Operation Save America, New Orleans, 2014

“Somebody is doin’ Something” Monday, July 21st

On Monday, Operation Save America sent teams to locations throughout the city of New Orleans. Word in Warfare showed up at the building site of the proposed Planned Parenthood. The saints unsheathed the Sword of the Spirit and proclaimed the Word of God over the area throughout the day. By Friday the entire Bible will be declared before OSA departs from New Orleans.

A team was sent to the University of New Orleans to share the Gospel with summer students. Monday also found the OSA members at abortion clinics and at overpasses holding giant signs. The morning traffic report cited “protestors” on the overpass as causing delays. Thousands of vehicles were confronted with the horrible truth of what our nation is doing to God’s little image-bearers.

OSA also reached beyond the city of New Orleans to touch Shreveport, the third largest city in the state of Louisiana. A team led by Cal Zastrow traveled over eight hours roundtrip to minister the love of Jesus and the truth about abortion to the residents of the “port city.” A local group led by brother Seth Capps welcomed Cal’s team and together they exposed the unfruitful deeds pf darkness.

The OSA team arrived at a huge hospital complex where the abortionist has an obstetrics, gynecology practice and hospital admitting privileges. OSA members began the public awareness campaign and within a minute the security guard and police arrived. The team then moved to the busiest entrance that had a traffic light. They pulled out the signs and passed out literature. They prayed, played the guitar, and worshiped the Lord.

As OSA witnessed, residents of Shreveport stopped. A number of people were so touched by the witness they pulled over, reached into their pockets, and gave money. Five dollars. Ten dollars. Fourteen year old, Sam stood in the median with a giant poster. A person pulled over and gave Sam a hundred dollars in support of the work.

Seven locals joined OSA’s outreach. Another five stopped and got out of their cars to help when they viewed the signs. One woman was particularly moved. She noticed the aborted baby signs. She and her husband are parents to five adopted special needs children. The mother was there to take her disabled daughter to a doctor’s appointment. Her daughter needed her arm and leg braces fixed. When the woman observed the witness, she told her daughter, “Somebody is doin’ something. We gotta stop and help.”