“New Women All Women’s Health Care,” one of the most monstrous abortion mills in Birmingham, Alabama, is being shut down by the Birmingham Department of Public Health. This has been the site of thousands of murdered baby boys and girls. It has also been the sight of numerous rescues, intercessions, interventions, prayers, proclamations, sidewalk counseling, and God’s Church living out the theology of heaven at the gates of hell. The promise we have stood upon throughout the years is that the gates of hell cannot prevail against God’s prevailing church. We were right!
What a wonderful gift the saints in Birmingham have given to their Heavenly Father. As Jesus laid down His life that we might live, on this day of the remembrance of His crucifixion and death. Let April 6, 2012, remind us all of the sacrifices made by the saints in Birmingham to bring this wonderful miracle about. They laid their lives down (daily) year after painstaking year that others might live. Let us do the same!
“In the same way, let you light so shine before men that they may see your good deeds and give praise to your Father in Heaven.” Matthew 5:16.
Note: The owner of this mill (Diane Derzis) is also the owner of the last remaining abortion mill in Jackson, Mississippi, where we just completed four days of Word and Warfare (reading through the entire Scripture at the gates of hell). It was in Jackson that Diane Derzis received some more really bad news on Wednesday, April 5, 2012, when the Mississippi State legislature voted to require all physicians who are killing children in Mississippi to have privileges to practice medicine at a hospital in Jackson. This will put an end to all the doctors Diane Derzis has practicing child-killing in Mississippi. None of them have privileges in local hospitals. “Hmmmmmmm.”
“Through You we push back our enemies, through Your Name we trample our foes.” Psalm 44:5.
To God Be the Glory! ~ Flip

This is Diane Derzis sitting in her recliner while firing up the BBQ at her “New Woman All Women” abortion mill in Birmingham, Alabama. We just received the news on Friday that this mill will shut its doors for good. To God be the glory!
The RSA Tower, 201 Monroe Street, P.O. Box 303017, Montgomery, AL 36130-3017
(334) 206-5300 • FAX (334) 206-5520 Web Site: http://www.adph.org
CONTACT: Brian Hale, (334) 206-5873
Professional staff of the Bureau of Health Provider Standards, Alabama Department of Public Health, have performed a comprehensive investigation of New Woman All Women Health Care in Birmingham in response to a complaint received in January 2012.
This investigation revealed significant failures in maintaining compliance with the Rules of the Alabama State Board of Health for the safe and effective provision of care.
Based on these findings (which are available for public view on the department’s website adph.org
in the How Do I section: Review Health Care Facility Deficiencies at http://adphnotes.state.al.us/hcfweb.nsf
), a license revocation hearing had been scheduled for April 19. However, a settlement has been reached that requires the current operator to relinquish the license on or before May 18, 2012.–
Ben DuPré
Legal Counsel
Foundation for Moral Law