Bill (he has a real
message on his shirt) |
Thank You for
Coming to Charlotte!
by Kristene O'Dell
Posted August 12, 2003
We want to let you know that because of your presence in Charlotte,
NC, pro-life efforts have been invigorated. We have several new people
who have joined in with us to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.
OSA - Charlotte -
Seeking the Heart of God in Downtown Charlotte
Posted August 1, 2003
are gentle Christians in the square (middle of downtown Charlotte) bringing
heaven down upon the city while all hell is breaking loose in the city
government, federal government, media, and Police Department. For eight
successive days the city of Charlotte experienced a witness of the Gospel
of Christ that literally turned it upside down (or right side up) in
Jesus' Name....
if Flip Benham is right?
By Danny Fontana
Charlotte World
Posted July 29, 2003
Flip Benham and his group spent a week in Charlotte speaking out against
abortion. Protests were held all over the city debating Benham’s
methodology. Too strident, the critics suggested. But Warren Smith,
publisher of this paper used the John the Baptist analogy and the need
for Benham to have had a Jesus-like champion like John had. I must say
I liked the analogy. However, I don’t think it had much effect
on public opinion. Let’s not forget hat Jesus was crucified. In
the end, to sinners, it didn’t matter what John or Jesus had to
say. If it interfered with their lives and their pursuits of immoral
pleasures, it didn’t hold much water.
intolerance of the tolerant
conservatives have the right to express their views?
Special to The Observer
Posted July 29, 2003
am an evangelical Christian. Will you tolerate me? This is a question
I find myself asking over and over again, in light of a culture whose
dominant theme -- tolerance -- makes one very precise exclusion: conservative
wearing pro-life T-shirt asked to leave local mall
Dorothy Moore
Posted July 29, 2003
A teenager was recently asked to leave Concord Mills for wearing an
“offensive” shirt. Graham Pittman, who on July 19 was involved
in Operation Save America (OSA) events, went to a movie afterward wearing
a T-shirt stating “Homosexuality is sin, Islam is a lie and abortion
is murder.” A security guard first asked Pittman to turn the shirt
inside out because a shopper was offended at its message. When the young
man refused, the security guard asked him to leave.
Baptist now tied to ugly protests
Ken Garfield
Posted July 29, 2003
visited Charlotte's First Baptist at least a dozen times in my years
on this beat and never left without feeling good. From Sunday worship
to Wednesday's community lunch and devotional, this is a church that
expresses its convictions with a positive warmth. Perhaps until now.
Calvin himself responds to complaints concerning our witness at Forest
Hill Presbyterian Church
By Pastor Daniel Thompson
Posted July 25, 2003
Pastor Flip,
I thought the responses given to Forest Hills Presbyterian church were
excellent. While studying, I came across this commentary by John Calvin
on Is 59:4 that says "None calleth for justice, nor any plead for
truth..." He writes...
Call to the Federal Courts and the Supreme Court of the United States
of America
By Flip Benham
Posted July 24, 2003
If you are
as sickened as we are by the infuriating and blaspheming decisions of
the Supreme Court and are wondering what God fearing people can do --
Here it is!
Police Department Responds to Letter from Chris A. Coatney
Posted July 24, 2003
Here is a
response by the Charlotte Police Department to an email sent from Chris
Coatney. Chris writes so well of the concern for life and liberty while
the Charlotte Police Department mocks. Below the police response is
the original letter Chris sent regarding the arrests of Rev. Flip Benham
and Rev. Mike Warren.
UPDATE, July 21, 2003 :
Pastors Flip Benham & Mike Warren and both of the other two arrested
in Charlotte are out of jail on bond. Flip & Mike posted bond Saturday.
All will plead innocent at a trial date set in September. More
to come...
Response to 'God is Going Back to Church'
Posted July 23, 2003
This is a
typical response when we go to the evangelical church regarding her
responsibility toward the Lord’s precious children. Below is email
communication between two ladies at Forest Hill Presbyterian Church
and our own Brenda Spurlock. Flip’s response is also included
along with an article entitled “Would Jesus Carry Such Graphic
Pictures.” The answer of course is - He already did!
the Court Proves Itself Contemptible to God and the People
By Pastor Stephen
Posted July 21, 2003 - Pictures inside
is from the Monday Godarchy Line and is a commentary on what occured
Friday, July 18 in Charlotte, NC with OR/OSA. In addition we have added
some photos taken at the Federal Building on Friday afternoon. - When
Flip put the flame to the paper representing the Supreme Courts’
war on Christianity, he set fire to their sacred cows they have aligned
themselves with.
Day Six: Supreme Court
Found in Contempt
Report from
the streets in Charlotte
Posted July 19, 2003 - Pictures inside
July 18- Flip Benham and pastor Mike Warren were arrested in front of
the Federal Courthouse around noon today and charged with carelessness
with fire. According to media liaison, Pat McEwen, neither plans to
make bail. The charges resulted from a demonstration in which copies
of immoral Supreme Court decisions including Roe v. Wade and
the Lawrence v. Texas decision were torn to pieces and lit
to burn in a small, safe and fire proof container on the sidewalk. On
this day the Supreme Court of the United States of America was held
in contempt of the Court of Almighty God.
Save America/Operation Rescue Statement on Arrests
July 18, 2003
On July 18, 2003 the City of Charlotte decided it was above the Constitution
of the United States. At a peaceful assembly on the public sidewalk
outside the Federal Court Building, two pastors, Rev. Flip Benham of
Charlotte and Rev. Michael Warren were arrested. Operation
Save America held Ecclesiastical Court and held the Supreme Court of
the United States dead to the Law of God and burned copies of six anti-Christ
decisions in a safe fire proof container.
Court - Operation Save America, July 18, 2003
Posted July 18, 2003
We, the
Church of Jesus Christ, do on this 18th day of July, in the year of
our Lord 2003, hold the Supreme Court of the United States of America
in contempt of the Court of Almighty God. We hold it in contempt of
the Court before whom every knee shall bow and every tongue confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord. In so doing, we, by the authority of God’s
Word and without reservation, pronounce this court dead to the Law of
God, dead to the biblical heritage left to us by our Pilgrim Forefathers
and our Founding Fathers, dead to the historical legacy of those who
died to make us free, dead to the righteousness that comes from God
alone, dead to the Constitution of the United States of America, and
dead before the Court of Almighty God. It has spurned its biblical mandate
to judge justly. This court has surrendered its constitutional responsibility.
It has forfeited all moral authority. Therefore, we hold its decisions
no longer relevant or binding upon us, our children, or our nation.
Day Five: Battle For
Report from
the streets in Charlotte
Posted July 18, 2003 - Pictures inside
At 10:30
a.m. everyone regrouped at Marshall Park downtown. First Baptist Church
provided parking and cold water for the troops. Phil Anderson, assistant
pastor, was out at the Hebron mill earlier in the day. He said that
he wanted to see for himself what really happens when Operation Rescue
goes to an abortion clinic. A memorial service was held for two little
children whose lives were taken from them at 15 weeks and 18 week's
gestation. ...
Newspaper Gets It! - Battle
for souls
July 18, 2003
light that is to light the world has become a strange shade of gray.
There is black and there is white. There is truth and there is lie.
There is life and there is death.” Rev. Phillip L.
Benham - The gates are crumbling before the King of Glory
as the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ faithfully proclaims Him Lord
in the streets. For 5 days now Michael Roessler, a reporter with the
Independent Tribune has followed OR/OSA everywhere. Thursday morning
the following article hit the front page above the fold in one of the
best examples of pure journalism we've ever seen in coverage of Operation
Rescue. - "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of
life, And he who wins souls is wise." Proverbs 11:30
Day Four: Christian Warriors
Age 2 - 82
Report from
the streets in Charlotte
Posted July 17, 2003 - Pictures inside
warriors on the street this week range from age 2 to 82. Among the oldest
is "Kodak Bill" of Rochester, New York. Bill sustained frostbite
on his feet during the Korean War but he doesn't let that keep him from
standing up for the babies. Three times a week he takes his place outside
Planned Barrenhood in his hometown. He is here this week encouraging
A Tale of Two Churches
commentary on Charlotte, National Event
By Pastor Stephen Mashburn
Posted July 18, 2003
God judges
nations and communities when the people refuse to prosecute murder as
a crime. Therefore it is imperative that the Church of Jesus Christ
confront abortion publicly as God's witness stating that murder by abortion
is wrong. Where there is no law, there is no transgression. Yet God
has written His laws on every man or woman's heart. Simply not preaching
against the sin of murder will not negate God's inevitable judgment
on an unrepentant city or nation.
and City of Charlotte Align Themselves with Child Killers
Operation Save America/Operation Rescue News Advisory
July 17, 2003
In an obviously orchestrated move, the police of Charlotte attempted
to intimidate gentle Christians standing and praying on the public sidewalk
outside of both the killing centers on Latrobe and Hebron... Operation
Save America will hold a memorial service in Charlotte to honor two
tiny baby girls who died by abortion. They will be given the respect
in death that was denied them in life by a city, a nation and a church
that did not value them.
Photos Through Wednesday
from the streets in Charlotte
July 16, 2003
These are
a small selection of photos taken on the streets through Wednesday,
July 16. These are in addition to pictures contained in reports from
the streets in Charlotte. More photos will be posted this week. Pray
for the saints in Charlotte as you storm the gates in your city for
King Jesus!
Day Three: Word In Warfare
Report from
the streets in Charlotte
July 15, 2003 - Pictures inside
Just after
dawn Tuesday morning OSA participants fanned out all over Charlotte
for the Word in Warfare. The entire Bible was read at 15 different locations
throughout the city. This was coordinated by Chet Gallagher. Pastor
Chet, who introduced us to this concept several years ago, invites others
to experience using the Word of God in corporate, spiritual warfare
in their own communities.
Day Two: Emancipation
Report from
the streets in Charlotte
Posted July 15, 2003 - Pictures inside
It was announced
at the rally tonight that the A Preferred Woman abortuary opened later
in the morning. A couple arrived and drove into the parking lot. The
woman was crying because she had seen the gallery of images displayed
on the sidewalk. One of the counselors noted this and called Dr. Danny
Holland, one of the volunteer physicians. He came down to the street
to say that he would help this family. Praise God, the baby was saved!
Day One: Who is my neighbor?
Report from
the streets in Charlotte
Posted July 14, 2003 - Pictures inside
Large banners
and aborted baby signs greeted churchgoers at several locations Sunday
morning, July 13, as Operation Rescue/Operation Save America brought
the gospel of truth to Charlotte, NC. Congregations learned the sad
fate of little unborn boys and girls in their neighborhood. Many were
not happy to be so informed.
"Shame on you!!! I am
very Pro-life...
A response from
one church member in Charlotte
Posted July 14, 2003
is an email from church member Barbara Sockwell, who is much more upset
about the graphic pictures of aborted babies OSA showed than she is
about the babies being killed by the abortion mill close to her church.
Apparently she even considers "euthanized innocent animals"
a concern on par with babies murdered in the womb.
Emergency Response Teams
July 12, 2003
was in the newsletter of Mecklenburg Ministries this week. The rhetoric
of the religious establishment of Charlotte is meant only to incite
others to fear of genuine, orthodox Christians who desire to lift up
the banner of Jesus Christ in the city of Charlotte. -
As you read this, keep in mind these Muslims words about Flip &
OSA/OR to the Charlotte Observer... Islamic Center of Charlotte
spokesman Mujahid Idlibi said his group isn't planning any actions for
next week because "we feel doing
a counterprotest might result in counterattacks. ... We believe he just
wants to incite anger out of us."
of Charlotte Aligns Itself with Abortion Industry, Homosexual Agenda,
and the Nation Islam
July 12, 2003
How long will you waiver between two opinions? If the Lord
is God, follow him; but if Baal be God, follow him. (1 Kings 18:21).
While the city of Charlotte is free to align itself with the enemies
of the Lord Jesus under the banner of tolerance, it is not free to deter
the severe consequences that will come as a result of her decision.
Muslims plan for protests
Leaders anticipate Operation Save America events
July 12, 2003
Staff Writer (Charlotte Observer)
On Friday, members of three mosques hosted an interfaith dinner and
a news conference geared at educating non-Muslims about Islam and addressing
Operation Save America's position about their faith. Some 200 people,
including Christians, Jews, Buddhists and Muslims, gathered at the Islamic
Society of Greater Charlotte in northeast Charlotte for a meal designed
to strengthen the ties between the Muslim community and those of other
July 11, 2003
- 11:50 AM
right! In Charlotte, North Carolina everybody can come out of the closet!
You can be a bold Muslim, a militant homosexual, an avid pro-abortionist,
and even a pseudo-Christian in Charlotte! However, when genuine, gentle,
Bible-believing Christians come out of the four walls of the church
building, everyone thinks that the sky is falling down, including Charlotte's
finest, the police department! In the name of tolerance, those that
would oppose the Gospel of Jesus Christ have decided to show prejudice
to Operation Save America by not inviting us to their coalition dinner!
Below is an article from the Charlotte Observer that explains what we
"N.C. Muslims
Respond to Protests with Interfaith Event; Extremist Group Plans Protests
Outside Charlotte-area Mosques"
July 11, 2003
is the press release by Muslims in Charlotte, NC
On Friday, July 11, Muslims, Christians and public officials in Charlotte,
N.C., will gather for an interfaith dinner designed to promote tolerance
among people of all faiths and to counter planned protests at local
mosques by an extremist group.
Save America Releases Press Statement Concerning Arrest of Flip Benham
July 8, 2003
In an attempt to power-up and intimidate those who desire to live out
their faith in the streets, the Charlotte police arrested Reverend Flip
Benham this past Saturday at the abortion mill. They gave no warning
and preceded to tell us that this will be the approach they will use
in the coming weeks.
B.J. Decker |
Police Declare War on the Gospel of Jesus Christ
July 5, 2003 - Photo of arresting officer
added July 10
Flip Benham was arrested in front of the abortion mill early Saturday
morning, as a result of a police set-up. There were hidden cameras and
no warnings. Things are heating up in the city of Charlotte. He will
remain in jail until Tuesday morning, and is being denied visitors for
48 hours. There is a court hearing scheduled for Tuesday at 9 am. Please
continue praying as the battle intensifies and the enemies of God are
being stirred up!
do not plead the case of the fatherless to win it." - Jeremiah
Posted June 18, 2003
Royce Dunn is the Founder and President of Life Chain. His home
is in Yuba City, California. California? I never dreamed in all of my
"California dreamin" that there could be such clarity coming
from the left coast, but here it is. Royce has expressed our sentiments
for the Lord, His preborn children, and His church far better than we
ever have. Enjoy! -
"... Pastors please lead us! The war against the unborn is surely
winnable. In any year we commit, the Church can end legalized abortion
and bury the ominous myth sustaining Roe v. Wade-the myth that
abortion is a 'necessary evil.' For victory to be ours, two formidable
weapons await our use. In righteous hands, they defeat the mightiest
foe. They are weapons of divine origin, fueled by truth, mercy and courage.
Their humble names are Integrity and Resolve. ..."
Pastor and Friend of the Unborn,
Posted June 13, 2003
Royce Dunn, the Founder and National Director of Life Chain, has long
been a friend of Operation Rescue/ Operation Save America. He has presented
a powerful appeal to the pastors of the greater Charlotte area. Not
only is Royce's letter a prophetic call to pastors, but an inspirational
reminder to us to remember who we are in Christ and what we are about.
See you at the gates of hell in Charlotte - they cannot not prevail!
Carolina Report
By Rusty Thomas
Posted June 4, 2003
Just returned
from a rather interesting mission's trip from North Carolina. Flip Benham,
National Director of Operation Rescue/Operation Save America, moved
there about a year ago. Thus Charlotte, North Carolina has been selected
as the chosen site for this year's 2003 national event. The dates are
July 12-20, 2003 . Excitement is in the air and a genuine expectation
is growing throughout America for this particular gathering of the saints
to storm the gates of hell. One entire hotel is booked with another
about halfway reserved. There has even been a decent response to the
vision and mission from local churches and pastors as well. Flip is
pessimistically optimistic.
is Bringing More Ministries to the Charlotte Area
Posted May 24, 2003
Dr. Michael
Brown defended our Lord alongside Flip on the Phil Donahue Show back
in December, 2002. God is bringing Dr. Brown's ministry to Concord,
NC where the National Office has now relocated. Could it be that God
is still answering the prayers of David Drye that Concord would be a
"city set on a hill."
the Gates of the Homosexual Community in Charlotte
Flip Benham
Posted May 17,
you will read about our first foray into the homosexual community in
the Charlotte area. The reporting is the same and, in some ways even
worse, than it is in other major cities. The sodomite agenda has won
the day here. The presupposition that one is born a homosexual is all
but absolute. This leaves little room for hope for those enslaved by
homosexual sin and makes much room for despair. What happened? ...Our
report follows this one by Cristina. She will be the one covering our
National Event for the Charlotte Observer this summer. You will have
a great opportunity to witness the love of our Lord Jesus to her.
Home School Association
By Flip Benham
Posted May 1, 2003
First we want to commend you on your commitment to homeschooling. We
are home school families ourselves. We believe that parents are the
best educators of their children. We believe that "family"
is the tool God has ordained to raise up and educate our children to
take the wonderful theology of the church house and make it biography
in the streets. We want to give you an opportunity to sharpen those
arrows (children) that our Lord has placed in your quiver. There is
no greater heritage that we can pass down to our kids than allowing
them to see mom and dad engaged in the battle for the heart and soul
of our nation...
NC "a City on a Hill Cannot be Hidden
Posted April 18, 2003
Here is a street report from the battle front in Charlotte. Dr. Matt
Harrison, a general family practitioner and a dynamic Christian witness
at the abortion mill, submits this report about his day at a local Charlotte
abortion mill. - Flip - Mimi and Sonny, pregnant with their first child,
were appalled that they had come to an abortion clinic for pregnancy
services. They are a Catholic couple, committed to the Lord, and regretted
their "choice" to come here once they were informed of the
truth about Hebron. What the pro-aborts refuse to acknowledge is that
they are for "choice", but not for "informed choice";
otherwise Lindsay's mother would change the name of the mill to a name
that would inform clients of the main business at Family Reproductive
Opening News From Charlotte
Posted March 3, 2003
All of this because the abortion industry in Charlotte knows you are
coming to town July 12-20, 2003. Hallelujah! This is a letter from Dr.
Matthew P. Harrison, who is one of the obgyn's who is coming to the
abortion mill with us. On February 15, 2003 he had an opportunity, along
with Dr. Danny Holland, to meet Ron Fitzsimmons, the Director of the
National Coalition of Abortion Providers (NCAP). Ron is in charge of
representing the desires of hundreds of abortionists, presently killing
children in America, to our legislators in Washington, D.C. He had come
to Charlotte, ostensibly to set up a meeting for me to meet and chat
with Debby Walsh the director of one of the mills here in Charlotte....
Dr. Matt's report of this meeting and what transpired is truly eye-opening.
already! We get the picture!
It's us! We're the guilty ones!
and Davey - These are two of the experts we have for our teaching
times! |
Accommodations For National Event - Charlotte, NC
Our block at the Microtel is now full also. If you have rooms
that you are holding at either hotel that you are not going to
need, please call and release them. If you are still needing rooms
please call and see if rooms have been released. We also have
new hotel info:
5125 Davidson Hwy
Concord, NC 28027
$35.00 a night
Ask for the Operation Save America block!
3200 Cloverleaf Parkway
Kannapolis, NC 28083
Phone: 704-788-2140
Inn & Suites - ALL BOOKED.
directly across the street from Studio One. 704-782-2300.
sure you ask for the Operation Save America block!
rallies will be held at:
Truth Temple
2705 Moose Rd
Kannapolis, NC 28083
You must ask for the OSA group. CALL TODAY to reserve your room
and find out details!
Center Phone #:
704-932-6191 - 704-932-2226
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