Why schedule the 40th Memorial of Roe v. Wade in Jackson, Mississippi? Because we are called to plead the case of fatherless to win it – not simply to plead it in Washington, D.C. Here is Rusty’s invitation to Jackson, Mississippi, this January 20-22, 2013.
Looking forward to seeing you in Jackson, Mississippi, this January 20-22. The gates of hell cannot prevail against God’s prevailing church. ~ Flip
Roe v. Wade 40th year Anniversary
Plans are being made to give a national call to come to Jackson, MS for the 40th year anniversary of Roe v. Wade. With the advent of Obama’s re-election, it is clear Washington DC will not hear the Christian/Pro-life message. This current administration is not only the most pro-abortion, but Obama as a state senator voted several times to support infanticide. He voted to allow the child to die, if the child survived the the assault against his/her life.
The federal beast has chosen death to solve our economic and moral problems. Jesus taught, “Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces” (Matthew 7:6). Thus, we suggest a different strategy is in order. The States of Refuge campaign believes we must first win the battle in the heavenlies and locally on the state level to prepare the way for the day when Washington DC will have no choice but to accept the Christian/Pro-life message as the new law of the land.
Out of the five States of Refuge (Arkansas, Mississippi, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming) with one death camp remaining defiling our land, Mississippi is on the verge of making history in this battle for the souls of men, the lives of children, and the future of our nation. There is a possibility Mississippi will become the first abortion free state right before the 40th year anniversary of Roe v. Wade. States of Refuge believes this is the chosen spot to memorialize those lost to the American holocaust and shout from the roof tops the victory of our Lord! Those who have eyes to see, we hope you see this powerful opportunity set before us.
We have secured the same hotel, Baymont Inn, at the same great price, $65.00 per night. The dates for the 40th year anniversary in Jackson, MS are Sunday, January 20th, which kicks off the event with our first evening rally to Tuesday, January 22, 2013. More details on the two night, three day event will be forthcoming.
Hotel Information
Baymont Inn
5709 1-55 North
Jackson, MS 39206
Phone: 601-345-1430
When you make your reservations let them know you are a part of Operation Save America. They have several rooms under our name blocked off at the lower rate.
Please pass the word and invite folks to participate in what we expect to be a momentous occasion. May we gather together in the name of our Lord in the hopes we can present to Him the first abortion free state in Jesus’ name!
Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas