Servants at the "Summit Women's Center" THE STREETS OF BRIDGEPORT - SATURDAY
Over 40 prayer warriors came out to the streets to intercede for their neighbors. Pastor Ron and Fr. Markey were there to represent the clergy. There were a few youth present. Our oldest prolifer is Sally, 82 years old. We love this dear lady very much. She always puts a smile on our faces. Her and Fr. Smith are the same age. Just goes to show you are never too old to do the Lord's work.
Our national OSA leader, the Reverend Philip (Flip) Benham, was here to encourage and teach the saints this weekend to be strong in the battle for God Almighty. The Word in Warfare went forth as the saints read God's Word. From what we saw: ELEVEN
Isaiah 5: -20, tells us the that innocent blood cries out from the ground for justice. Here in America, 45 million dead babies blood is crying out for vengeance. GOD'S DELAY DOES NOT MEAN HIS APPROVAL! "The
vineyard of the LORD Almighty is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah
are the garden of his delight. There were five deathscorts, one was Chris and the other four were Wesleyans. The abortionist came early in his shiny red Porsche. The escorts were going in and out of the mill. Isaiah 5:20, 47:11 says: "Woe
to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light
and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet"
In Acts 17:6-8 we see how the apostles affected their world. THEY TURNED THE WORLD UPSIDE DOWN! Just like Christians here do when they show up with aborted baby signs and gospel tracts spreading the truth of the gospel. These pictures we show let the children speak for themselves and show what is being done to them. " ... they dragged Jason and some other brothers before the city officials, shouting: “These men who have caused trouble all over the world have now come here, and Jason has welcomed them into his house. They are all defying Caesar's decrees, saying that there is another king, one called Jesus.” When they heard this, the crowd and the city officials were thrown into turmoil."
The manager of the dance studio went strutting over to the Officer Ribas because Carmen and I were counseling a pregnant Mom in front of her store on the public sidewalk. No concern whatsoever babies are being killed right next door to her dance studio. Who cares? All they care about is making their own money. Babies are being brutally ripped apart in the building next to them, the bakery included, but they don't get mad at the butchers, they get mad at us. "The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify that what it does is evil." John 7:7
Please come out to the streets and join us. We are on a mission from God. We reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be! Wednesday and Saturday seem to be the killing days on 3787 Main St. Bridgeport. We are there (7am -10am) ... till the killing stops!
For the Least of
These, Christians fighting the good fight of Faith read these reports and comment by email: Marilyn, ABORTION BUSINESS CONTINUES TO CRUMBLE IN BRIDGEPORT We give our Lord and King Jesus all the glory and we believe by faith that child killing will end soon in the city of Bridgeport, CT. The abortion count was very low today. Twenty prolifers stood on the streets, the kids came before school. There were five new Wesleyan escorts with their orange vests on and a new videographer. Carmen, Sally and Jan W. were all witnessing to them. (see photos). There wasn't a doorman and the Bridgeport Police were present. From
what we saw and know: The abortionist (MAB) came in his red Porsche with his assistant around 9:45am. He was gone by 11am. Not much grisly killing to do, thanks be to God! There was an incident with Stan Scott and a lady that did not like his signs. We need to make our service to God an offering to Him. Let's make our works acceptable unto Him, not corrupt, contaminated or carnal. We must be totally separated unto God to do this. Pastor Daniel taught on this and gave the example in Genesis. Abraham was separated to the Lord, Lot wasn't. Lot was righteous, serving the Lord in Sodom, but he compromised and had no affect on Sodom. 1 Corinthians 5 tells us we are not to tolerate immorality in the church! "Not all that sound religious are really godly people. They may refer to Me as "Lord," but still won't get to Heaven. For the decisive question is whether they obey My Father in Heaven." Matt.7:21 The Church today has all the resources but are not affecting society. Why? Because they are not separated unto God. Professing to be something, but never submitting to God. Their service to the Lord is all based on their own personal interests and materialism. Many are unprepared, not willing to be discipled, disciplined or taught. We see it all around us. It is hypocrisy. The Church no longer depends on the supernatural, but on their own resources and logic. "Someone may say, 'I am a Christian; I am on my way to Heaven; I belong to Christ.' But if he doesn't do what Christ tells him to, he is a liar. But those who do what Christ tells them to will learn to love God more and more. That is the way to know whether you are a Christian. Anyone who says he is a Christian should live as Christ did." 1 John 2:4-6 This Saturday, our national leader for OSA will be at the mill (if the hurricane doesn't cancel his flight). Rev. Benham is a true man of God, not an imitation. The false teachers of today enlarge themselves and are all puffed up building their own kingdoms. But the true man of God shrinks and humbles himself building God's Kingdom, which is within us. Please help us as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. Are you not grieved and pained by the killing in our community of innocent little babies? People travel hours to go to baseball games, concerts and all kinds of entertainment. Will you travel and inconvenience yourself some to save a baby's life and a mother's soul? (Summit Center, 3787 Main St. Bridgeport, CT) Carmen and I cannot do this alone. This is not our ministry, it is the Lord's. We need the Church to come out ... and when it does...the killing will stop. For the Least of
Plus the windows are filthy! Thirty saints came out to pray today. The police were present. The doorman was late. There was one male escort, Chris. He was trying to clean up the parking lot a bit after the clients were told to look around at the dump. There are weeds growing everywhere and garbage all over the ground. Symbolic of the killing center that it really is, not a medical facility. The "Word in Warfare" went forth and from what we saw: Twelve
moms brought their babies to kill them. Psalm 94: 1-15 O LORD, the God who avenges, O God who avenges, shine forth. Rise up, O Judge of the earth; pay back to the proud what they deserve. How long will the wicked, O LORD, how long will the wicked be jubilant? They pour out arrogant words; all the evildoers are full of boasting. They crush Your people, O LORD; they oppress Your inheritance. They slay the widow and the alien; they murder the fatherless. They say, “The LORD does not see; the God of Jacob pays no heed.” Take heed, you senseless ones among the people; you fools, when will you become wise? Does He who implanted the ear not hear? Does He who formed the eye not see? Does He who disciplines nations not punish? Does He who teaches man lack knowledge? The LORD knows the thoughts of man; He knows that they are futile. Blessed is the man You discipline, O LORD, the man You teach from Your law; You grant him relief from days of trouble, till a pit is dug for the wicked. For the LORD will not reject His people; He will never forsake His inheritance. Judgment will again be founded on righteousness, and all the upright in heart will follow it."
Please join us on Wednesday after 7am as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. We will be there .............. till the killing stops! For the Least of
HIGH SCHOOL One staff asked me
why we were there. I told her to reach the kids before we see them at
the abortion center. She said "Why here? these kids have enough problems."
One student told Marc she did not want the literature because she could not have babies. Marc said "But you can have JESUS!" She gladly ran over with a smile to take the Gospel tract. Danny said someone complained to the school cop and he told them we were on a public sidewalk and had every right to be there. Some students invited Pastor Miller and Kelly to go over to pray with them at the flag pole. They said they do it every morning at 7:25 am. What a blessing to have these Christian students praying at their school each day!
A pastor gave Carmen his name and phone number and said he wanted to be involved in this. He thought it was great! A few adults made negative comments (like "why are you bringing this --- to this school?) as they were driving in or out, but the majority were receptive. Some of the youth were shocked to see what abortion is. One girl came to school with her baby in a carriage. Some kids asked Carmen for extra literature for their friends. One male student in a car opened his door and said "Didn't you ever hear of the separation of church and state." (see how they get brainwashed). There is no such thing as "separation of church and state." You cannot find it in any legal documents. Not the Bill of Rights or the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson coined that phrase in a letter he wrote to a friend. His intent was that the state cannot interfere with the church. The police officer we had was very pleasant. I thank God for the Bridgeport Police Department. They are usually there to protect us. He even said to "keep up the good work!". One funny thing happened ... I lost my balance and fell off the curb. The policeman got out of his car to see if I was all right and a boy student asked if I was OK. I was fine, more embarrassed than anything. Something to laugh about :-) [ See more pictures from Bassick High School in a special edition of this report at "God is Going Back to School" in Bridgeport, Connecticut ] SUMMIT WOMEN'S
CENTER Fifteen came
to kill. That is the sad bad part! When Carmen and I are late, I encourage the other ladies to PLEASE reach out to these women. Talk to them. Tell them there is help available. I know Stan, Lucy and the Rosary people were there before we got there. We need you all to make an effort to save these little boys and girls. It is the last chance these little ones have. Please join us Saturday as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. As we read in Isaiah we see that he carried out a consistent ministry even though there was little positive response. "Then I heard the Lord asking, "Whom shall I send as a messenger to my people? Who will go? And I said, "Lord, I'll go! Send me." Isaiah 6:8 In His Service, About twenty-five lifesavers came out to the streets today. Three clergy were there today, (Fr. Markey, Fr. Smith, Pastor Miller) PTL! We need more Godly men to set an example to their churches to "go out" of the church and not stay in. The streets are our media, that is our opportunity to get the gospel out . "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful and pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ ..." Collossians 4:2, 3 From what
was seen: Police and a male
"deathscort" was present. Two ladies went in after 9:30 am,
probably for something else. Thanks to Nancy and Tom for holding down
the fort when everyone had to leave. The abortionist (MAB) came in his red Porshe. It looks like the killing days next week are Wednesday and Saturday. Pray for the abortion providers. We will be going to Bassick High School first on Wednesday morning at 6:45am and then to the mill at 7:30am, after all the students go in for school. Please join us! Let me know if you can come, we especially need sign holders. Thank you! We cannot do this alone - we are a team :-) God bless all you set your hands to do! 'I have asked the Lord for only one thing; one thing do I want: to live in the Lord's house all my life, to marvel there at His goodness, and to ask for His guidance. In times of trouble He will shelter me; He will keep me safe in His temple, and make me secure on a high rock." Psalm 27:4-5 Like Pastor Daniel taught in the "Age of Malachi" - I want my name in the book of Remembrance. Those names are the ones that were faithful in the days of apostacy. When the whole age turned from God, there were some that remained true to our Lord and Savior and did not compromise. Let that be us! For His Little Ones, Twenty prolifers came out today. Police and the doorman were present. Six youth came to pray before school. Two moms that changed their minds in the past, came by to see us. From what we saw: TEN
It looks like this week they will be killing again on Friday. Please come for the little ones and their moms that find themselves where they should not be. God's Going Back to School this Wednesday, Sept. 10th. We will be at a local high school from 6:45 am to 7:30 am and then to the mill. Last June when we went to Central we got to pass out loads of literature. Please pray for these times we are on the streets proclaiming the gospel of Christ. "From now on, when you lift up your hands in prayer, I will refuse to look. Even though you offer many prayers, I will refuse to look. Even though you offer many prayers, I will not listen. For your hands are covered with the blood of your innocent victims. Wash yourselves and be clean! Let Me no longer see your evil deeds. Give up your wicked ways. Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppresses. Defend the orphan. Fight for the rights of widows. " Isaiah 1:15-17 For the Least of
These, Totals for August 2003 according to what we know: Eighty-five
babies were killed. THE STREETS, BRIDGEPORT, FRIDAY 8/29/03 There were 13 people that loved their neighbor more than themselves and came out to try and rescue innocent babies dragged to death at the killing center. From what we saw: NINE
MOMS CAME TO ABORT. I don't know if any changed their mind, Carmen had to leave early for work and I had to leave about 9:40am because I was sick. Three stayed for a while after us. We need more saints to come out to the streets. Please consider. Many of us have battle fatigue and we could use some new recruits. Jesus said in Matthew 25:40 "In as much as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me." When the church of Jesus Christ comes out to the streets things happen! Where would the civil rights movement have been if the Reverend Martin Luther King did not walk the streets? Abortion mills have been closing all over our nation since Christians have come out to have church on the streets. There were 2000 abortion clinics listed in the 1990 national yellow pages, now there are just over 700. When the praying, preaching, praising church of Jesus Christ comes out to the streets, things happen. Let the prayer warriors pray, let the bible readers read, let the worshippers sing unto the Lord as the counselors counsel. As we allow our theology to become biography right here on the streets we bring the wonderful gospel of Jesus Christ to the very gates of hell and push the enemy back. Psalm 44:3-8 "It was not by their sword that they won the land, nor did their arm bring them victory; it was Your right hand, Your arm, and the light of Your face, for You loved them. You are my King and my God, who decrees victories….Through You we push back our enemies; through Your name we trample our foes. I do not trust in my bow, my sword does not bring me victory; but You give us victory over our enemies, You put our adversaries to shame. In God we make our boast all day long, and we will praise Your name forever." We can't depend on politicians to end abortion in our nation, it's up to us, the Church. We are the only entity that has the power of God. We are His hands, His feet, His mouthpiece, the Body of Christ. All we have to do is show up and God will do the rest. When we started coming here in 1990 up to eighty babies a day were being killed four days a week. Now the abortion count has come drastically down to single digits two days a week. No laws have changed in Bridgeport - it's all because Christians have brought their faith out on the streets. Let's finish the work God has given us! Colossians 4:17 "…See to it that you complete the work you have received in the Lord." A baby girl was born August 28 at 6pm because God heard our prayers and her Mom listened to the pleas of God's people on Jan. 21, 2003. She changed her mind at 3787 Main St. We give Jesus all the glory for another life born for His glory. She needs a double stroller. Thank you again for all your help, we cannot do this alone. We also need size 5 diapers. For the Least of
These, "The word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow(mind) It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." Hebrews 4:12 About 20 prolifers came out today to pray and take a public stand against baby killing in our community. From what we saw: Nine moms came
to kill. It looks like Friday will be the killing day instead of Saturday because of Labor Day Weekend. Please join us as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be, 7am and on this Friday at 3787 Main Street. The sin of our times is "the sin that believes in nothing, cares for nothing, seeks to know nothing, interferes with nothing, enjoys nothing, hates nothing, finds purpose in nothing, and remains alive because there is nothing for which it will die." Dorothy Syers For Him, Over 30 prolifers came out to the streets today to stand against baby killing and reach out to moms in "crisis". From what we saw: Eight
moms came at killing time. Police were present and a doorman for the mill. No escorts. I took the mom home that changed her mind. She is twenty-four and has two girls ages one and two. She prayed to receive salvation. Please pray for her. We gave her a video to watch, baby booties, and gospel tracts. I plan to send her a bible tomorrow. "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful and pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ ..." Please take a stand for the little ones every Wednesday and Saturday morning starting at 7am throughout the mornings. Pastor Ed Martin shared his vision of the little baby girls and baby boys screaming out the abortuary windows for help. We must never get so used to being at the killing center that we are insensitive to what is really going on there. For
the Least of These, Forty prolifers came out today to pray including Fr. Markey, and Fr. Jason, to represent the local clergy. Cori was on video, Stan was our scribe, Vinny is the sign man, Ken, Carmen, Marc and Joan read scripture and praise and worship filled the air. We had sign holders up and down the street as Carmen and I sidewalk counseled. Operation Full Court Press was in action, all for the glory of our Lord and King, Jesus. Many tracts were given out plus videos, booties, etc. One Mom that changed her mind was Chinese, the other was white. We got to pray with one of the moms that changed her mind. Police Officers Perez and Ribas were on duty, Chris the "deathscort" was there and Daryl the new doorman. It was black genocide as normal, over one half the babies killed were Afro-American. From what we saw: ELEVEN
MOMS CAME TO KILL. "How wonderful are the good things You keep for those who honor You! Everyone knows how good you are, how securely You protect those who trust You. You hide them in safety of Your presence from the plots of men; in a safe place You hide them from the insults of their enemies." Psalm 31:19-20 For the Least of
These, We ask
you all to pray and fast that the baby killing industry in Bridgeport,
and throughout our nation, will end soon. FIFTEEN
94:3-6 Too many Moms came to kill their children as most of the so-called "Church of Jesus Christ" was "too busy" or "just sleeping." Most did not come out and to try to rescue some. Christ tells us to "go" into the world, not "stay" in the church building. The state of the Church in America is a sad commentary. We are sliding downhill at a faster rate than ever. Just look around. (Notice how women are dressed everywhere you go. Look at the magazines at the grocery store. Listen to the words in popular music, watch TV and movies.) It just breaks my heart to the point of grieving. We have strayed so far from what God intended us to be when He created man. Lord have mercy on us and forgive us for this hideous sin of killing our own children. This is a thing so terrible, that you, our Lord, never even thought you would have to tell us not to do it. Jeremiah
7:31 Please join us on the streets at our local baby killing center as we go with a heart of repentance and conviction of this horrible sin that has deposited the blood of 45 million children into the ground of our United States. Their blood cries out for vengeance upon our land. (Check out your concordance and read all the verses on "innocent blood".) This is no joke, we are in big trouble with Almighty God. We need to continue to reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. DON'T SHRINK BACK ! Hebrews 10:35 "So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For in just a very little while, “He who is coming will come and will not delay. But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him. But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved." For
the Least of These, Over 40 prolifers came out to the streets today and loved their neighbor more than themselves. Fr. Markey and Fr. Jason were the clergy present. We know it is not easy to get up early in the dark hours of the morning to get ready to come to the abortion mill. We must constantly die to our flesh and think about those sentenced to die. If we are not there for them, then who will be? Today three babies are alive that could have been dead, had we not been there as Jesus' voice, hands, feet -- reaching out to the lost and needy. Proverbs
24: Twelve
came to abort. Again, I thank God for Carmen's Spanish, she was able to talk to the two moms that changed their minds in their native language. We gave out booties, videos, and lots of literature and prayed with them. One Mom was in tears. Please pray for these women. Officer Ribas was there for the Bridgeport police. Cori was on video for us. Chris was the male "deathscort" and the abortionist (MAB) arrived in his red Porshe before 10 am. As far as we know -- next week will be Wed. and Sat. killing days. Any changes I will email you. Please join us. We will be there ... till the killing stops! For
the Least of These, WEDNESDAY About ten prolifers came out last minute this morning when we found out the mill was open. Fr. Markey and Fr. Jason were there to represent the church leaders. About eleven women came and four turned away. We gave out loads of literature today! Gospel tracts and prolife literature. It looks like they may have done seven abortions at the most. Still this is seven too many, the lives of these precious children just snuffed away. "Besides sir, we shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just God who presides over the destines of nations; and who will raise up friends to fight our battle for us. The battle sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave ..." Patrick Henry Our heart's desire is for child killing to end in Bridgeport and throughout our nation....one mill at a time. Remember in 1990 there were 2000 abortion clinics listed in the yellow pages across America, now in 2003 there are less than 750 listed. PTL! We give our Lord and Savior Jesus all the glory. "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 Hope to see you all Saturday as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. We will be there .... till the killing stops! In Christ
for Life, - NO DEAD BABIES! "Jesus hath many lovers of His heavenly Kingdom, but few bearers of His Cross. He hath many desirous of consolation, but few of tribulation. Many love Jesus so long as no adversities befall them." Thomas aKempis (1380-1471) Over twenty-five faithful lifesavers came out today to pray and make a public stand against child killing. They came out in spite of the adversity and tribulations they encounter. I thank God for each one that serves the kingdom that they see. Fr. Smith represented the clergy. As we waited and prayed we noticed the lot remained empty. One client came and left. A lady walking by said she saw some cars there yesterday. A man told us that the workers of the mill were moving some stuff out yesterday. He also said they were downsizing. We give our Lord and King (JESUS) all the glory. I hope this encourages you all to perservere. When we started coming to this mill in 1990 they were killing up to eighty babies a day four days a week. The abortion industry is crumbling. We look forward to the day when abortion will end totally in our community and our nation. Christians please keep praying! God's word does not return void but goes forth to do what He wants it to accomplish. Hope to see you all Saturday, 7am. You will never experience the victory if you don't show up for battle. "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and love mercy and to walk humbly before your God." Micah 6:8 For
the Least of These, Over 30 prolifers came out to pray today. Fr. Markey and Fr. Boyd represented the leadership of the local churches. Police and clinic doorman were present. From what we saw: Twelve
moms came to kill their babies. The Mom that changed her mind was crying going in and crying going out. We were able to give her our phone numbers, numbers, some literature and booties for her baby. I thank our Lord that He softened her heart to hear Him. Please pray for Christians in our community that are persecuted for standing for truth. Like Job, Satan will try anything to get us to deny God. But we know our Lord allows us to become refined as we go through the fires of tribulation. Ephes.
5:11 Col.
4:17 For
the Least of These, Abortion
Industry Crumbling in Bridgeport For
this month of July, from what we saw: Tuesday
July 29, 2003 Saturday July 26, 2003 Almost forty lifesavers
took a public stand against baby killing in our community. Fr.Markey was
there to represent the clergy and post-abortion counsel was available.
Isaiah 54:17 tells us that no weapon forged against us will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the Lord. The power of God works in our favor! Be encouraged, God is doing might things. SALVATIONS: In the
past week we had two salvations. One at our bible study and one at Six
Flags (a Hindu). For the Least of
These, THE STREETS, MILFORD, CT - JULY 24, 2003 Over twenty gentle Christians came out to the streets in front of the newest gate to Hell and addition to Milford adult businesses - Penthouse Boutique. Proclaimers were there at 12 noon to over 1pm and at night from 5 pm to 6:30 pm. TV cameras and newspaper reporters flooded the area. Ninety percent of the response from drivers-by was positive. We held signs and passed out Gospel tracts and pornography fact sheets. "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful and pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ." Colossians 4:2, 3 There were a few perverts, as we should suspect. This was supposed to be the grand opening but it was delayed in the eleventh hour by Mayor Richetelli because the store did not file the right papers on time. Please pray for our mayor and write him a letter of encouragement for standing against evil. (Milford City Hall, River Street, Milford, CT 06460) Now the owner of Penthouse is threatening to give away $500,000 worth of porno because they are unable to sell anything until they get the right paperwork done which will take 20-30 days. They have been trying to open since April and facing hurdle after hurdle. Maybe God is trying to get a hold of them? There were articles in the CT Post and New Haven Register. Please pray for us in this battle. [ See separate article "What happens when Connecticut Christians storm new gates to Hell in their city?" for the newspaper stories and more. ] For
Him, "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful and pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ." Colossians 4:23 Bridgeport
- Tuesday, July 22, 2003 What a homecoming, thank you Jesus. All night I was praying for our Lord to help us and he came through as He used us to save two children and one mom's soul. I took the 17 year old young lady to Hopeline for counseling as Sylvia so graciously met us after I woke her up early this morning. The Mom needs medical coverage and a job, please pray all goes well with her. TEN
- ELEVEN MOMS CAME AT KILLING TIME. Stacia and Barbro were there for post abortion counseling. Pastor Miller and Fr. Smith represented the clergy. Thirty saints came out to pray. Bridgeport,
Saturday, July 19, 2003 Bridgeport,
Tuesday, July 15, 2003 Bridgeport,
Saturday, July 12, 2003 JUNE
Spirit of God has given us no cowardly spirit." 2 Timothy 1:7 In His
Service, THE STREETS, MILFORD, CT - MONDAY NIGHT, JULY 7, 2003 - CITY HALL Ten courageous Christians came out to the streets in Milford, CT to proclaim the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. They held signs that said "Porno Feeds Child Predators," "PORN DEGRADES," "Porn Hurts Families," "Porn Shops Corrupt Milford," "Porn Shops Draw Perverts," "Close Down Porn Shops - They Hurt Kids." People that came by were very supportive. I passed out gospel tracts. The mayor came and he talked to us and so did board members. They were glad we were there with our signs. They are still fine tuning the ordinance with tougher restrictions and will present it Monday, August 4, 7:30, PM. All local CT people should plan to come to Milford City Hall. At 7:30 PM we went into the Board of Alderman meeting. After the Police Chief got an award, Danny, Cori and Colbi and Noha spoke on the sex oriented businesses in our community. It will be on Cablevision C-T-N Ch. 79, soon. (Wed. Thurs. Fri. 7pm). Cori, 14, said she lives near these places. She said the thought of Penthouse centerfold models giving autographs opening day (July 25) at the Penthouse store sickens her. Women that expose their bodies are not good role models for young ladies in our community. She asked the Board to please put a stop to these sex businesses and make Milford a safer more wholesome place to live. Colbi, 10, said she lives near these businesses, too, and she was there to stand against them. Colbi said when she was in school she would come home and see the adult places like Kangaroos and Keepers and now Penthouse is there. She said she gets upset because those kinds of places draw sick and perverted people to our city. These places draw crimes like rapes, prostitution, drugs, etc. Colbi told them that one day after church we saw a piece of trash on the lawn. Grandma told me to throw it in the garbage. I went to pick it up and it was a porno video box with gross pictures on it. I screamed. This shows how sick these places are. It made an impression in my mind. Colbi asked them to stop allowing these places in Milford. After Colbi spoke they got a standing ovation from the Mayor, the Board and people at the meeting. Jesus was glorified as these girls stood for truth. As their grandmother, I felt such joy in my heart. I was so proud of them and I know our Lord is, too. For