During the Operation Save America Cincinnati regional event, many saints were gathered at the Reds game to hand out tracts and engage in conversations on abortion and the gospel.

Pastor Kiley Waldrop of Dominion Church was able to share the good news of redemption found in Jesus Christ with this atheist evolutionist.

Watch part of the encounter!

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Watch this short clip of Jason Storms of Operation Save America engaging highschool students on abortion and the gospel.

From this conversation and others, minds were changed on the issue of abortion and seeds of the gospel were planted.

May this encourage you to be bold with your faith in your daily life.

This high school outreach took place during our Cincinnati Overcoming Defeat Regional Event last month.

We shared literature and engaged in 1 on 1 conversations with students in the neighborhood of our host church, sharing with them the truth of God and His glorious gospel, and not only warning them of the sin and dangerous of the culture of death and abortion, but pointing them toward a better way, a way of life found in Christ Jesus alone.

Note, we had NBC news reporters following us around all week, hence the camera man in the background.

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