Here is a 10 minute video from our friends Dan and Donna Holman of Doc Johnston confronting the lie of Islam and its false prophet Mohammed:  “Ten Things You Do Not Know About Islam!”

It appears that the Muslim community in Columbus, Ohio, is becoming increasingly arrogant in spreading its monstrous religion, with its false book, and its false prophet, right in the face of the Church of Jesus Christ in Columbus.  It has purchased space on three billboards around the city spreading lies about the Gospel of Christ. 

Saints from across the nation responded to a call by Coach Dave Daubenmire to allow the theology of heaven to become biography in the streets of Columbus right in front of these abominable billboards.

We pray that the Church in Columbus, Ohio, will not be silent or ashamed but will rise up in Jesus’ Name as these have and proclaim the truth of the Gospel of Christ from the roof tops.  We were born for a time such as this! ~ Flip