On Tuesday, September 19th, Operation Save America had the opportunity to host an abortion mill outreach as a part of G3’s biannual national conference.
Along with OSA, our partners at End Abortion Now, Love Life, Foundation to Abolish Abortion, and The Republic Sentinal also joined us.
Over 100 people joined us to speak up on behalf of the pre-born! This may seem like a small number when compared to the 8,300 people who attended the G3 event, but this was our first time offering this kind of outreach, and we expect the numbers to grow during future events.

What’s most exciting though, is that nearly 50 of those people confirmed that this outreach was their first time ministering at a death camp! In addition, several of them also made commitments to become more engaged in the battle to rescue children in the future.
We count this as a huge success!
In addition to the abortion mill outreach, thanks to the generosity of our friends at End Abortion Now, we also had the opportunity to have a booth in the expo hall during the event.

During this time OSA Assistant Director, Derin Stidd, and EAN Communications Director, Zach Connover, along with OSA youth Marek Kizer and Malachi Stidd, had the opportunity to engage with hundreds of conferencegoers regarding our efforts to establish justice on behalf of the pre-born.
Many of these discussions were extremely productive, as the overwhelming majority of conferencegoers already agreed with us regarding equal protection, and simply wanted to know how they could get more involved in the battle.
The positive reception was due, in part, to the incredible faithfulness of Josh Buice, Virgil Walker, the other brothers at G3 Ministries, and their faithful efforts to promote the just cause of equal protection on behalf of the pre-born.
One clear example of this was Buice’s strong affirmation of abolitionism and equal protection in a panel discussion during the event.
While we are thankful for the success of this event, there’s still a lot of work to be done! Abortion is still completely legal in every state, and thousands of babies are being murdered every day.
Now more than ever we need to take the momentum from events like this and keep pressing forward!

That’s why I’m hoping we can depend on you to chip in $10, $15, or even $25 to help us continue to advance the just cause of equal protection on behalf of pre-born!
Please know, we are extremely grateful for whatever support you can contribute!
In Christ,
Leadership Team
Operation Save America