Ken and Jo Scott and all the saints in Denver are busy bringing the Gospel of Christ to the gates of hell every day in the city of Denver. The theology of heaven becomes biography in the streets wherever they go. One particular manifestation of the gates of hell is St. John’s Episcopal Church. St. John’s is pro-abortion, pro homosexual sodomy, pro redefining marriage, pro everything that God isn’t. This “church” has become the loudest and most ferocious enemy of those who dare to bring the true Gospel of Christ out into the public square. It has done its very worst to thwart the Gospel presentation in Denver and now the Supreme Court of United States of America may hear this case.
Pray! ~ Flip
Hello Flip,
This is the St. John’s Episcopal Church case that we have been fighting since 2005. It stopped OSA’s protests at the the church during the 2005 National event. The U.S. Supreme Court has not decided whether or not to hear it yet but there have been many Amicus briefs submitted in support. So there is a possibility that the U.S. Supreme court will hear the case. We were moved off the sidewalk when the Church got a Parade permit for the sidewalk which they never did before 2005. Then we were forced across the street and were blessed enough to get parking spaces next to sidewalk of the church. Then they got an Injunction to keep us across all the streets. They put us at the furthermost corner where very few people would see us.
God Bless!!!
Ken and Jo
Ken and Jo Scott are heroes and we should all keep them in our prayers as they are almost daily in the midst of the battle to stop the killing of babies.
Is there an Episcopal ‘church’ in America that isn’t pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality, pro-gay ‘marriage?’ It seems to me that they fell away decades ago.