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BPT Reports from 4th Quarter October - December 2003


God's Servants at the "Summit Women's Center"
BPT Reports from 4th Quarter 
October - December, 2003

Tuesday December 30, 2003

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Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!

Today 20 prolifers came out to the streets. Fr. Smith represented the local clergy and we had a rabbi from North Carolina blowing his shofar as a warning of judgment to come. Above is a photo of one of the families we brought gifts to. Today we saw:


A mother of a young lady that went in to kill her baby came to the killing center and went in and got her daughter out. She told us to pray when she went in. They were both so relieved when they ran out of that dreadful place!

We were even blessed today to have my brand new nephew join us, Daniel Artur Eldredge. He came out to the streets with his mom, in his stroller, to help save lives. My sister Nancy and brother-in-law Tom just got back Saturday night from their adoption process in Russia. They are now proud parents of a beautiful two year old boy (see photo).

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Looking back on 2003, we give God all the glory for what He has done in the past year of ministry! 101 Babies were saved from death (totaling 1196 in fourteen years). There are now one hundred and one young Connecticut citizens alive because you were bold and courageous and came out to the streets to save lives for Jesus! 7 people confessed Jesus as Lord and Savior (totalling 351 in 14 years) Tens of thousands of gospel literature has been passed out at seven local high schools, at the abortion mill, at Yale, Milford Hospital, porno protests, Gay Pride in New Haven, porno protests in Milford, and more.

We were able to do a home bible study for eight months in one of the mom's home. We visited moms in the hospital after they had their babies.  We sent out and delivered multiple packages including literature, videos, audios, Bibles, diapers, wipes, food cards, etc. You helped families pay bills, buy food, get furniture and electrical help. You helped find jobs, training programs, housing, and insurance benefits for the needy.  All because you worked together with us to make this happen. We could not do this alone. We thank you for helping us help others. We also thank the AFA Law Center and Mike DePrimo for always being there for us. God always provides what we need.

We were able to hold some momentous events in 2003 and attended some, too. We brought many young ladies and moms to the Hopeline Purity Conference.  We had two short term mission trips last summer. Our own Kelly and Cori received youth awards at Connecticut Right to Life Conference.

Looking back I would say we had a very busy and fruitful year. We thank Our Father, because we know it is all because of Him. We are excited that the Summit abortion center went from six days of business down to two days. They are only open two days a week now. We are hoping and praying the killing will end soon in Bridgeport. Hope to see you all this Saturday, 7:15 am, as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. Bishop Lori will be leading a procession to the Summit from the Catholic Center at 9:30am. Come and take a stand for life.

For the Least of These,
Marilyn Carroll

REMINDER- Jan. 22 is just weeks away. This is the horrible day that child killing was legalized in our nation 31 years ago. Since this time, 45 million innocent children have been slaughtered. Don't sit back and let this continue. Get your churches activated. We need pastors to sign the STAND UP FOR GOD statement and return it to us. Give one to your pastor. We want to take out a large ad in the CT Post right before the Ecclesiastical Court and Roe Memorial. Please help sponsor the ad with a donation to OSA-CT, 632 Merwin Ave. Milford, Ct 06460. Thank you.

Saturday December 27, 2003

About 30 lifesavers came out to pray today. The police and doorman were present, there were no escorts.


This Christmas season lets us think about how awesome it is that the God of the universe has chosen us to be a part of the gospel proclamations out on the streets of our community. Our God, who's power is beyond our ability to fathom chose us to defend His most precious creation. Although we may not know why we were chosen, we should cherish it as an opportunity to serve our Lord and Savior who gave His life so we could live.

"Rejoice greatly, O my people! Shout with joy! For look -- your King is coming! He is the Righteous One, the Victor! Yet He is lowly, riding on a donkey's colt! I will disarm all peoples of the earth, including my people in Israel, and He shall bring peace among the nations. His realm shall stretch from sea to sea, from the river to the ends of the earth." Zechariah 9:9-10

Please join us this Tuesday and Saturday as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. We will be here ... till the killing stops. We're here for LIFE.

For the Least of These,
Marilyn Carroll <///><

Tuesday December 23, 2003

"Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. "For whoever wishes to save his life shall lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake shall find it." Matthew 16:24-25

Ten prolifers came out to pray in spite of the busyness of Christmas week. The police and the doorman were present. The count was extremely low today, PTL! We can see this killing center is not even making enough money to pay their expenses. We pray child killing will end soon here. Please pray for this to come to pass.  From what we saw:

Five-six women came at killing time.
Three turned away.
Two - three babies were left to die.

Yesterday Carmen and I delivered toys to most of the families we are working with. Thank you to Lady of Victory Church in West Haven that gave toys for the children that are needy.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16

What was the first Christmas gift? A child! God gave us His son. How awesome is that. And speaking of Christmas gifts, my sister Nancy and brother-in-law Tom got the best Christmas gift too. They are in Russia and they have adopted a two year old boy, Daniel Artur. They should be home any day now. Please keep them in your prayers.

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder; and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end." Isaiah 9:6, 7a.

We wish you all a blessed Christmas and hope to see you this Saturday morning and next Tuesday Dec. 30, as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be.

For the Least of These,
Marilyn Carroll <)))><

"...they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped Him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto Him gifts ..." Matthew 2:11


Wednesday December 17, 2003

We had a fabulous day of ministry as we went out to the streets of Bridgeport.

Our first stop was to Kolbe Cathedral, a catholic high school. Named after Maximillian Kolbe who died in a German concentration camp during WWII. He was there because he was a priest. Fr Kolbe gave his life in place of a man that had a family. He had a slow death and was heard praying and singing hymns to the end. This school is Carmen's alma mater.

Police were present. We were blessed to give gospel literature to about 95% of the students. There were some walk-ins and but most were from the five buses that unloaded on the sidewalk where we passed out tracts and brochures. They were very receptive and friendly. Only two adults were not happy.

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We spoke to school administrators and the principal. All were polite and took the information. Our own teens came before school day to reach out and be a witness to their peers.

After the last students went in, we went over to 3787 Main Street were other teens and young people were entering the abortion center to kill their children. About twenty prolifers came out on a cold and later rainy morning. Young children were pleading with moms not to kill their babies. The police and doorman were on the premises. There were no clinic escorts. The count was low. From what we know:


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For Christmas we need diapers sizes 1,2, 3 and wipes, Enfamil's Prosobee dry mix formula, and Stop & Shop and Shoprite food cards for families we promised to help with needs. Please help.  I hope to see you all out on the streets this Saturday as we reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be.

The next two weeks the killing days will be Saturdays and Tuesdays. Don't forget the change.

Please don't get so busy this Christmas that you forget the real purpose for which Jesus came. He had immeasurable love for mankind. God gave His Son to die in our place for our sin so we might live.  Let us follow His example and give our lives for others.

"In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we may live through Him." 1 John 4:9

For the Least of These, 
Marilyn Carroll <///><

PS - Please help us get the word around for the two major events OSA-CT is planning for January. Pastors need to sign the "Stand Up For God" statement for the CT Post.  A rally before the events will be on Wednesday night 7pm, at Gospel Light Church. The Ecclesiastical Court is Thursday Jan. 22, 11:30am - 1pm Federal Court Bridgeport and The Roe Memorial, Saturday, January 24, 9:30-11am, Main St. Bridgeport.

If you want us to send your pastor the information, let us know. Please put these events on your prayer lists. Encourage your pastors to stand in this day of evil. Pastors need to sign the "Stand Up For God" statement for the CT Post.  A rally before the events will be on Wednesday night 7pm, at Gospel Light Church. The Ecclesiastical Court is Thursday Jan. 22, 11:30am - 1pm Federal Court Bridgeport and The Roe Memorial, Saturday, January 24, 9:30-11am, Main St. Bridgeport.

If you want us to send your pastor the information, let us know. Please put these events on your prayer lists. Encourage your pastors to stand in this day of evil. If you have a pastor that stands up for those in need because he truly loves them, then you have a jewel, encourage and help him as much as you can.

Saturday December 13, 2003

Twenty-five came out in the cold weather during the course of this morning to try to rescue babies and moms from death. Most come, pray and leave. I know it's cold out, but If you can stay longer, your physical presence does matter. It's better to dress in layers and bring a chair if you can't stand. Signs were held by most of the men. Carmen, myself and Carol sidewalk counseled.  The police, the doorman, and a male escort (Chris) were present. Nancy was on video camera for us.

The little girls' dancing studio is still operating right next door to the killing center. The manager goes in each Saturday morning all huffing and puffing as if we were doing something wrong. It does not matter that babies are being killed right next door, what matters is us. If we weren't there, then nobody would know. What a sad commentary of what we have become. That people care more about money than little children being ripped apart limb from limb to their death.

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From what I know:


This is a high count, but remember last Saturday no babies died. Some of these are probably carry over appointments. We need to just keep praying and not grow weary in well doing. We believe that child killing will soon end in Bridgeport.

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We spoke to each one that came walking or driving in. One of the young dads Carmen spoke to said he was from one of the Bridgeport churches. He said he was backslidden, but had been in church most his life. Carmen told him his pastor sometimes comes to the mill, he looked around, too bad he was not here today. Maybe a life could have been saved. Only God knows. Pastors please come out and address abortion from the pulpit. People in your congregations are coming here to kill their children.

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Carmen had a chance to talk to some girls from Harding High School. They are hungry for information. That is why it is so important that we reach the youth in the high schools. We will continue "God is Going Back to School" this Wednesday morning at Kolbe Cathedral, 33 Calhoun Place, Bpt. The police are notified. We plan to be there 7am sharp to 7:45am, then we plan to come over to the mill on 3787 Main Street.  We will be passing out literature and holding signs. This is a very effective outreach,  let me know if you are joining us.

One of the young ladies I spoke to was crying. I believe in my heart that she did not want to do this. Many young women are coerced to kill their babies by their boyfriends and parents. That is another reason we need to be there, to offer them a way out. Jesus will always provide a way of escape. You don't have to choose the wrong action. We were told that a couple of girls were crying inside. I believe the Holy Spirit was trying to get a hold of them. Two did leave.

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This scenario reminds me of a story a preacher told:

"A woman was walking along the road on a cold night, she came across a snake on the ground, the snake spoke to her it said 'I am cold, could you pick me up and put me under your coat to keep me warm? The woman said "you are a snake, I don't want to pick you up" The snake insisted and the woman finally agreed, She picks up the snake and puts him under her coat and walks keeping him warm. Finally the snake bites the woman. The woman say's "Why did you bite me? I trusted you, and you go and bite me? you know what the snake said? Hey you knew what I was when you picked me up didn't you?

Please join us this Wednesday at the high school and the killing center as we reach out to the lost and needy.They are starving for Jesus! You don't have to go overseas to do missionary work, we have a harvest field right here in our own backyard.

For the Least of These,
Marilyn Carroll  <///><

Wednesday December 10, 2003

Twenty came out to pray and witness on the streets today. Fourteen prayer warriors, four sign holders and two sidewalk counselors. Pastor Miller was there to represent the clergy. Our teens came before school to pray. Officer Steve and doorman Mike were on duty. The abortionist came at 9:40 am.  From what we saw:

Twenty women came.
Six turned away.
One changed her mind.
Possibly twelve babies were killed.

Today we tried to practice what Pastor Daniel taught on being "Soft in a Hard Place." Jesus spent his whole life in hard places with lepers, prostitutes, sinners, and demoniac. Then He found himself in the hardest place at the cross. Being soft in a hard place is a strength, not a weakness. We need to ask God to give us soft hearts. We have the opportunity to witness to all types of people at the killing center. Today one of the couples that changed their minds were Gothic with black long coats and piercing all over their bodies. The young lady had blue hair. But you know what, Jesus loves them too. They are lost and need someone to care about them. (David Lackey did an awesome teaching on this when he was here.)

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible ,” Matt.19:26

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In 1 Corinthians 13 we learn that the absence of love produces hardness. Paul tells us that hardness will nullify any message. Without genuine love for others it is hard to desire their well being. That is why it is so important for us at the abortion mills to be pleasant, gentle and comforting. It is so important how we approach these women and what we say. Today I found out that many broke down in tears when they got through the door and then decided to leave. The Holy Spirit got a hold of them. In Mark 3:5 Jesus had righteous anger, coming from a soft heart. He was moved when the glory of God was degraded and His sanctuary defiled.  He looked around at them in anger and, deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts.

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Love never rejoices in inequity, but it rejoices in truth. This is the only way people will hear us. It is easy for us to love God, He is so awesome. But it is hard for us to love our neighbors. Christ's heart was always motivated by the love of others. He confronted the culture. He was divisive, rigid, righteous, unmovable, bold and unashamed of the truth. Even when he raised His voice in anger, He was never absent of love.

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Please join us on the streets Saturday, as we reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. We will be there .... till the killing stops. Next Wednesday, Dec. 17th, we will continue the national OSA campaign, "God is Going Back to School." We will be at Kolbe Cathedral, 33 Calhoun Place, Bpt. with signs and literature 7am.

For the Least of These,
Marilyn Carroll <///><

Saturday December 6, 2003

Flip Encourages Pastors in CT
to turn their community right side up and deliver the mail the Lord has given us. 

The snow started Friday afternoon, so it took us three hours to get Flip back from the airport. We had a great time of fellowship and teaching Friday night when 21 lifesavers showed up, in spite of the blustery snowy weather. Flip spoke about "30 Years Later" by Fr. Francis and how the partial birth abortion ban is a bogus piece of legislation that saves not one life. He said that you will fight this battle according to how you perceive it.

God's Spirit comes through the portal of man and we overcome the enemy by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony, not loving your own life to shrink from death. We are not our own, but we have been bought with a price. The battle is between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman.

Saturday morning the killing center was closed because it snowed all night. Praise God no babies died. But please pray for these moms, that they will change their minds. Come out and join us this Wednesday as we try to persuade some. Some of our gentle warriors still went out to pray and hold signs Saturday morning. The pastor's breakfast went great. Twenty-one attended that, too. Twenty-one must be the number for this weekend. The pastors were really inspired by what they heard. A vision was imparted in them to turn our nation right side up for Jesus.

Pastor Miller, Pastor Hawkins, Pastor Benham, Pastor Loomer, Pastor Vazquez - Click image for larger view

Pastor Miller, Pastor Hawkins, Pastor Benham, Pastor Loomer, Pastor Vazquez

Like Pastor Gary Wilkerson says, "Blessed are the disruptive, for they shall not be paralyzed," This is not only an attitude that Jesus encourages, but He also lived it out. Jesus was not only meek and mild, he was also radical and wild. He was disruptive to even those who followed Him. He was constantly upsetting their comfort zone. He asked His apostles -- Could you not even fight in prayer with me for one hour? Jesus turned the world upside down by His prayers and actions.  We should follow in His steps.

The things we need God to do here on the Earth can only be accomplished by disruptive power from Heaven. Jesus calls all who follow him to be disruptive. The kingdom of Heaven is taken by force. Those who persistently seek God's heart -- will see Him move in mighty ways. Those that are paralyzed in fear within the sleeping lukewarm church will not disrupt the powers of darkness taking over our world.

Pastors that think their ministry is "just a job" and they are CEO's in a corporation, cannot move in the Spirit of God. We do not want or need paralyzed shepherds who do not teach and do the truth. Pastors that think their ministry is "just a job" and they are CEO's in a corporation, cannot move in the Spirit of God. We do not want or need paralyzed shepherds who do not teach and do the truth. The Lord tells us in Ezekiel 34 all about irresponsible shepherds that feed not their flocks. They are only concerned about themselves, how big their churches are, what their income is, which celebrities or politicians attend. God says He will take His people away from this type of shepherd. God himself will disrupt this apostasy. He will rescue His sheep out of half-hearted churches.

In Luke 5 we see more religious leaders with wrong priorities regarding spiritual matters. They are paralyzed. "Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep; and an idle soul shall suffer hunger." Proverbs 19:15.  Looking at Proverbs 19:24 in a spiritual sense you see those that are too lazy to feed their own spirits, they don't partake of what the Lord has given them. Those that are desperate for God are persistently seeking more and are not deterred. Those desperate for God get fed more. Seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened, ask and you shall receive.

I encourage you all, let's be disruptive people in this sick and dying world. Let us shake the kingdoms of darkness with His glorious light. Remember Proverbs 14:4, "You can have a clean barn, but there won't be any oxen in it." Seek the Lord with all the passion you have, press on to the high calling God has given you. Draw near to Him and listen. You will be radically changed.

For the Least of These,
Marilyn Carroll <///><

Wednesday December 3, 2003

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"If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But even if He does not, let it be known to you O king, we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up." Daniel 3:17-18

Sixteen prolifers came out to the streets during the course of the morning. It was freezing out as we stood in the bitter cold for two and a half hours ...  but the light of Jesus shone upon us. When we are doing His work, He helps us to endure hardness. If he protected Daniel in the fiery furnace He can protect us in the freezing cold. Please dress in many layers, wear scarf, thermal gloves, double socks, and a warm coat.

From what we saw:
TWO MOMS CHANGED THEIR MINDS (one was crying when she left). 

There were new workers there today including the doorman. We heard it's because they don't offer benefits anymore. Whatever the reason, we see the abortion industry crumbling. The police were present. We talked to a woman who was the mom of a young lady that went in. She was angry and yelling at first but finally came over to talk when she was out smoking a cigarette. She said she got HIV from a transfusion and her daughter got it from her and her daughter's baby has it too. That's why she has to abort. I told her that God does do miracles and it is not up to us to decide who lives and who dies. She said she was a Christian and goes to a well known Christian church in our area. As a matter of fact it is a church we visited in the spring.  I told her pastors would never advise her to abort and they would surely help her. I also gave her our information. She went back inside to talk to her daughter, I don't know yet if they left or went through with it. We talk to women all the time that say they go to church, but there they are at the abortion mill killing their babies. Why? Could it be that they go to church but they are not really converted? Could it be they know the truth but are still influenced by the devil?  Or maybe the pastors never preach on abortion because they are afraid they may offend someone? What do you think?

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We had to practice what Pastor Daniel preached today and we were flexible in our evangelism. I guess you can call it flexible when you get out of your warm cozy bed in the wee dark hours of the morning and force yourself into the unbearable cold. This was the coldest day so far this year. We stuck it out. With God all things are possible. Lives were changed because we witnessed for our Lord. Thank you Vinny, Stan and Nancy for enduring till the end with Carmen and me. I know it was not easy, but great is your reward.

We also saw in Acts 16 when Paul & Silas were out on the streets they were treated somewhat like we are. The local business people hated them stirring up the people. It was bad for commerce. They weren't worried about anyone going to hell, they were just worried about making money. Just like the bakery, the liquor store, the dance studio, the beauty parlor and subway on Main Street. They are not concerned that little baby boys and baby girls are being slaughtered right next door. They just don't like us there, it's bad for business. Money is all that really matters to them. But we serve a King and a Lord that taught us to lay our lives down so others might live.

Please join us Saturday morning on the streets. Our national director, Flip Benham will be with us. We will be there to reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. We plan to be there ... till the killing stops.

For the Least of These,
Marilyn Carroll <///><

Wednesday November 26, 2003

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Today twenty-five lifesavers came out to pray, save lives, and save souls.  There were no "deathscorts" or doorman. They must be busy for Thanksgiving. We MUST NOT forget what Thanksgiving is really all about. To whom were the Pilgrims thankful? and for what were they thankful for. Our whole group is reading Plymouth Plantation by Gov. William Bradford to remind us of our Godly heritage. I highly recommend it to all of you. The Pilgrims gave their lives, their possessions, their comforts and their security for freedom to worship and serve the one true God of the scriptures, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

From what we saw today:

Does anyone really care? Will the killing ever end? It's all up to us. Will we run and hide or will we stand up the for the innocent? John the Baptist, Stephen and Jesus were not killed for presenting a popular soft version of the gospel. They were killed for presenting the hard non-gospel, the bad news. They were killed by pompous religious leaders who were fearful and angry that their false gospel was being exposed as a bogus self-interest scheme. Jesus has called us to follow in His steps.

Six babies were confirmed saved.
Nineteen moms turned away and left.
Sixty babies were killed.

These are our stats for November. The killing count is down lower, for this we are glad ...  but just picture sixty dead babies. How awful are we that we allow this to happen. It reminds me of a story Pastor Ed told:

Yesterday a pastor friend of mine called in a panic. Someone called his church and said that the next time they had a service a madman was going there to gundown every child in the nursery. This Pastor called the police but they said he was crazy and would not do anything. This disturbed Pastor asked me "Since our churches meet on different days would you please get your people out to stop this evil man from killing our kids?"  To deter him we just need people to stand outside the nursery to pray. And if enough people are there the man won't come in and all the children will be saved.

I thought this was a worthwhile cause but it really wasn't the ministry of our church. Our church isn't into saving children -- only saving souls. How would it look to the community and to my congregation if I told them to stand outside this nursery and pray to save children? They would think I was nuts! It's much more important to preach the gospel and lead people to Christ. And we are building a bigger church and we have plans to build a recreation center for our church family. All we have could be gone, if I listened to that pastor. He's kinda out-of-it, you know?

Well, his next service came and it did happen. This Pastor could not get enough people to help and ten children died that morning at the hands of the madman. Why didn't any area churches help him? They don't have the calling we do. They aren't busy saving souls. They could have done something. How hard would it have been to stand for two hours to protect children? I will reprimand them at the next ministerial meeting.  I thank God it wasn't my church's job to do it, for we would have been there. Anyone can see it wasn't my fault these kids died. We give to the burn unit at the hospital and we provide turkey dinners for Thanksgiving to the needy. God knows what we do just to preach the gospel.

But now I am really mad. Those people came outside our church Sunday morning with pictures of the children that were killed, blaming us for not helping them. They even had a sign that said "Children Dead with Permission from the Church." That is just not true!  We just didn't do anything. God told us not to do anything. God has called us in a different direction. Salvation is more important than saving lives. Sermons are more important and I even have a bumper sticker that says "Choose Life." That is enough. I give to a crisis mercy ministry center, what more can I do? 

Now I have to tell my people how wrong those people are. They are demonic, turning people away from our church! Just ignore them and they will go away. And if someone is in danger of dying, keep your distance, don't help them, keep your eyes on Jesus. I will call all the other pastors in town and tell them to stay away from those wackos. I will put it on my TV show and my radio show. I will tell the police to ban them from the sidewalk in front of my church. They asked for it and now they have my full wrath.


As far as we know, the next killing day is Wednesday. Please join us on the streets as we reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. We will be there ... until the killing stops.

For the Least of These,
Marilyn Carroll <)))><

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Friday November 21, 2003

We were blessed to have Fr. Smith (over 80 years young) out on the streets today to defend innocent life. Below is a photo of him on the right and Bernie on the left. No matter how old you are God can use you as you stand for little babies sentenced to die. A total of 15 prolifers stopped by to pray throughout the morning. We ran on a skeleton crew today, I was trying to video, take pictures, counsel and do the sidewalk sheet all at the same time.  It was windy and cold.  One of the workers laughs and mocks at us as she says we will be out in the freezing cold all winter as they continue to kill inside their warm building. I told her I would rather be out in the cold with Jesus during my short lifetime, than in hot hell with Satan for all eternity.

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"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and a sound mind. Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me His prisoner, but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God. " 1 Tim. 1:7-8

There were five deathscorts, the doorman and police on the scene of the crimes. Vinny had to work so we did not have the big signs. You can see by the signs we had, we were pushing for adoption today, as we keep Nancy and Tom up in prayer as they had to go all the way to Russia to adopt a baby.

From what we saw:
About twenty moms came to kill today.
One changed her mind.
Four turned away.

About fifteen beautiful babies were brutally murdered on Main St.

"He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse.” Malachi 4:6

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I thank God there are still "a few good men" around that are willing to come out to defend life and stand for righteousness. Most men today hold Christ at a distance. He knocks, but they don't let Him in.  What we need in America is for the men to wake up and fight for their nation and their families. It is not hard to see, as Pastor Daniel pointed out, that we are living in the Laodician age. The Church confesses a savior that they don't know, they don't obey and they don't want in their lives.

Oh so often we ask the moms going into the death camp if they are Christians. Some quickly retort "I go to church on Sunday!". Since when is the criteria for being a Christian going to church on Sunday? See how deceived we have become? They dine on cheap grace and reject the grace that costs everything. Carnally happy and spiritually miserable. Living as though they are right with God while they are naked, blind and self-conceited. Lord have mercy and shame on us.

Many are called but few are chosen. We are so blessed to be His lampstands during these evil wicked days. We are called to overcome Laodicea. By His grace we are to become living epistles, as His spirit resides in us. God is calling us out of Laodicea. Get your eyes off the material things and buy the fire. You receive better eyesight when you are in the fire with Jesus. Jesus loves us so much that He wants to live in us and through us. He is appealing to individuals because the Church won't listen. We are extracted out of Laodicea to become His testimony in this final hour.

Join us this Wednesday at 7am - 9:30am on 3787 Main Street as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. Don't be so busy planning your Thanksgiving festivities that you can't spare a couple of hours to save a life that may not otherwise get to celebrate Thanksgiving or Christmas unless we are here to persuade their parents to let their children live.

Please tell your friends without email.

For the Least of These,
Marilyn Carroll

November 19, 2003


We continued the OSA National campaign today "God is Going Back to School." About 15 came out to Bullard Haven High School to hold signs and pass out gospel literature to teens going into the school. Even our own teens participated before they went to school. We passed out two big boxes containing approximately a thousand brochures. The truth was given to these youth on varying subjects including abortion, safe sex, abstinence, STD's, birth control, and salvation. I don't think it was a coincidence that the Lord led us to go there two days after Planned Parenthood was allowed into the school to spread their lies and give out condoms. Please pray for these youth, that the word of God would not return void but manifest into fruit for His glory. We were so grateful and blessed to have Pastor Miller and Pastor Pedro join us in this outreach endeavor. Bridgeport police were present. Everything went well.

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Some of the moms that dropped off their youth thanked the guys across the street with the signs for being there. A teacher asked for the literature so she could read it, too. One of the students told us later that our literature was the topic of the day. In one science class the kids were asking a teacher what he thought and he said he was not going to get in the middle of it, they would have to talk on it another time.

We were there from 7am to 7:45am and then made our way over to the Summit to minister to moms contemplating abortion. From what we saw:

Another grandma came to visit today with her grandson. Her daughter was going here for an abortion at fourteen years old. After talking to us, especially Carmen in Spanish, they changed their minds. They are so happy they kept their little boy. The young mom is a student at the school we went to today.

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This baby is a life saved on the streets. Look at this guy! What could be better than that! We showed him to everyone there. He is a prime example of why we beg the moms not to kill. Life is a beautiful choice. I tried to show him to the Wesleyan student "deathscorts," but of course, they would not even look at him. Jesus will reveal Himself to those who have an ear to hear. They don't want the truth. They are deceived by the enemy of God, the prince of this world.

As babies continue to be killed, day in and day out, week in and week out, year in and year out, the church of Jesus Christ continues to be a sleeping giant. Oh, if only it would wake up, we could maybe win some battles for our Lord. But as Pastor Daniel taught, in this Laodician age, Jesus is left on the outside, while the church has all its programs on the inside.

The American Church sells itself as "we are here for you" instead of "we are here for Christ." The American Church is in the middle of the world and true Christianity. Lukewarm, active and busy, doing nothing.  Parading its resources, marketing ministry, excluding Jesus all the way. The institutional Church in our nation is totally deluded, and the Lord says "I knowest you not, you are wretched and blind." Christians want all the benefits from God, as they exclude all the sacrifices.

I exhort all of you reading this, please hear and see - the signs all around us. Rise up and stand before it is too late. The God-haters in America want to take away His commandments and His name from every area in our society. Soon same sex marriage will be legal and the family unit will be gone.  Do you want to be ruled by the enemies of our God?. Christians will be persecuted here just like in other nations that have removed God. Is this the life you want to leave to your children and grandchildren? God is telling us in His Word how false we are. In the end, Jesus will be forced to reject that which bears His own name. "Those whom I dearly and tenderly love, I tell their faults and convict and convince and reprove and chasten. I discipline and instruct them. So, be enthusiastic and in earnest and burning with zeal and repent, changing your mind and attitude." Rev. 3:19 (AMP)


Please join us on the streets as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be . We need two toddler carseats, one for the Mexican baby boy who came today and another for a baby girl four  months that has outgrown her infant carseat. Please let me know ASAP if you can help us with this. We also would like to give some food cards (Stop & Shop, Shoprite) to needy families for Thanksgiving. Please share your blessings with others. Thank you Caroline, Barbara, Linda, and all of you who give selflessly. We could never do this alone.

For the King of Kings and Lord of Lords,
And for the least of these,
Marilyn Carroll <)))><

Please continue to pray for my sister Nancy in Russia. This is the little boy she may adopt.

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Saturday November 15, 2003

Praise to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, no babies were killed today. The death mill was closed, five escorts and police were there, but no clinic workers! No clients! We believe by faith that their grizzly business will soon end in Bridgeport. We believe by faith that our Lord is shutting death camps all over our nation because Christians are obeying God by coming out to the streets to pray and lift up His righteousness. Today there were 30 prayer warriors and sign holders.

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One pastor drove by and waved and another pastor walked by across the street. Both know babies are dying at 3787 Main Street, but neither seem to care enough to take time to try to save these precious souls. It reminds me of an accident that Pastor Ed told us about:

"I was driving down Pine Street when I saw a car swerve into a pole. Inside were parents and their five small children. The car caught fire and the family was trapped inside. I thought about stopping, but I was on my way to a very important meeting and someone might get "saved" at this meeting. So, I decided to ignore their pleas and went to the meeting instead. Later, I read that all in the car had died.

If only someone with that type of ministry would have been there the people in the car could have been saved. But, you see it wasn't my ministry and, after all, I could have dirtied my clothes and I could have even been burned. What kind of a witness would I have been for the Lord?

Yes, I know and understand that it just wasn't my ministry and certainly you understand that it wasn't my fault. I give money to MADD (mothers against drunk driving) and I support a place where victims can receive help. It's just a sign of the times."

"The word of the LORD came to me: “Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel; prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Woe to the shepherds of Israel who only take care of themselves! Should not shepherds take care of the flock? You eat the curds, clothe yourselves with the wool and slaughter the choice animals, but you do not take care of the flock. You have not strengthened the weak or healed the sick or bound up the injured. You have not brought back the strays or searched for the lost. You have ruled them harshly and brutally. So they were scattered because there was no shepherd, and when they were scattered they became food for all the wild animals. My sheep wandered over all the mountains and on every high hill. They were scattered over the whole earth, and no one searched or looked for them." Ezekiel 34:1-6

Please join us Wednesday morning at Bullard Havens High School in Bridgeport. We will be there at 7am sharp to pass out literature and hold signs for life. If you need directions -- please let me know. At 7:45 am we will go over to the Summit for our normal outreach.

For the Least of These,
Marilyn Carroll <///><

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Saturday November 12, 2003

Over twenty prolifers came out in the rain yesterday to save lives and souls.

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Here Carmen counsels some Spanish speaking abortion bound clients. See Sally coming up in the background. She is over 80 and still comes out to stand for the children. You are never too old for God to use you. So if you have been sleeping on the job, let Jesus bring you back to life for His service and His glory. You are no longer dead but alive through Him.
Jesus said. “She is not dead but asleep.” Luke 8:52b

From what we saw:
Nine women came at baby killing time.
One turned away.
Eight babies were probably killed.

"You must speak My words to them, whether they listen or fail to listen, for they are rebellious."
Ezekiel 2:7

Pastor Miller was there to represent the local clergy. The Lord has commanded us to be salt and light in our sick and dying generation. We have very young children out trying to plead with moms not to kill their children. We have teens in training to become sidewalk counselors.  No matter what age, Jesus can use you to further His Kingdom.

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“Ah, Sovereign LORD,” I said, “I do not know how to speak; I am only a child.” But the LORD said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am only a child.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the LORD."Jeremiah 1:5-8

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Jesus said a little child shall lead them. These kids know better than the adult clients and abortion providers that each life is precious and valuable.

We will be going back to Bullard Haven High School next Wednesday. Please be there by 7 am to set up. There were no students there today because it was a personal development day for teachers. We will be passing out literature and holding signs for life next week Nov. 19th.

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"To whom can I speak and give warning?  Who will listen to me?  Their ears are closed so they cannot hear.  The word of the LORD is offensive to them; they find no pleasure in it.  But I am full of the wrath of the LORD, and I cannot hold it in." Jeremiah 6:10-11

Join us each Saturday and Wednesday 7 am and on as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be.  We plan to be there ... till the killing stops.

For the Least of These,
Marilyn Carroll <///<>

Saturday November 8, 2003

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Over thirty- five lifesavers came out to the streets this cold blustery morning. We had some youth from Calvary across the street praying. Father Royal was also there from Norwalk to represent the clergy in our community. We spoke with Pastor Marshall across the street and hope to see him soon. We are planning two major events Jan. 22 (Ecclesiastical Court) and Jan. 24 (Roe Memorial) with Rusty Thomas, assistant director of Operation Save America. Flip Benham, national director, will meet with pastors Dec. 6th, 10 am, to prepare the way for these prophetic events. Please let us know if you want us to contact your pastor for his participation. We will be sending out videos and brochures this week.

"It would take too long to recount the stories of faith ... Their weakness was turned to strength. They became strong in battle and put whole armies to flight." Hebrews 11: 32, 34 

One of the prolifers, Rob, saw a couple in a car across the street early this morning. The girl was crying. He suggested we go over to talk to them and that possibly they were going in for an abortion. Carmen went over to the car as I stood watch across the street. Sure enough they were planning to go to the death camp. Carmen gave them literature and talked to them for a while. She left, we prayed and God did the rest. They changed their minds and were gone. PTL!  Another baby saved.

Another mom came by and showed us her baby boy that's about two years old. Carmen took pictures of him, I will include them when they are developed. We were able to give her diapers, wipes and clothes. I want to thank the two people that gave us Stop & Shop cards and one who gave us diapers and wipes. We could never do this ministry alone. We need your help. We are all part of His body, His hands, His feet, His mouthpiece, reaching out to the lost and needy. The Lord will bless you for helping.

Two different couples (black, hispanic) left the mill after 9:30am with smiles on their faces and peace in their hearts. They both said that they changed their minds after reading the literature. Praise be to God for these precious little ones that were spared death, they will live and experience the miracle of life and God's creation.

From what we saw today:


Lord have mercy on us. Oh God, what have we become? We kill our children for our own selfish reasons and call it a "choice". Father help us to get our thoughts and actions right with you. Lord please wake up the church. We have not won any major battles in this nation for so long because the glory of God has left us.

"I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land,  I searched for someone to stand in the gap in the wall so I wouldn't have to destroy the land, but I found no one." Ezekiel 22:30

This Wednesday we will go to Bullard Havens High School before 7 am.  Please let me know if you can come and hold a sign or pass out literature. This is the sixth high school we have been to since the spring. We plan to go to one a month in the "God is Going Back to School" OSA National campaign.

Please join us each Wednesday and Saturday morning,  as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. We will be there ... until the killing stops.

For the Least of These,
Marilyn Carroll <///><

Wednesday November 5, 2003

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Over 25 prolifers came out in the pouring rain yesterday to stand for their little neighbors that were sentenced to die. The Bridgeport Police, Wesleyan "deathscorts" and the doorman were present. From what we saw:


Does the Church care? or have we grown so accustomed to the killing that we are desensitized? Shame on us that we sit idly by as little babies are ripped apart limb by limb. They cannot defend themselves. God calls on us to rescue the innocent from slaughter (Prov. 24:10-12). IT IS OUR CHRISTIAN DUTY.

I thank God for the faithful few that do come out. Thank you Vinny for getting out of your warm comfy bed each Wed. and Sat. to bring the signs, thank you Stan Gray for being the scribe, thank you Nancy for being on camera, thank you to all that come and pray, we could not do this without prayer back-up.

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Pastor Miller was there to represent the clergy and led us in prayer.

"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised. For in just a very little while, “He who is coming will come and will not delay.  But my righteous one will live by faith.  And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him.”But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved." Hebrews 10:35-39 

Please join us every Saturday and Wednesday morning as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be (DL). We plan to be there until the killing stops! This Wednesday we will visit a local Bridgeport High School in the OSA "God is Going Back to School" campaign. We will be there at 7am sharp! before we go over to the Summit killing center. Let us know if you can come and need directions. We need those who can hold signs or pass out literature. The police know we will be there, it is our constitutional right. Let's use our rights to glorify God and reach out to a lost and dying generation. Our mission field is right in our own community.

For the Least of These, 
Marilyn Carroll <///><

October Stats - Saturday November 1, 2003

For the month of October, from the stats we know:

Four babies lives were saved.
Twelve moms turned away.
Seventy-four babies were killed.

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Fifty prolifers came out to Main Street on a bright sunny autumn day (11/01/03) to publicly proclaim the gospel of truth. This group included the Calvary Youth (above) and the Rosary Group (see photo). We were there between 7am and 10am.  We encourage you all to please stay as long as you can. Let us know if you can hold a sign.

From what we saw:

"Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." 1 Corinthians 6:9-11

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The Bridgeport Police were present and the doorman (Mike). There were four college student "deathscorts".  Stacia came for post abortion outreach. She saw at least six moms that had abortions leave the killing center. They were all offered gospel literature and information on post abortion.

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We sadly found out that Fr. Markey was moved to Norwalk yesterday. The Bishop called him on Friday and he had to pack and move to another church because the priest there is ill. We will miss Fr Markey, who was the most public priest to take a stand against baby killing in Bridgeport.  I hope he still comes out to the streets in Bridgeport. Please pray for him and his new responsibility as head administrator at St Mary's Church in Norwalk.

Seven from our group went to City Hall at 1pm for the citywide prayer meeting led by Pastor Miller to target the corruption and sin in Bridgeport. There was a good turn out. At least seventeen pastors prayed over the mayor (Fabrizi) and his opponent (Torres). They also prayed over all the political seats in the chambers. Congressman Christopher Shays was present and was also prayed for as were others that were running for or in office. Pastor Miller closed the meeting with a reminder to the Christians about their duty to stand out on Main Street. He said God hates the shedding of innocent blood and we should too. A community will never experience true revival if it coexists with baby killers and does nothing to stop the slaughter.

Please join us on Wednesday and Saturday mornings as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. We are going to a local high school Wed. Nov. 12, 2003 for our national OSA "God is Going Back to School" campaign. We will be there from 7am-7:45am. Let us know if you can come and need directions. Thank you, there is power in unity and numbers. Let's stand together for Jesus!

For the Least of These,
Marilyn Carroll <///><

Saturday October 25, 2003

About 25 prolifers came out to the streets Saturday morning. John Scherer was here from Kentucky this past week. It was great to have him with us. It was a bit chilly Saturday morning at 32 degrees.Time to get the winter gear out.

Eleven teens came out including a group from Calvary (see below). Fr. Markey Pastor Ron were here to represent the local clergy. We tried to bring some attention to the passersby that babies were being unjustly led to slaughter at 3787 Main Street. Most did not care. One man shouted out the car "We would have more crime if it weren't for abortion" another said "we should kill 50,000 more." We definitely live in a sick perverted world. Lord have mercy.

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From what we saw:

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While Carmen was counseling a young lady and she was blocked by Chris the male escort. He did not want this young mom to hear Carmen's message. He put his arm around the girl and led her right to the door of the death camp so she would kill her baby. The police officer spoke to him. "Deathscorts" say they are "pro-choice." What is the choice? They won't let the clients hear the options and resources that are available to help them. The only "choice" they want is for moms to kill their children.

One mom stopped by to see us with her son that was saved over ten years ago. Other people went by and beeped with thumbs up. We were blessed to have Dave Lackey from OR Alabama with us this weekend. He taught on reaching the lost for Christ and being a warrior in these last days. We need to look at every person as someone we want to win to Christ. In John 4 Jesus talked to the Samaritan woman. Something Jews rarely did. Jews looked down on Samaritans. But Jesus stopped and talked to her and even asked her for a drink. He befriended her and then He confronted her with her sin. He showed his concern for her soul and spirit.

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In the times we live in, we can learn by David's example, what it takes to be in battle all your life.  In 1 Samuel 17 we learned that if we want to stand for God and do what's right there will be times that we will have to STAND ALONE. Second,  we learned in 1 Samuel 30 that when you do stand for God you will be FALSELY ACCUSED.  Third, we learned in 2 Samuel 23 that we will get OUR STRENGTH FROM THE LORD, till our last dying day. God will always provide for us if we follow and obey Him.

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After the ministering on the streets in Bridgeport Saturday, we went to Milford Hospital with signs of life and death to expose the baby killers there. Gynecologists in Milford that perform abortions do it in the hospital. We had seventeen people that came and stood with signs. A few people stopped by to talk to us and took literature. One lady said she did not know babies were killed came and stood with signs. A few people stopped by to talk to us and took literature. One lady said she did not know babies were killed there. It is our duty as Christians to stand against evil.

"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them." Eph. 5:11

We plan to go to a high school in Bridgeport on Wednesday Nov. 12th, bright and early before school (7am). Then we will go to the mill at 7:45am.  If you can come and hold a sign or pass out gospel tracts and prolife literature, let us know. If we don't do go, who will?

For the Least of These,
Marilyn Carroll <///>< 

October 22, 2003

Praise the Lord! one of the moms that changed her mind had her baby last night and Carmen and I went to Griffin Hospital today to see the little boy who weighed in at 6lbs. 13oz. His Daddy is so proud of him and now is glad to have him even though he originally wanted the mom to abort.

"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven." Matt. 5:14-16

Over 25 prolifers came out today to pray and make a public stand against baby killing in our community. Police and the doorman were there; with no escorts. Vinny was on video in Nancy's absence. From what we saw:


"Here lies the crux of a great problem with the American Church. It is so busy emulating the ideals of Americanism and constructing a consumer-friendly gospel that it is incapable of calling our nation to account for its rebellion against God." Pastor Matt Trewella (Missionaries to the Preborn) 

Please join us every Wednesday and Saturday on 3787 Main Street as we reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. We will be here till the killing stops. We are going to Milford Hospital Saturday after breakfast, weather permitting, from 11:30am-12:30am. They allow baby killing there. We are also continuing our "God is Going Back to School" Campaign as we go out to Bullard Haven High School in Bridgeport, Wed. Nov. 12, 7am-7:45am. Let me know if you can come and hold a sign at either of these events.

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Six youth came out to pray before school. A little child shall lead them.

One of the grandma's brought her saved grandson to see us, he got to see the police
officer that was here when his mom changed her mind a year ago. (See above)

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This is a group picture of all of us today on the streets.

For the Least of These,
Marilyn Carroll <///><

October 18, 2003

Forty people came out to pray yesterday at the killing center in Bridgeport. Three clergy were present (Fr. Markey, Fr. Boyd, Pastor Dave). Six teens came out to stand in the gap for their peers. Nancy was on video. There was one "deathscort" (Chris) present and the doorman and police were there. One of the male clients "mooned" the group by pulling down his pants to show his rear end. Two women saw it and filed a complaint to the police, he was arrested and given a summons for court.

From what we saw:


Stacia was there for post abortion counseling. If anyone can go between 11am and 1pm to pass out literature to the moms after their abortions, please let us know.

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Cori and Kelly got youth awards, at the Connecticut Right to Life Banquet, Saturday night. They were nominated by Fr. Markey for their involvement in prolife ministry. It was quite an honor to see them receive the beautiful plaques and gift. We pray our Lord will use them for His glory.

Please join us this Wednesday and Saturday after 7am as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. Saturday we will also be at Milford Hospital 11:30am-12:30 with signs to let the community know that little baby boys and baby girls are killed in a medical facility that should bring life and health to every life. Let me know if you can come and hold a sign. "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and love mercy and to walk humbly before your God." Micah 6:8 

For the Least of These,
Marilyn Carroll <///><

"The hottest fires in hell are reserved for those who remain neutral in times of moral crisis." E.Burke

October 15, 2003

Over 20 prolifers came out on Wednesday Oct. 15th to pray and reach out to those who found themselves where they should not be. We ask God to stir into flame the strength and boldness that is in us, even though many Christians have deserted the cause. We need to take our suffering as a good soldier of Jesus Christ and not let ourselves be tied to worldly affairs. Be encouraged and revived, never ashamed of the gospel. His word tells us to "work hard" like a farmer who gets paid well if he raises a large crop. For if we give up when we are inconvenienced, or feel uncomfortable and turn against Christ, then He must turn against us. So even though we are weak, He remains faithful to help us and carry out His promises. The Lord knows who are really His, for a person that calls himself a Christian should not be doing things that are wrong. (2 Tim.1,2)

From what we saw:

In New Haven, Friday, two babies were saved. We have reports from some lifesavers that two moms were inside the mill. One asked God to give her a sign if He did not want her to do this (duh). She said right after she prayed, she heard a young lady scream in the back room. She decided she better leave and another mom sitting next to her, left too. PTL!

Some passers-by at the Summit said they saw us at Harding High School last week and told us that the topic of the day at school was abortion.

The police, the doorman, and five "deathscorts" were present. No clergy. Some children came to pray before school and pleaded with moms not to kill their children.  Please join us on Saturdays and Wednesdays 7am and on at 3787 Main Street. We will be there until the killing stops!

For the Least of These,

Marilyn Carroll <///><

October 11, 2003

From what we know the mill is closed tomorrow because of the long weekend and will reopen on Wednesday. Please tell anyone who goes and does not have email. Today six cars were seen in the lot. No escorts, no doorman. We have someone going there now to try to find out what's going on. I am adding a message from Donna Lippoldt below to encourage parents to bring their children out to the streets to help save lives.
Thank you,
Marilyn Carroll

From the Heart of Donna…

A little child shall lead them…

            This past Wednesday, October 8th, was a milestone for on-site ministry here in Wichita.  For 16 months we've held an event called Jesus Loves the Little Children Day.  The weather report said no rain until Friday, so we weren't worried.  A few set backs took place, we ran out of helium and only had about a dozen balloons.  When I went to load the signs in the truck it was sprinkling.  I thought, that's strange, but it will probably pass over quickly.  Little did I know, the forecast had  changed.  We were in for a wet day.  The first really bad weather we've had on this once a month event.  I was sort of disappointed that we didn't have more balloons, but as I stood over at the mill, one by one, the faithful Moms with their children started arriving and getting out of their cars with the most colorful umbrellas.  We had every color you could imagine, and I thanked the Lord that He provided His own display of color.  It continued to rain, with no lightning we continued on with our singing, praying, teaching these young warriors to stand firm for Jesus.  I can't tell you how proud I am of these young Moms.  Two of them brought 5 children each with the oldest being about 7.  We taught about serving God when it wasn't convenient.  We told them that serving God meant sacrifice.  As the hour went on I saw little ones cold, and wet.  I saw Moms standing firm in their commitment to train up their little ones.  We had about 60 witnesses for Christ that braved a continual downfall of rain that increased as the time went on.  One of the Moms said to me, “ Well, at least we are raising this generation not to be afraid to come to the abortion clinic.”  It saddened me to think that these little children will have to be the ones to lead others in the battle.  Why wasn't my generation here?  Why is my generation afraid to come to the abortion clinic? Why is my generation too involved in their own lives to care?  Why aren't the streets full of people my age absolutely outraged by what's happening?  Then the Lord reminded me, He had to send a little child to lead them before.  Now it's happening again.

October 8, 2003

About twenty-five prolifers came out today. Pastor Miller was there to represent the clergy. He led us in prayer.

The police and doorman were present. We also had four college deathscorts to try to detour the moms from hearing the gospel message of hope and life. But there is a God, and He takes notice of the evil done to shed innocent blood.

We were blessed to have six children come and pray and hold signs before school. Below are three with Lucy who were pleading and praying for moms not to kill their children. Nothing is more convicting than to hear their little voices cry out to moms going into the killing place.

Seven moms came to kill their babies today.
As of 10am none changed their minds.
We believe seven babies died today at 3787 Main St.

The abortionist (Blumenfeld) and the anesthesiologist (Robin) came in their fancy cars by 9:45am to do their grisly work. What good is it to gain the whole world and fancy cars and lose your soul? Please pray for all the abortion providers.

"They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness." 2 Thess. 2:11-12

A small school bus came by with teenage boys yelling out the window. A car stopped with two women who said they were Catholic and hate our signs. They made their own sign that said something about finding other "solutions." I guess they don't understand what we are doing on the street and what we offer the women. Another young mother drove by the center to say hello and picked up some diapers for her baby. She is going back to school to become an accountant and doing very well. She is bringing the baby to see us on Saturday and get more supplies that you all help to provide. Thank you for giving to the Lord, we could not do this without your help.

Click image for larger view

"May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by His grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word." 
2 Thess. 2:16-17

For the Least of These,
Marilyn Carroll <///><

October 4, 2003

Fr. Markey leads group in prayer - Click image for larger view

Forty prolifers came out to pray today. Fr. Markey represented the clergy, he led a group in prayer (see photo). Bridgeport police, the new doorman, and six deathscorts were present today. It was busier than usual with:


Does anyone care for these babies? Will anyone mourn for them? More will be killed next week, will you lay down your life so you neighbor might live? Will you rescue the innocent from slaughter? God commands us to do these things in His word. They are not suggestions, they are commands. It is our Christian duty. Please come to 3787 Main St. Bridgeport, on Wed. and Sat. mornings (7am and on) where babies are sentenced to die. Show up and God will do the rest. He may use you to save a life and a soul. Now what could be better than that?

In Jeremiah 4 & 5 we read about Jeremiah weeping for his people. God calls them senseless children with no understanding. Clever to do wrong, but no talent to do right. They refuse to turn from their sin and repent. AND THE LEADERS UTTERLY REJECT GOD. They call God's prophets "windbags full of words with no divine authority." This sounds like those who are supposed to be God's people today. Nothing is new under the sun.

"Now they are great and rich. They are all well fed and well groomed, and there is no limit to their wicked deeds. They refuse justice to orphans and deny the rights of the poor. Should I not punish them for this? asks the Lord. Should I not avenge myself against a nation such as this?" Jeremiah 5:28

God is Going Back to School, this Tuesday, Harding High, Bridgeport. We will be there with signs and literature on the streets from 7am- 7:45am. Please pray and let me know if you can come. Meeting at 6:45 am. Can you sacrifice and get up a little early to reach out to these lost teens? Last month we were able to give out hundreds and maybe a thousand pieces of literature including gospel tracts, prolife info, abstinence info, post abortion, etc. WE NEED ALL THE HELP WE CAN GET.  This is a missionary endeavor to reach the lost and needy youth of our community.

For the Least of These,
Marilyn Carroll <///><

September 2003

Sixty-three babies killed.
Seventeen Turnaways.
Eleven Saves.

These are the stats from what we know. Turnaways means the Mom left and either we did not talk to her or we don't know why she left. Saves are definite that we know they changed their minds and don't want to abort. The abortion count is about 40% down from recent months. PTL! We are waiting for the day when baby killing will end in Bridgeport.


Boy or Girl? - Click image for larger view

Thirty prolifers came out today to save babies and save souls. Many prayers went up to our Lord. The police were present. We had more college escorts. They keep changing the videographer, I could not tell if it was a boy or a girl (see photo). Another sign of the times -- unisex? We had Nancy on video, Vinny is the new scribe when Stan G. is MIA. I thank God for the "faithful few." God does not need many to do miraculous things. 

Prayer - Click image for larger view

Counseling Van - Click image for larger view

Now the tenant from upstairs is the new doorman. Please pray for Mike. He claims to be a Christian and thinks its OK to work for a baby killing center. We all got into a deep conversation with him today.

Dad - Marilyn SW Counsel - Click image for larger view

Someone I knew went in the deathcamp. That is especially harder for some reason. I pleaded with the father of the baby when he came outside (see photo). He went back in and said he would tell her but as of 10 am she was still inside. I still hope she came out after we left.

From what we saw today:
Twelve moms came to abort.
Two Turned away.
One changed her mind.

Please come out on Saturday when more babies are sentenced to die. We need people to hold signs. Even if you are praying, please try to hold a sign. They save lives. Just like we had to show pictures of the Nazi Holocaust and slavery, we have to show the truth about abortion. These truths are publicized to draw people to action because of their grief or anger. Pictures of W.W.II dead America soldiers prompted our people to work in the factories to supply the ammunition. Photographs speak.

In John 20:27, Jesus showed Thomas his scar on His side, He didn't say I have wounds under my tunic. He showed Thomas. Thomas saw and touched the scar. It disturbed him and stuck in his mind and therefore prompted him to action. In John 11:16 Thomas said "Let us also go, that we may die with Him."

The signs of aborted babies are not pleasant, they shock us out of our "paradise now" mode and remind us of reality. The scriptures tell us to "weep with those that weep" (1 Cori. 12:26). These innocent babies feel pain and cry "silent screams" when their fragile little bodies are ripped apart limb by limb. We hope to expose the evil inflicted on these precious baby girls and boys so people with a heart will do something to stop it.   

We will be going to another Bridgeport Highschool this Tuesday, October 7th as we continue the OSA campaign "God is Going Back To School." Let me know if you can join us. (7am-7:45am)

For the Least of These,
Marilyn <///><

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2003 2nd Quarter     April - June
2003 1st Quarter     January - March
2002 3rd Quarter     July - September
2002 2nd Quarter     April - June
2002 1st Quarter     January - March