was set up for her, furniture was delivered to another Mom, special items were purchased and sent to another Mom at His Mansion, waiting to put her baby up for adoption, a sympathy gift was made and a note of condolence written on behalf of a deceased friend, one of the moms was taken grocery shopping, another was brought flowers in the hospital, videos were made and literature was copied to be sent out at the post office. Tomorrow we will be attending a Purity Conference sponsored by Hopeline. One of the prolife daughters will be brought along with our own families and Sunday we have the van ministry pick up moms and children that need rides to church. Diapers, food and supplies are brought for them each Sunday. Patti Q. is teaching an awesome Sunday School class to them on Sexual Healing. Many phone calls are done during the week and orders filled to follow up on the needs of these families. A lot of things are happening behind the scenes. I ENCOURAGE YOU ALL TO COME OUT TO THE STREETS AS WE REACH OUT TO THE LOST AND THE NEEDY. I would like to share part of Pastor Daniel Thompson's message this week from Acts 10:9-16 "We see in Peter's life that great revelations were reserved for the 'very hungry." Many Christians are too full with the cares, riches, and pleasures of this life to hunger after God. "Blessed are the poor in spirit" for they hunger for God. How many of us have seen the horror of abortion right in our own community but still will not "Rise" and act upon what they have seen. Our responsibility to God concerning what we have seen and what we know is an individual thing. God revealed the sheet to Peter alone, therefore it became a greater measure of responsibility to him for what he had been shown. If we have seen the sheet, we are all responsible to act upon what we have seen, regardless of the position or attitude of others. They will not be present when we stand alone before God. 2 Cori 5:10 "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad." Do you have a personal revelation from God concerning the murder of innocent children in your city? I am sure you have heard all about it, through the years, from different people and ministries, but have you heard from God yourself? Have you seen His heart about this incredible and indescribable tragedy? Have you seen things from His side? Have you seen the answer? And if you have seen the sheet, are you still sleeping like Peter? In a trance? Is it the second or third time the sheet has fallen and yet you still uttering "not so Lord for I have never ... partaken of anything like this." Is the sheet so full of that which is unclean, dirty, wild and controversial that you simply want nothing to do with it? Too may "creeping things" and "fowls of the air" to contend with? My friends I encourage you to "Rise ... kill and ea.t" Stand to your feet, kill all your fears and partake of the uncleanness of abortion until it has ended in your city." For the Least of
These, Thirty-five lifesavers took time out of their busy schedules today to come to 3787 Main Street, Bridgeport, where I believe twelve babies died today. One was saved and one turned away. Police and the armed guard were there. The Yale boy was on video for them. Two clergy came, Pastor Miller and Pastor Mike. Mary Quinn, a sister prolifer from New York is right when she says, "I have come to the conclusion that abortion will end when Christians become Christians again." That's it, plain and simple, it's all up to us. We have failed to take the battle seriously and use the weapons the Lord has provided. This is a life and death conflict between spiritual wickedness and those that claim the name of Christ. The humanist ideas of our current culture are an attack on God himself. There is only one way to win. It will take a life committed to Christ, founded on truth, living in righteousness and prayer, and grounded in the gospel.
Most of the Church has not been active in the battle, and probably unaware that there even is one. There has been a failure on the Church's part to stand for truth. The "Great Evangelical Disaster" as Francis Shaeffer has stated is that the evangelical church has accommodated to the world spirit of the age. A major accommodation has been on Scripture. If we really:
If we love Him, and know Him as our Lord and Savior, we would do things to show His character of holiness and love in our lives. To love our neighbor as Christ would have us love our neighbor, we would certainly share the gospel and lay down our lives, so others may live. We cannot stand idly by in this post Christian era and watch our country go down the drain in our lifetime. Please come out to the streets every Tuesday and Friday at 7 a.m. and on to reach out to the lost and the needy who find themselves where they should not be. For the Least of
These, The Church Fails Again
It was a rough day today out in front of our local baby killing center. It was pouring rain and cold. From what I saw:FOURTEEN PRECIOUS BABIES WERE BROUGHT IN BY THEIR PARENTS TO BE KILLED. ONE TURNED AWAY. THIRTEEN WERE LEFT TO DIE. Where was the Church of Jesus Christ this morning? Were they in their nice warm beds sleeping or were they just busy doing their "own thing" as little baby boys and little baby girls, created in the image of GOD, were legally ripped apart limb by limb right from their own mothers' wombs. How sad this is. In a town of over 136,000 and over 600 churches, only 35 faithful people showed up today, and most of them don't even live in Bridgeport. Two clergy were there, Fr. Markey and Pastor Dave. What does this say? Pastor Steve Mashburn reminds us: "The God-given right to free speech and the freedom to worship and practice one's faith belongs only to those who exercise it and stand up in the face of all attempts to silence it. Christianity began as an illegal faith in Jerusalem and was later outlawed by the entire Roman Empire. The Church kept taking King Jesus to the gates and the blood of martyrs became the seed of evangelism. Some 300 years later, the Church prevailed against the gates of Hell as the Roman Empire collapsed and Christianity stood." We can do the same today. The gates of Hell cannot prevail against His Church. If we want abortion to end we need to be inconvenienced and act like we want it to end. If we believe abortion is really murder, we need to act like it is murder. Mills have closed all over our nation when hundreds from the Church have come out to the streets for a substantial amount of months. I am sorry, but I can NEVER EVER get used to this. It rips me apart inside and painfully grieves me to know that this is happening to innocent little children. These babies have no defense, they need us to stand for them. These babies feel extreme pain. If any of you have never seen an abortion tell me and I will give you a video. I promise, you will never be the same again.
Two police officers and an armed guard were present today. The clinic had the Yale male student on video from the inside window for them. Someone was in the vacant Print Shop next door fixing it up. Don't they know? "Abortion is bad for business. All it brings is death - even to those that make a killing off killing children. If corporate & commerce America could grasp this fact along with the reality that abortion robs them of both consumers and workers, they would eliminate abortion in the name of the almighty dollar if not for the right spiritual and moral reasons." (SM) On a more pleasant note, the baby born Tuesday is just so handsome. His name is Ausniel. Carmen went to see him at St. Vincent's Hospital. He was 9 lbs. 3 oz. Wow! We are delivering a crib, mattress, dressing table and desk to them. Thanks to you all for your support, we cannot do this alone. We also need another crib and mattress, and a stroller, if anyone has one in excellent condition. We need size three (3) diapers and wipes. For the Least of
These, The Print Shoppe on Main St. closed after killing center moved near PRINT SHOP NEXT DOOR TO ABORTUARY CLOSES DOWN One of the local businesses,that was not too happy about the abortion mill being right next door to them, has moved out. I wonder if Main Street will turn into another Middle Street. All the businesses next door to the mill there, ended up moving out, too. It became a lifeless, desolate, dark area of death. It's all about reaping what you sow. Carmen, Ron, Rob, Pastor Larry & Pastor Mike on 3787 Main St. Thirty-five prolifers came out to the streets during the course of the morning between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. If you can only come for a few minutes, come anyway, every prayer and every person does matter! A lot of people stop by on their way to work. ABORTION WILL END IN AMERICA WHEN THE CHURCH SAYS IT WILL END AND NOT ONE MINUTE BEFORE. There were four clergy there today (Pstr. Miller, Fr. Smith, Pstr. Mike, Pstr. Larry). The true answer to in the hands of our pastors to lead their congregations "to rescue those being led to their slaughter." Proverbs 24:11, 2 Peter 2 "1But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you." "ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS TO GET 10% OF THE PEW WARMERS IN EVERY CHURCH TO COME OUT TO THEIR LOCAL ABORTION MILL AND STAND FOR LIFE. THAT'S IT. THAT IS THE END OF ABORTION IN AMERICA." Pastor Ed Martin, Oscala, Fla. "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few." One of the babies that was saved was born yesterday to Dottie. A baby boy. More details will follow. THIRTEEN
MOMS CAME TO ABORT TODAY. The police presence was low today. Just Off. Rebas parked in his car across the street watching. The armed guard was on duty for the mill and they had one videographer, the Yale boy student. We had our video going, too. The abortionist arrived at 9:50 a.m. speeding into the driveway, almost running Carmen over. This is Vinny, Nancy, Art, Stan, Sabby, Pastor Larry, Pastor Miller and Carmen at 3787 Main St.
Hope to see you all out on the streets, to reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. We will be there, the hands and feet of Jesus, the mouth of Jesus, His body ... we will be there until the killing stops! Never too old to save babies! This is Fr. Smith and Sally, both of them are 81 years old. Sally just graduated from Sacred Heart College. PTL! For the Least of
These, MOM AND BABY SAVED TODAY I am just so happy that one of the moms going into the mill today took a little walk with me and changed her mind about killing her baby. The best part of all is that she sat in my car and prayed the sinner's prayer to make Jesus her Lord and Savior. She was all smiles because a load was lifted from her. I took her for Duncan Donuts and to Hopeline for counseling. She did a daily devotional with Sylvia and is going back next week for more counseling. Thank you, Sylvia and Hopeline, for being there. Please pray for this 21 year old mom, she plans to come to church Sunday on the van, with Nancy and Tom. She even got to meet Pastor Dave today. I told her all about our ABF class that Patti is teaching on "Sexual Healing". She is excited to come. The totals for May are ten saves, 9 turn-aways. Now on a more somber note, the bad news is that: Eleven
moms came today. Thirty-five prolifers came out to stand in the gap for them during the three hour time span from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. We did not have anyone for post abortion time because Stacia was away. We still need more people for this. It is easy, just pass literature to moms when they leave between 11:15-12:30 pm. Three clergy ( Fr. Markey & Fr. Smith, Pstr. Dave)were present. If the Church of Jesus Christ would just come out to the streets and stand, this killing would stop. Over 600 mills have shut down all over this nation since 1991 because the Church came out to pray. The Church is the only entity with the power of God to fight the power of the enemy. The gates of Hell cannot prevail against HIs Church. Not the President, not Congress, not the Supreme Court, it's us the Church! Do you really want abortion to stop here in Bridgeport? Well, you must do something. Faith without works is dead. (James 2:17) Yes, we can stop a few "abortions" but if you want "ABORTION" to end, the church as a whole needs to stand. Please invite your pastor, your friends, your neighbors, your family. God has given us much visibility. Let's use if for His glory and say "No more killing." WHO ME? The Lord said "GO AND WITNESS AGAINST KILLING MY UNBORN BABIES!" And I said, "Who me?" And He said, "YES YOU." And I said "You mean in public? (Right on Main Street?) I can't leave the kids, and you know how hard it is to find a sitter. Besides there's company coming. And He said, "YOU'RE STALLING". And the Lord said "GO AND WITNESS AGAINST ABORTION." and I said "I don't want to." And He said " I DIDN'T ASK IF YOU WANTED TO." And I said "Listen that's not my style, I'm not the kind of person who gets involved in controversy. Besides my family won't like it, or my friends, or my boss. And what will the neighbors think? And He said ' BALONEY GO" And yet a third time the Lord said "GO AND SAVE THE BABIES" And I said "Look I'm scared." People will hate me. And make fun of me. And cut me up into little pieces. And maybe I won't know what to say. And He said "WHERE DO YOU THINK I'LL BE?" And the Lord said 'GO'. And I sighed, "Here I am, send me." - ANONYMOUS There were four cops, four cop cars, the clinic's armed guard, and the Yale male student videographer for them in the window. We had our video going, too. The abortionist arrived at 9:35 a.m. (MAB) The school bus went by again with all the students yelling out the window "No More Abortion!". Amen! "Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die.," Proverbs 31:8 JESUS SAID: "Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his neighbor." For the Least of
These, BUSINESS DEAD AGAIN There were a faithful few prolifers (twenty or less) who stood out today in the pouring rain between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. Three clergy were there, too. (Pr. Miller, Pr. Larry, Fr. Smith)
From what I saw: Donald was on video right in front in his car. The whole scenario reminds me of Jezebel and Ahab. Jezebel ranked as the most evil woman in the Bible (Rev.2:20). She was more determined than any to completely reject and wipe out the worship of God. Jezebel wanted all Israel to worship her gods. She greatly influenced the fall of the Northern Kingdom because of her idolatry. She held great power and managed her husband, King Ahab, plus 850 pagan priests!
There were three police cars which dwindled to one. The armed guard was there. The Yale boy escort was in the Summit window videoing. The signs were up for all to see and we got to hand out gospel tracts to many passersby. Please join us on Friday and Tuesday as we reach out to the lost and the needy "who find themselves where they should not be". We will be there ... until the killing stops.
For the Least of
These, Thirty-five prolifers , including four clergy (Fr. Markey, Pr. Dave, Fr. Smith, Pr. Marshall), came to pray and witness for the unborn children sentenced to die in Bridgeport yesterday. Colbi and Kelly carried a baby coffin that Vinny made in memory of all the dead babies that did not have a funeral service. Cori's doll "Precious" was in the crafted wooden box to represent every "precious" baby that has lost his or her life. I exhort all of you reading this to come out to the local abortuary and take a stand against evil. Abortion will end only when the Church of Jesus Christ decides it will end. Hundreds of mills have shut down all over our nation because the Church was willing to be inconvenienced and uncomfortable until the killing stopped. We are still praying for the Summit to become a birthing center instead of a killing center. A word of encouragement from a brother to the Bridgeport saints: "Thank you for your faithfulness throughout the recent weeks and months in the battle in Bridgeport. It has been such an encouragement to receive your reports, and even though Summit has not been prevented from opening in their new location, my prayer is that this development will backfire on the pro-aborts, and that your ministry will be more effective and have more impact on the Bridgeport community in the days ahead. It seems like every other day I hear some kind of report on the news relating to Bridgeport, and I really believe that Bridgeport is a key city for God's battle for the heart of our nation." In Christ's service for those who cannot speak themselves, Tim Palmquist, Voice for Life The abortionist (MAB) arrived by 10 a.m. to start his grisly business. There were police present all morning and the clinic's armed guard. Two videographers for them were Donald and the male Yale student. Donald was told by police to move his car from the private lot. We had two videos going, too. SEVENTEEN
MOMS CAME TO ABORT. (13B,3W,1H) Black genocide again. One mom left in a cab, I was able to talk to her and the other left on foot, crying. Pr. Marshall had some interesting conversations with his black brothers and sisters. Stacia and Barbro were there after the abortions to offer literature to the moms for help. One mom was very upset she had the abortion and did not listen to us. She said she had "twilight" anesthesia and felt and heard the whole abortion process. She was in excruciating pain when she left the mill. We cannot grow weary, we cannot shrink back. We must stay in this battle until the killing stops. We need more public figures like Dr. James Dobson, who keep the American Holocaust in the public eye. Dr. Dobson: "The mass opposition that you receive is evidence that you are hitting a nerve. Keep it up! I support what you are doing and maybe in the long run you can win some converts. It is an education process and a painful one at that. Why? Because lives and future lives are at stake. The lives of innocent children are at stake at the hands of vile and careless adults whose aim is to live a self fulfilling prophesy of happiness based singularly upon the idea of self gratification." Richard Mango This Memorial Day weekend, let us to remember to pray for our nation's leaders and all those that gave of their lives for our freedom. Pray for a Godly remnant to rise and lead our nation back to God, before it is too late. " . . . I work the rope lines a lot, and people say, 'Mr. President, I pray for you and your family.' I turn to them, I look them in the eye, and say, that's the greatest gift you can give. I mean it with all sincerity. And so I want to thank you for your prayers. I want to thank you for what you do for our nation. I want to thank you for your good works. I want to thank you for helping change America one heart, one soul, one conscience at a time." - President George W. Bush, excerpts from the President's remarks at the National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast, May 16, 2002 Christians, your sins were paid for with the blood of Christ, your freedom was paid for with the blood of patriots, and your silence is paid for with the blood of the unborn. (OSA) n His Service, Business Dead, Eight Came, Four Left We give all the praise to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, what Satan intends for evil God turns it around for good! Keep praying that the Summit becomes a birthing center instead of a killing center. Pray for the salvation of abortion providers. Another Mom stopped by to see us today with her son, she had changed her mind years ago. Eight
moms came today to abort. Thirty-five prolifers came out to pray between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. Even if you can only stop by for minutes, please come and make a public appearance on 3787 Main St. to show Christians are concerned about baby killing in their community. Four clergy were out to represent the leadership in the Church (Pastors Miller, Mike, Larry & Fr. Smith). Pastor Mike talked to a young male client. He went back in and the Mom came out crying. She changed her mind and decided not to kill her baby. PTL The schoolbus drives by before school and all the students yell out the window "No more abortion!" Stacia and Barbro were there to offer post abortion gospel tracts to the four women after their abortions. We need more women for this outreach, when these two can't make it. We had a wonderful Sunday School class this week. Patti Q. is an awesome teacher. We are doing a bible study on sexual healing with the young moms and dads. One of the moms that came is due June 7, we are delivering a crib to her this week. Clothes, diapers and wipes were given out to the needy families. Thank you for your donations. We can't do this alone. There were plenty of police around, Sgt. Pearce even stopped by. An FBI undercover was in a car watching. There were three on video for the other side (Pat & Betsy across the street in a private lot, male student from the mill property and female student from the sidewalk across the street). The armed guard was there today. The abortionist arrived at 9:45 am in his new red Porsche, his assistant (ex-wife?) came in his silver BMW and Robin, the anesthesiologist, arrived again in her new cream Cadillac. I wonder how many babies had to die to pay for those fancy cars? It reminds me of Shindler's List. How sad Mr. Shindler was after the holocaust wondering how many more Jews he could have saved if he sold his car. Lives are more valuable than cars. People sometimes ask why we have to show those horrible signs. The answer is quite simple. If something is so horrible that it should not be shown then it is so horrible it should not be allowed. None of us like looking at those pictures. It breaks our hearts to see what is being done to our Lord's precious little "imagebearers". "It's not the messenger that should disturb you, it's the message." (OSA) If you worry about children seeing these pictures, I can personally testify that my granddaughters have grown up seeing these pictures. They have learned to have compassion and stand in the gap for these babies. We should be so concerned about what our kids see on TV or at the movies. Pastor Dave challenged us Sunday to look deep into our hearts as he does a four week teaching on Haggai. "Is it then the right time for you to live in luxurious homes, when the Temple lies in ruins." Haggai 1:4 We have abortion in America because the Church has allowed it. It's our fault, we have not stood against evil in the public arena. We have put our possessions and our jobs ahead of God. It's time to come out of our comfort zones. Join us on Tues. and Fri. 7 a.m. -10 a.m. It is a perfect opportunity for street ministry and witnessing to the lost.Today we gave out many tracts and Bibles. A product of proclaiming the Gospel is that souls and babies are saved. What could be better than that! n His Service, First Baby Saved at New Location "Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God ... Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him." John 3: 19-21, 4:36 Not by our power or by our might but by His Spirit! The first baby was saved today at the new site on 3787 Main Street. We believe this Mom was moved by the signs she saw as she went in the driveway and by our pleas to her to please keep her baby. She stopped and talked to Carmen on her way out and told her she changed her mind. This young mom has a three month old baby home, and thought another child would be too much. She was assured of the help available for her family and took all the information and phone numbers. Twelve
came to abort. The new location has great visibility. A young man stopped by and was looking at the pictures. He was telling us all about his sister's botched abortion at the Summit. Come to find out, we knew who his sister was. What a small world! Another mom that saved her baby over three years ago stopped by also when she saw the signs. She had her four year old daughter with her. This young lady's mom was there too, and she said her granddaughter was the joy of her life! We invited them to church Sunday. Now just think what would have been missed if this precious little girl was aborted. EVERY life has a purpose and plan from God. Pastor Bob Behn, or Buffalo, NY reminds us:
Over thirty prolifers including four clergy (Fr. Markey, Fr. Smith, Fr. Bill and Pstr. Mike) came out to stand on the front-line of battle. You cannot win, if you are not there. There were no escorts today or Tuesday, except for those on video which were three students and Donald. There was no armed guard today. There were plenty of police (four police cars). One of the nurses that works at the abortuary drove in with a license plate honoring "KIDS". Please pray for the abortion providers. Pray that the bakery, the print shop, the liquor store, and the Subway owners and workers come to hate baby killing like God hates it. Pray that they realize human life is more important than money.
In the Battle for
Life, Abortion Business Dead on Opening Day in Bridgeport From what we saw only three moms went in the abortuary on their grand opening morning. The clinic attorney (JJ), one of the owners (DL), and a few college student escorts (Yale) were on site. One male student was upstairs in the killing center window videoing, a young lady student was in their lot videoing and Donald was across the street in his car videoing. The abortionist arrived (MAB) around 10 a.m. hidden in the back of a sports utility vehicle. He tried to sneak in the right side door. Plenty of police were present early in the day and dwindled as the crowd lessened. We believe: THREE PRECIOUS BABIES WERE KILLED. We were able to talk to some of the clients and passerbys on the sidewalk and pass out literature. Some drivers pulled over to find out more information.
Over 75 prolifers came out yesterday, including 12 pastors, either to 3787 Main Street or the public hearing last night at Bridgeport Council Chambers. We were blessed to have our compassionate friend, Yale Professor Chu, with us for a short time. A prayer vigil and press conference was held in the morning. Prayers were lifted up to our Lord Jesus Christ by men of God and one very special prayer came from my nine year old granddaughter. Even a little child can see how evil abortion is.
Some of the Church still refuses to hear God's call to stand against sin in our community. As the battle for the pre-born rages, many that Almighty God has appointed to defend His children, STAND SILENT. Pastor Ed from Oscala, reminds us that:
I really believe that God has allowed us to be in this high traffic neighborhood on Main Street for His purpose to evangelize the neighborhood and expose evil. "Take no part in the worthless pleasures of evil and darkness, but instead, rebuke and expose them. It would be shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But when you expose them, the light shines in upon their sin and shows it up, and when they see how wrong they really are, some of them may even become children of light!" Eph. 6:11-13 P.T.L.! There
are all types of media coverage yesterday and today on this topic (The
Hartford Courant, The CT Post ), WICC and WFIF Radio, Ch. 8 WTNH-TV News,
Ch. 3 TV-News, Ch. 30 TV-News , and Ch.12 TV-News). ]See
bottom for selected news quotes.]
In this verse, Jonathan and his armor bearer were not much of a force for an attack on the huge Philistine army. But while everyone else was AFRAID, they trusted God, knowing the size of the enemy would not restrict God's ability to help them. He trusted God to give the victory and acted on that trust. God honored their faith and brave action of these TWO men with tremendous victory. We all may feel surrounded by the "enemy" and face overwhelming odds, but GOD is never intimidated by the size of the enemy or the complexity of the problem. With Him there are always resources to resist the pressure and win the battle. If God calls us to action we need to bravely commit whatever we have to Him and rely on Him to lead us! Christians are needed to pass out literature Mon. - Fri. at the abortuary 9 a.m. - 12 to women going in for pregnancy tests. Abortion times are the same for now Tuesday and Friday mornings. I hope to see you all on the streets Friday morning as we reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. We will be there for our Lord, for the babies, and for the lost and needy ... until the killing stops.
[Selected news quotes added by OSA webmmaster] New Haven Register Tuesday morning, clinic practitioners performed the first abortions at the new location. ... Protesters couldn't get very close, though. Chain-link fencing, a few cement barricades and a private parking lot stood between them and the building entrance. Clinic staff love the new parking lot - it means protesters won't be able to get very close to women entering the clinic. Protesters are pleased that the new building is on such a busy street - they'll be able to get their message across to more people. But the businesses
that surround the abortion clinic are not happy with their new neighbor
... Maria Quintas, who
has owned a bakery on Main Street for 20 years, blames the neighboring
center for scaring away her customers. ... "We're going to bring notice to the area community as well as people traveling up and down Main Street and let them know that there are abortions going on in that facility," said Rich Kendall, 52, of Southbury. "We don't believe that the majority of people living in that neighborhood want to have an abortuary there." [emphasis added] From The Hartford Courant 5/14/02 "This mill wants to move from the back alley to Main Street and flaunt its stuff," said the Rev. Philip L. Benham, director of Operation Save America. ... Marilyn Carroll, a Milford resident who has been protesting outside Summit for 13 years, said if there were no clinic, there would be no protesters. "We're not the ones killing babies," said Carroll, who calls herself a sidewalk counselor. ... If they were not killing babies, we would not be there with the signs and the literature." Carroll, the sidewalk counselor, said she was not optimistic about Fabrizi's chances. "I think they moved on it a little late," Carroll said of the zoning appeal. "It's in God's hands." [emphasis added] *COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. [Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ] For the Least of
These, HALF OF THE MOMS THAT CAME TODAY LEFT, PTL! I really believe the Lord has extended a grace period to us right now before the mill moves to it's new location. There is also a direct correlation between increased coverage and the number of babies saved. TEN
MOMS CAME TO ABORT TODAY. There were over thirty prolifers that stopped by during the course of the morning to pray for the precious little ones sentenced to die. Two clergy were present (P. Randy, F. Smith). Ten CHS students came to pray. Chaplain took them on the school bus. What a great group of youth, that they would get up early to come and pray for their little neighbors before school. Sidewalk counselors were fervently trying to persuade moms not to kill their children. There were ten "deathscorts" trying to combat the attempts, but praise be to God, many children were spared the butcher's grizly knife today. Stacia & Barbro were there again today to minister to the moms after the abortions. There were no police cars parked in front today, some drive-bys. The armed guard was at the door. A Morse moving truck stopped by to drop off boxes. Looks like the mill will be moving soon to Main Street. Again I thank God for the "faithful few" Christians who understand their responsibility to try to stop abortion and lead souls to Christ. Prayer is Christ's presence at the abortion center. Many clients and workers are prayed out of the killing centers. Our pastors and priests need to lead us in prayer in church and at the abortuaries as we live out the gospel of Christ on the streets.
Christie did an awesome job persuding a mom not to kill her baby in Spanish as she shared her testimony. We hope to see you all out on the streets as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be ... we will be there ... until the killing stops. For the Least of
These, FIVE CLERGY STAND ON THE STREETS FOR THE GOSPEL It just blessed my heart today to see five clergy (Fr. Markey, Fr. Smith, Pstr. Miller, Pstr. Dave, Pstr. Mike) who took time out of their busy schedules to stand for the innocent children that were sentenced to die today. Thirty prolifers stopped by during the course of the morning between 7 - 10 a.m. Most stop by before work, which is fine because that is when most of the moms go in to have their children killed. We need to cover them with on site prayer. Thirteen escorts were present and Don on video. A police car was parked in front from 7-8 a.m. The armed guard was at the door.
JUST PICTURE 14 DEAD BABIES, RIPPED LIMB TO LIMB. SHAME ON US, THAT MOMS CAN LEGALLY KILL THEIR CHILDREN IN OUR COUNTRY. "If you kill an innocent person the responsibility will lie upon you and upon this city and upon every person living in it; " Jeremiah 26:15 I thank God for a few Godly leaders that are bold enough to stand out in public for the gospel. It reminds me of the teaching David Wilkerson just did comparing the priesthood of Eli with the priesthood of Zadok. I am glad these pastors are like Zadok with a high standard, not complacent like Eli was. We are called to be a manifestation of the truth "We faint not ... but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God". 2 Cori. 4:1-2 We are called to make Jesus known and understood to all people through our likeness and nature of Christ. We are Jesus's living epistles sent out to a lost world. We are being read continually by those around us. Through the Holy Spirit we are compelled to holy living, holy conversation, a holy lifestyle. The more time we spend with Him, the more like Him we become. As we reflect His purity to the world we become a manifestation of His truth. Churches all around are praying for revival. Revival begins when those around you see Jesus in you. In Ezekiel 44, Ezekiel looks prophetically at two priesthoods. Zadok was righteous and remained faithful in good times and in bad. His upright life was an example to the other priests. Eli was an unfaithful priest who allowed corruption in God's house. He was disobedient to God's word, soft on sin, and lazy about holiness therefore becoming corrupted by sensuality and love for the world. Eli represents compromised Christians in the last days. They have no power to touch the consciences of the lost because their lifestyles cause the wicked to turn from God. They go to church and claim to be believers and then when they leave they watch filthy, violent movies. Paul warned us of two different gospels: Christ's gospel and "another gospel". One says what can I get out of God, the other says how can I lay down my life for Him. Eli never dealt with his sons about sin. Today more young people become alcoholics right at home with their parents' liquor. Shame. Our homes are meant to be holy sanctuaries, where Jesus is exalted. If you are not policing what your kids take in on TV, you are not manifesting Christ to them. And how can we sit in movie theaters and drink in shows that glorify violence and blatantly curse our savior's name. The Lord said of Eli's priesthood "They shall not come near to me ... nor to come near to any of my holy things, in the most holy place." (Ezekiel 44:13) Too many Christians are preoccupied with the things of this world and give God only scraps of time. If we put Him first we will walk away from valueless activities to spend time knowing and serving Him. I hope to see you on the streets as we reach out to the lost and the needy who find themselves where they should not be". We will be there for our tiny neighbors, the little baby boys and little baby girls appointed to die ... until the killing stops. As Christ's ambassadors, "Seeing as we have this ministry [of manifesting Christ] ... (we) have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation on the truth." 2 Cori. 4:1-2 For the Least of
These, TWELVE BABIES SAVED IN APRIL Over 30 prolifers stopped by the abortion mill this morning to say a prayer and stand in the gap for the precious little ones that were sentenced to die. Three clergy were present (Fr. Smith, Pstr. Larry and Pstr. Mike). I thank God for a few good men, we are praying and waiting for more to come. We have a few people that do not have to go to work and can stay longer. Most of the moms go in between 7 and 8 a.m. There are a few straglers after that, and if a mom changes her mind we need to be there to give them the help we offered when they went in. Twelve deathscorts were present with Donald on video. Romero was at the door. Police cars drove by and parked at the end of the street. As Pastor Dave taught on Sunday, we are all "Part of a Team". A good team consists of unselfish players. We need to be more concerned with serving God and helping in His cause than our own selfish desires. Some players are used by God to motivate like Haggai and Zechariah. Some have powerful and spectacular roles and are influential behind the scenes like Daniel. Others may have strange roles like Ezekiel or supporting roles like Haggai who confronted the lethargy and sin of God's people and Malachi who was a great assistance to Nehemiah in keeping people focused. Nehemiah was brought to tears at his failed attempts. Ezra was so serious about sin that he tore his clothes, pulled out his hair, fasted and sat until evening praying and confessing. I must confess I feel distraught at times, it can get so overwhelming. But we need to remind ourselves, that we are "Part of a Team" and God is the Captain. God is amazing the way He places His people at just the right place and the right time to accomplish what He desires. God does not make mistakes, He knows best and He has placed us here for such a time as this. He wants us to use our abilities for His glory. Each role is important and essential to God. We need to do our best, without complaining, without jealousy, without being intmidated, whether it is seen or unseen, appreciated or unappreciated, glamorous or humble, exciting or dull. We must be availabe to Him!
Carmen and I had to leave at 9:20 a.m. to meet at Hopeline with Sylvia and one of the moms we are sponsoring to go to His Mansion on a discipleship program. She plans to have her baby and put it up for adoption. We could not do this without your team support.
Remember we are a team, we each have a role, even the "stars" cannot do it alone. We look to God for our approval. We want souls saved, we want our community changed, we want our churches full of Christian love, and we want to be disciples to help others. We can accomplish great things for our Lord when we work together in the roles He has given us. I hope to see you all out on the streets as we reach out to the lost and the needy who find themselves where they should not be. We will be there Friday and Tuesday 7 am and on ... until the killing stops! For the Least of
These, MIRACLES ON MIDDLE STREET We give all the praise and glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for saving five babies today! The first miracle happened when Pastor Mike came this morning. A young Mom went into the mill visibly pregnant (she was four months). We were trying to talk to her friend to get her out. The escorts were all around us. There were sixteen today, some of them Yale students.
The client's friend said the Mom was in a homeless shelter and had three children already. Pastor Mike counseled the friend and told her he could get her in a home that her children could go and they would help her get established and on her feet with a job and anything else she needs. The friend did go in but the Mom felt like her situation was helpless. We prayed for her and the others. Another dear brother, Luis was there to assist. After some time this Mom did come out crying and did change her mind. Please pray for her.
The next miracle happened when a moving van came to the mill. It parked in front, was about fifty to seventy-five feet long. It came to pick up some chairs. While they were moving the items out, the door was opened and Carmen got to talk to the women going into the surgical room for their abortions. She pleaded with them that we could help them and they did not have to do this. These moms were visibly upset (crying). The Holy Spirit was all over them. Within five minutes four of those moms left the mill and changed their minds. One of these young ladies was only thirteen years old. Carmen told her she would help talk to her Mom. Another woman was from a "Christian" church in West Haven, the other two were Spanish. Please pray for these young ladies, that they will continue to carry their babies to term and give them life. This is a fine example of why Christians need to come out to the streets. Today there were over 30 prolifers present and three clergy (Pstr. Mike, Fr. Smith, Fr. Markey). We had a lunch with some pastors on Wednesday and we are waiting for them to come out with their congregations. The gates of hell cannot prevail against the Church of Jesus Christ! Fr. Pavone of Priests for Life says it well "Be careful not to abuse a good thing. Even prayer can become an excuse, a refuge from our responsibility to take action to stop abortion." Pastor Bob Behn reminds us to pray for all our prolife brothers and sisters on the streets across America. As victory draws near satan is kicking and screaming because he knows he has lost the abortion battle and that victory for Christ is near. We need to pray for protection for all these saints on a daily basis. Pastor Dave continues in his minor prophet series, HOW TO BE USEFUL TO GOD (Zephaniah). We can relate this situation to our present one here in America. Josiah totally sold out to God. He gave his ALL to God and told Him to lead the way. Are we willing to stand in obedience to Him. Are we willing to serve regardless of the cost? Someday mankind and all his idols will vanish. "Swiftly it comes -- a day when strong men will weep bitterly. It is a day of the wrath of God poured out; it is a day of gloom, clouds, blackness." (1:14,15) "Beg Him to save you, all who are humble -- all who have tried to obey. Walk humbly and do what is right; perhaps even yet the Lord will protect you from His wrath in that day of doom." (2:7) God does not take sin lightly, and it will be punished. But be encouraged, He will rescue His own. Be a part of the faithful remnant of souls who humbly worship and obey the living Lord. "For the Lord will remove his hand of judgment ... And the Lord himself, the King of Israel, will live among you! At last your troubles will be over -- you need fear no more". (3:14) For the Least of
These, THE STREETS, TUESDAY APRIL 23 Over twenty-five prolifers came out to pray today where little baby girls and little baby boys are sentenced to death. Prolifers were there to offer the gospel of hope before and after abortions. There were two clergy (Pstr. Randy & Fr. Smith) to represent our church leaders. The CHS youth came out to pray before school. It is always a breath of fresh air to have them there. There were eight escorts including Don on video trying to silence our message. Romero was the armed guard at the door, and no police were stationed there today. I wonder if it had anything to do with the police on Friday that executed a search warrant at Summit Women's Center. According to the Ct Post a 10-year old pregnant girl was counseled there and an investigation continues as to why medical figures familiar with her condition didn't notify authorities promptly, as state law requires. "Did not our hearts burn within us?" Luke 24:32 ELEVEN
MOMS CAME TO ABORT. I want to encourage
all my brothers and sisters to come out to the streets and stand for rightousness.
Today is the day of salvation, we may not have a tomorrow. Thomas
aKempis (1380-1471) hit it on the head when he said: "Jesus
hath many lovers of His heavenly Kingdom, but few bearers of His Cross.
He hath many desirous of consolation, but few of tribulation. Many love
Jesus so long as no adversities befall them." "The hottest fires in hell are reserved for those who remain neutral in times of moral crisis." Edmond Burke I hope to see you all at the very gates of hell, where little babies are sacrificed on the alter of convenience. They need us to rescue them from slaughter, they need to know that someone cared enough to be there. It's us the Church, we are His hands, His feet, His mouthpiece. We are His body. It's up to us -- the Church. We will be there every Tuesday and Friday morning 7 a.m. and on reaching out to those who find themselves where they should not be ... until the killing stops. For the Least of
These, 2 Timothy
3:2 The headline in yesterday's CT. Post was very sad: "Pregnant 10 year old blames "Godfather" 75. Further in the article, it mentions the Summit Women's Center: "On March 14, the girl's mother took her to Dr. Mukesh Shah's office on Main Street, Cortina said. An examination determined the girl was pregnant, he said, and the doctor advised the girl to go to the Summit Women's Medical Center. The girl was examined at the abortion clinic, but she decided to go forward with the pregnancy. Neither Shah nor Summit officials reported the girl's assault to police, according to police records." Today's paper said: Jennifer Jaff, lawyer for Summit, said the center is obligated by state law to protect the privacy of its patients and couldn't comment on the girl's case. But, she added, that Summit itself is not a mandatory reporter of abuse under the state law. "However, if a patient is seen at Summit by a mandatory reporter, such as a physician, nurse or social worker, Summit expects those professionals to comply with the obligation to report cases of suspected abuse or neglect of a minor to the Department of Children and Families as required by state law." (for more info go to www.ctpost.com) Today 35 prolifers came out to pray and stand for Jesus. I thank God for the youth from Grace Baptist who came out again on their school vacation with their youth Pastor, Matthew and his family. Fr. Smith and Fr. Markey were there to represent the local clergy. The Mayor, Joseph Ganim, was seen going by the mill today. A police car was parked in front and some police cars drove or stopped by. The armed guard was at the door. Sixteen "deathscorts" were there to represent the culture of death as they combated the efforts of prolife sidewalk counselors. Their leader, Pat, was mocking when I told one of the clients that Jesus loved her and each child created in the image of God. Pat thought I was presumptuous to even assume that I could know what God thinks. I guess she does not understand what real Christianity is. A woman abortionist came in at 9:45 am. instead of the regular M.A.B. "Woe to you for getting rich by evil means, attempting to live beyond the reach of danger." Habakkuk 2:9 NINE MOMS CAME TO
ABORT. But as Pastor Dave taught us Sunday from Habakkuk, God is still in control of the world despite the apparent triumph of evil. Habbakuk saw a dying world just as we do, and it broke his heart, like it breaks ours. Why is there evil in the world? Why do the wicked seem to be winning? Habbakuk cried out to God "O, Lord, how long must I call for help before you will listen? I shout to you in vain; there is no answer ... Must I forever see this sin and sadness all around me?" (1:2,3) God says all though the wicked triumph, they eventually will be judged and righteousness will prevail. It may not come as quick as we want, but it will happen. "Oh Lord, now I have heard your report, and I worship you in awe for the fearful things you are going to do. In this time of our deep need, begin again to help us, as you did in years gone by. Show us your power to save us. In your wrath, remember mercy." (3:2) God is the giver of perfect justice. Hope means going beyond our unpleasant daily experiences to the joy of knowing God. In spite of the wickedness in our society, God is totally just. For the Least of
These, One Baby Saved, One Turn-away, Eleven Left to Die About 35 prolifers came out to the streets to pray on this beautiful sunny and warm spring day (up to 90 degrees). Happy Birthday to Rev. Benham on his 54th birthday! This is the day the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad. This is an awesome day for us who are alive, but we still mourn for those that died a completely unnecessary death today. I will never get used to the idea that babies can be killed legally in our country just because their mothers don't want them. It was so sad today that one of the moms going in to kill her baby said "Are you going to put Tommy Hilfer clothes on my kids?" Now there is a prerequisite for carrying your baby to term: it is whether or not you can afford name brand clothes. What have we come to in America, SHAME on us that we are so greedy and selfish. Dietrich Boenhoffer once said " ... SILENCE IN THE FACE OF EVIL IS EVIL ITSELF - GOD WILL NOT HOLD US GUILTLESS, NOT TO SPEAK IS TO SPEAK, NOT TO ACT IS TO ACT." We were blessed to have some of the youth from Grace Baptist and their youth Pastor Matthew join us today. Fr. Smith was also there to represent the clergy. We spoke to a large group of I.M.A. Pastors on Saturday. Over twenty signed up for our Pastors Luncheon to be held on April 24, 12 noon. If any of you reading this want to invite your pastors, please let me know. Now is the time for the church to rise to end child killing in our community. The city's attention is on the Main Street location. We all pray that Summit will stop aborting and become a "birthing center". Pray for David Lipton, he is a nice man, he just needs Jesus as his Messiah. We also had post abortion counselors at the site today. Stacia and Barbro were able to minister to five moms with the Gospel of Christ. I thank God for these faithful women. Also, one of our counselors was at the Hopeline Banquet Friday night and said 22 babies were saved from counseling at Hopeline this past year. We praise God for every life! "How wonderful are the good things you keep for those who honor those who trust you. You hide them in the safety of Your presence from the plots of men; in a safe place You hide them from the insults of their enemies." Psalm 31:19-20 Hope to see you all on the streets. We will be there until the killing stops. Since 1991, 600 abortion mills have shut down in America because the Church brought the Gospel to the streets. No laws have changed. It is the power of God. Our time here can come soon. Abortion can end here in Bridgeport. The Church of Jesus Christ has the power. If we put away our own comforts and schedules so others might have life, and have it more abundantly through none other than our KING and LORD JESUS CHRIST! We can have the victory through sacrifice. The Lord told us to take the land, we have to do something, it is ours if go to battle for Him. Blessings in All
You Do, Eight out of Fifteen Moms Leave Killing Center Praise be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that he moved in a mighty way today at Connecticut's "busiest" killing center. Thirty prolifers came out to pray including two clergy (Pstr. Dave & Fr. Smith). I thank God for the three new people we had this week from the rally (America, Krista, and Shari). Twenty-one deathscorts worked feverishly trying to combat our efforts. It was so bad I had to hold back my tears to see how evil and heartless people can be about babies lives. From what I saw today: Fifteen moms came
at baby killing time. Carmen brought a Spanish mom home, this was the mom we spent lots of time talking to early this morning. Scott and the English couple were trying hard to get them away from us. She did go in but thanks be to God she came out before 10. Another mom that came did not go in, I brought her to Hopeline. Carmen and I were at Hopeline for two hours. We also had to talk to Syliva about another mom that is going away to a beautiful Christian place in the country to give her baby up for adoption. We thank God that Hopeline was available to help us with these moms and we are trying hard to work together. Many of you received the tape that Rev. Benham taught at Sunday's service. The last few minutes were cut off because the tape ran out. After God waited 400 years for the Amorites to obey Him, He had them destroyed because they would not listen. Principalities and powers to use are described in 2 Corinthians 10:3-6. Our one defensive weapon to demolish Satan's kingdom is God's word. In the book of Joshua certain nearby cities had to be destroyed. No compromise or they will become snares. We cannot negotiate with snakes.The three nearby cities to deal with today in America are: 1.) abortion 2.) homosexuality 3.) Islam Certain things are negotiable (ex. welfare) but others are not. There are sacred things that are "charom" - totally devoted to God. If you touch these you will become "charem" - totally destroyed. Babies created in the image of God are His "charom", His special treasures, if you touch them you will be "charem," dealt with ruthlessly, and totally wiped out. Another sacred thing to God is sex within marriage, if we defile that "charom" we will become "charem". America, we better watch out, God is just. For the Least of
These, SIX BABIES KILLED IN BRIDGEPORT TODAY "I will give you every place that you set your foot." Joshua 1:3 Twenty prolifers came out to the streets today to make a statement in our community against child killing. Three clergy (Chaplain Matthews, Fr. Smith, and Pastor Mike) were present to represent the leadership of the church. I thank God for a few good men that are willing to lay down their lives so others may live. This is not a women's issue, this is a man's issue. Yes, we need women to counsel the moms going into the mill, and do the mercy part of the ministry. But we need MEN to stand in the prophetic role to send a message to the community against evil. We need men to tell other men it is wrong to impregnate these women out of wedlock. We need men to tell men it is wrong to bring women to the killing center to terminate the lives of their children. Men must stand for righteousness in their families, in their communities, and in their nation. If they don't our children will pay the price. We will pass this horrendous battle on to them. "When the godly are successful, everyone is glad. When the wicked succeed, everyone is sad." Proverbs 28:12 There were nineteen deathscorts present today trying to push and shove us away from the clients entering the mill. We had two videos going to capture the activities. They had Donald on video. There were helicopters hovering overhead preparing for the arrival of President Bush. He was going to Cline Memorial to speak. From what we heard, one of the banquets planned was a fundraiser for Nancy Johnson, state representative. The tickets were up to $2,000 each. She is one of the most prominent pro-aborts from Connecticut. Her husband is an abortionist. Also visiting us today at the mill was the state senator, Bill Finch. He stopped as he was walking by to see his buddy escort friends. He used to escort on occasion here a while back. He was yelling at Stan Scott to stop harassing clients. Then he extended his conversation to some of us, too. No wonder our state is such a mess, look at our leaders, they are in favor of killing children. SHAME. "With good men in authority, the people rejoice: but with the wicked in power they groan." Proverbs 29:2 Hpe to see you all out on the streets .... until the killing stops! For the Least of
These, Greetings Saints, In the month of March, five babies were saved, PTL! We had at least thirty prolifers out on the streets praying for the babies scheduled to die. Three clergy (Pstr. John, Pstr. Randy, Pstr. Mike) were present to represent the leadership of our local churches. Youth were there from CHS on the schoolbus before school and the men's ministry was out to pray. I believe these prayers helped to save some lives. Jesus told us the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10, defining acts of mercy and tenderness towards our neighbor. "Jesus told them, 'go and do like wise." From what I saw:
Twelve escorts were present to bypass our efforts to save lives, the armed guard was stationed at the door, and a police car was on the street. It is never easy to be out on the streets at the abortion center. It is never comfortable. But Jesus knew we would be uncomfortable, that is why he sent the Holy Spirit to be our Comforter. Thank God! We must always remember that Jesus implores us in Matthew 5 "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world ... Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven." For the Least of