Operation Rescue/Operation Save America
Operation Rescue/Operation Save America
Jesus Is The Standard
Is Truth Hate?
A Christian Response to Hate Crimes Legislation
Operation Save America • 5/28/2009
Click on the articles below for more information on the battle over proposed Federal Hate Crimes legislation that will impact the presentation of the Gospel by peaceful Christians in cities across the nation.
Press Releases
Join Us in Washington, D.C.
May 17 and 18, 2009
(Fly in Sunday night, leave Monday night)
We will try to meet with our Senators and we will have a Gospel Proclamation at the United States Supreme Court.

Comfort Inn – Ballston
1211 Glebe Road
Arlington , VA 22201
Phone: 703-247-3399
(Register under the Operation Save America block)
Price: $89.00 per night
  • Best to fly into Washington National Airport
  • Travel light, bring a carry on only
Email us at istruthhate@gmail.com to let us know if you are coming. Please include your first and last name, phone number and flight info or tell us that you're driving.
National Stories

About Operation Rescue/Operation Save America
Operation Rescue/Operation Save America unashamedly takes up the cause of preborn children in the name of Jesus Christ. We employ only biblical principles. The Bible is our foundation; the Cross of Christ is our strategy; the repentance of the Church of Jesus Christ is our ultimate goal. As the Church changes its heart toward unborn children, God Himself will hear from heaven, forgive our sin, and bring healing to our land.

We believe that Jesus Christ is the only answer to the abortion holocaust. It is upon our active repentance in the streets of our cities that the Gospel is visibly lived out. We become to the church, to our city, and to our nation living parables which rightly represent God's heart toward His helpless children.

There are no cheap political solutions to the holocaust presently ravaging our nation. Like slavery before it, abortion is preeminently a Gospel issue. The Cross of Christ is the only solution.
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