Since our small gospel raid at the gates of hell (the last abortion mill in Little Rock, Arkansas) this past December, God has been doing great things through His saints. Brother Thom Huey has informed us that the company WELSCO delivering canisters of CO2 and Oxygen to the abortion mill, having found out that it was delivering the canisters to a place that kills babies, has ceased doing business with the mill. How did they find out? Brother Thom Huey and the saints in Little Rock have allowed the theology of heaven to become biography in the streets.
“…Whatsoever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16:19. Enjoy!
Chaplain Hagen,
I thank God on your behalf for your willingness to serve in this ministry.
The US Army is a better place because you are there, and those of us in the Little Rock area benefit greatly because of your sober and steadfast vigilance to pray and believe for this murder hole of a place called the Little Rock Family Planning Service P.A., run by the mass murderer Tom Tvedten, to be closed very soon.
As we know, this business employs several people who are providing for their families with federal, state and private dollars dedicated to the destruction of what God knew before He not only formed them in the belly of their mothers, but whom He also sanctified and ordained. Jeremiah 1:5
We not only pray for those families to come out from under the evil deeds of the notorious abortionist Tom Tvedten, but that they find virtuous jobs to support their families.
We also need to pray for the Church to stand up and not only make a righteous cry for the killing to stop, but to take an active role to elect those in federal and state offices to cut off all of the tax dollars that have been dedicated to this holocaust and to never again participate in the evil deeds of others like Tom Tvedten.
The Link below will give you the source of the cut and paste to follow.
In May 2010, the non-partisan Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report on federal funding of organizations that perform abortions. The report found that from 2002-2009, pro-abortion groups spent over one billion dollars from the federal government. Planned Parenthood alone received $657.1 million in federal grants and contracts over the course of seven years. As evidenced in their recently released Annual Report for 2007-2008, government grants make up a third of Planned Parenthood’s total revenue.
What are they spending our money on?
Planned Parenthood is a business, and abortion is where the money is.
Using data from Planned Parenthood’s Annual Reports from 1997 to 2008, these charts expose the violent reality of America’s largest abortion provider.
As seen in the graphs above, 98% of Planned Parenthood’s “services” for pregnant women are abortions.*
Planned Parenthood doesn’t just use our tax dollars to fund abortion. In their latest Annual Report, Planned Parenthood outlines its research projects undertaken in the past year including research in “advances in abortion service delivery.” (page 4)
As evidenced by the outline of their legislative agenda for 2008-2009, Planned Parenthood also sought to ensure that abortion is considered as “health care,” deny conscience protection to health care workers, and increase the incredible amount of taxpayer dollars they already receive on a yearly basis:
“achieve affordable, quality, comprehensive reproductive health care as part of health care reform” (page 12)
“ensure that doctors, nurses, and pharmacists who oppose contraception and abortion cannot deny patients vital health care information and services based on their personal biases” (page 12)
“increase government funding for family planning programs” (page 12)
Tell Congress you don’t want Planned Parenthood to receive any more of your hard earned tax dollars. Tell your Representative to “Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act” Now!
Abby Johnson also recently posted about Planned Parenthood’s posted numbers. Read her blog now.
*You can read more about the services Planned Parenthood provides at :
God forgive us if we do less than what is necessary to not only stop the madness but to defeat the real enemy which is not flesh and blood, but is of a spiritual nature.
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds:) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.” 2 Corinthians 10:3-6
Again, I thank God on your behalf for men of God like you Chaplain Hagen who are willing to lay it all on the line to see an end to the curse upon America called a woman’s right to choose the murder of innocent pre-born children in the womb, the end of all tax dollars towards such wickedness and to see our society move back to a culture of life from its current condition of being a culture of death.
May we remain sober and vigilant in prayer and action to do what we know to do during this ongoing holocaust.
May no more children die at the Little Rock Family Planning Services P.A., and may all those involved with that business turn from their wicked ways.
In Christ,
Brother Thom Huey
a simple unprofitable servant of the Lord Jesus Christ
Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2012 06:33:25 -0600
Subject: WELSCO – True to their word? (Little Rock, AR)
From: Richard Hagen
Dear friends,
This link will take you to a brief write up on a company a few of us here in Little Rock have been in communication with in regards to their involvement with the abortion mill. If you remember, this abortion mill is the place many from Operation Save America ministry came to in December to intercede for and bring the judgment of God. “Arise O Lord; let not man prevail: let the heathen be judged in Thy sight” (Proverbs 9:19).
No action is required at this time, just a simple reminder that there are folks willing to stand with us, even though they be rare. Praise God with us for His enduring faithfulness who will “establish the just” and will bring the wickedness of the wicked to an end (Proverbs 7:9).
According to “an unprofitable servant,” Thom Huey, police went to the abortion mill yesterday to facilitate reclamation of WELSCO’s gas tubes, were denied access and now it will take a judge’s court order to complete the severing of this businesses ties with the murder mill. I believe WELSCO will be true to their word and pursue it until the end. Will you pray with us that WELSCO will finish this fight and that no competitor will rise up to supply this abortion mill?
Christus vincit
Richard C. Hagen
“i love because He first loved me, i live because He lives.” (Hymn by Horatius Bonar)