Hotel info:
Pear Tree Inn
1201 Drury Lane
Arnold, MO 63010
Phone: 636-296-9600
Group # for OSA Block is 2252926
Cut off date for the lower price is August 16 (Call now to reserve rooms)
Breakfast and Dinner are included with price, 69.99 per night.
It is time to prepare for Operation Save America’s regional States of Refuge event in St, Louis, MO. Chris and Shelley Clegg our hosting this event. They are working on our lodging, a church to host our rallies, lunches and other logistics to help prepare our way to storm the last remaining death camp in MO.
The States of Refuge campaign is still working, praying, and believing the Lord for the first surgical, abortion free state in America. The death camp in MO is none other than Planned Parenthood. They took it on the chin with the viral video showing one of their top leaders casually selling baby parts. They are now reeling with a public relations nightmare that may hurt their bottom line.
We need to continue to shine a light on this evil organization and trust God to shatter their darkness. Their oppressive grip on our tax dollars and our people needs to be broken once and for all.
I pray you will plan on joining us for these dates as we besiege that death camp in Jesus Mighty Name!
Place: St. Louis, MO
Dates: September 16-20, 2015
Phone Number: 254-304-0016
Organization: Operation Save America.
For more information contact Chris Clegg at 314-287-0608 or email him at pastorcritter@gmail.com
States of Refuge Campaign: St. Louis, MO September 16-20
“Come now, and let us reason together,” Says the Lord, “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool” (Isaiah 1:18).
As you may recall, there are six states that have one surgical death camp left defiling our land. They represent the abortion industry and the altars of Moloch at their weakest and most vulnerable point. For the church of the living God, however, it is the greatest opportunity for victory in defeating the culture of death.
For the last few years, Operation Save America has poured forth resources, man power, and efforts to establish this vision and mission. The righteous goal is to liberate America one state at a time from the scourge of blood guiltiness. The states we have made the investment in are Arkansas, Mississippi, Missouri, North and South Dakota, and Wyoming. There are also about 5 or 6 other states with two surgical death camps remaining defiling the land. Our plan, God willing, is to continue till these states are also set free.
The time is now come to make another advance towards the goal. OSA is calling for our next venture to take place in St. Louis, MO from September 16-20. Chris and Shelley Clegg are hosting this event. They have already secured a hotel and a church to host our rallies. We will be releasing that information soon to make your reservations. They are also working on providing lunches for the saints who come to storm the gates of hell.
Our opening rally begins Wednesday night, September 16. Thursday morning commences our street activities. We will have three teams. The first team will cover the death camp with Word in Warfare. Our goal is to proclaim the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation in three and a half days. We intend on ending the event on Sunday morning by unsheathing the Sword of the Spirit and declare the book of Revelation.
This team will break up into several smaller teams of four people surrounding Planned Parenthood. While one prophecies the Scripture, one will hold a sign exposing Planned Parenthood, one will pass out literature, and the last one will pray. These teams will rotate positions throughout the morning till lunch.
The second team will be part of the campus ministry. Jason Storms will head up that team. Tom Raddell is making his powerful display available to set up on the campuses. In times past, Jason’s teams have handed out 5 to 10 thousand pieces of literature per day, preached the Gospel, and powerfully engaged the students. We expect nothing less for our team at our appointed time.
The last team will be a part of our Awareness Campaign. A hospital that train abortionists, abortionist homes, and other key locations will be chosen to expose the hidden works of darkness. This team will be headed up by Cal Zastrow. Just before we arrive, a post card mailer will go out exposing the abortionists in their neighborhoods. Out of the mouth of two or three witnesses may God’s truth be established.
There are couple of other special developments to encourage those who plan on coming. Jason Storms and possibly Scott Heldreth will provide three training sessions for the youth in the afternoons from Thursday to Saturday. The goal is to disciple and mentor the next generation of good soldiers of Jesus Christ and to raise up leaders a time like this demands. If you have children, this would be a great opportunity to make an investment in their future service to God. The Cleggs are working on a private Christian school to join us with these sessions. We pray the Lord makes a way to open that door and secure this training for them as well.
I heard from my son, Micah, who serves the Lord through New Life Drama Company. They plan on joining us for a few days. They will perform skits at our rallies and work with us on the streets during the day. God is good!
Finally, we are calling for three days to fast and pray. The dates are September 13, which is a Sunday to Wednesday, September 16. Start after lunch on Sunday and end it by eating lunch on Wednesday before our opening rally. These times are important to prepare the way of the Lord in St. Louis.
Planned Parenthood is taking it upon the chin with videos exposing the ghoulish practice of harvesting body parts of murdered preborn babies and selling them to the highest bidder. In God’s providential time, we are going to lay siege to the Planned Parenthood in St. Louis. Let us continue to apply the pressure needed to drive child sacrifice and the shedding of innocent blood back to hell from whence it came. Hope to see you there.
To sign up on our facebook page to let us know you are coming to join us, click on this link.
Thanks and hope to see you there!