As we look back on 2010, the year in review, we all would like to thank our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for making all of this possible.
We also want to thank all of you that come out to the streets, all of you that help in many different ways, delivering furniture, fixing computers, helping at the shelter, helping with legal issues and accounting, giving money and giving items the moms and babies need. Whatever it is you do, we are so very grateful! We cannot do this alone.
As of Dec.15, 2010 :
98 babies have been saved so far this year!
2078 babies have been saved since 1990!
387 salvations since 1990!
We are out on the streets every killing day, Tuesdays, Fridays and now Saturdays at 3787 Main Street, Bridgeport and Saturdays at 345 Whitney Ave, New Haven. We are there in the cold, wind, snow, sleet or rain. These precious little ones that are sentenced to die need us there to plead for their lives.
Looking back on 2010, we all have participated in many different activities, including the shelter outreach every other Saturday night, baby showers, Roe V Wade Event, Leaders Meeting, Pastor Flip came to CT twice (March & August), 22 people from CT went to the National Event in Charlotte, outreach at Anthony's Ocean View, hospital visits and more.
Above is a picture of Elena and Jeff who was able to deliver a crib, high chair, coats and blankets to them. She is getting ready to have her 4th child in February. She changed her mind back in August when we counseled her and offered her help.
We thank God for Cheryl Botelho from Restoring Hope Ministry who donated Christmas gifts for the pro-life children and the moms.
They also donated coats and blankets to the pro-life moms and the Shelter Home where OSA counselors minister. Kelly and Millie helped wrap lots of Christmas gifts for the children and Marilyn has another batch to do. Hopefully, we will be delivering them this week. PTL!
This is Zafarina with her son Cesar and her new born baby girl Monci. Please pray for her husband's salvation, he is in jail. She is planning to go back to Mexico with her family. We are helping her with diapers and food. Please pray for all the women that change their minds that they will remain strong in their decision for life.
"Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for orphans and widows in their troubles, and refuse to let the world corrupt us." James 1:27
Please join us as we reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be.
For the Least of These,
Carmen Vazquez & Marilyn Carroll