We just received this from Dale Sochia and Bill Shanks. Please find below the names, phone numbers, and email addresses of the contractor and architect for the new Planned Parenthood mega-killing center scheduled to be built in New Orleans this year. Many contractors have refused to be any part of this major fiasco. We thank God for them.
As Rusty, Bill, and Dale were spying out the land this past week in New Orleans they were able to speak with the contractors and plead the cause of Christ and His precious preborn children – to no apparent avail. They have asked that we immediately begin calling, writing, and emailing these folks.
May Jesus and His church prevail against this latest demonic incursion in New Orleans.
Louisiana Contractors and Architects
For more information: LA Coalition for Life – www.lacoalitionforlife.com
The Architect’s name and information is:
John C. Williams
824 Baronne St
New Orleans, LA. 70113
Phone number: 504-566-0888
E-mail info@williamsarchitects.com
The Contractors information:
BMI (Barre McNeely Investments)
4925 Jefferson Highway
Jefferson LA. 70121
Phone Number: 504-324-9140 Fax: 504-272-2915
e-mail: lmcneely@barremcneely.com
This company is registered to the following; Larry McNeely, Michael McNeely and Kevin Barre