“Too long have we been waiting for one another to begin!  The time of waiting is past!  The hour of God has struck!  War is declared!  In God’s Holy Name let us arise and build!  ‘The God of Heaven, He will fight for us’, as we for Him.  We will not build on the sand, but on the bedrock of the sayings of Christ, and the gates and minions of hell shall not prevail against us. 

“Should such men as we, fear?  Before the world, aye, before the sleepy, lukewarm, faithless, namby-pamby Christian world, we will dare to trust our God, we will venture our all for Him, we will live and we will die for Him, and we will do it with His joy unspeakable singing aloud in our hearts. 

“We will a thousand times sooner die trusting only our God, than live trusting in man. And when we come to this position the battle is already won, and the end of the glorious campaign in sight.  We will have the real Holiness of God, not the sickly stuff of talk and dainty words and pretty thoughts; we will have a Masculine Holiness, one of daring faith and works for Jesus Christ.” – C.T. Studd (1860-1931) English missionary served His Savior in China.

Here’s the February Newsletter!