You heard that correct.  The last free-standing abortion mill in the state of Mississippi is wonderfully close to having its doors shut for good.  This would make Mississippi the fist Abortion free state in America.  We just received word from Richard and Melody Miller, faithful saints for the lives of preborn children in Jackson, Mississippi, that the news has begun pouring out in the media that Jackson Woman’s Health Organization is breathing its death rattle.

How did it happen?  Faithful Christians living out their faith in the streets over the years at abortion mills in Mississippi have had an extraordinary effect.  They did not wait for the President, the Congress, or the Supreme Court to fix the wholesale slaughter of little baby boys and girls in their state – they simply heard from God and loved their neighbor as themselves.  It was love that brought them to the gates of hell, love that kept them there, and love that is going to bring this horrible holocaust to an end in the state of Mississippi.

The gates of hell cannot prevail against the Church of Jesus Christ.

We know that all the bastions in hell are apoplectic and will do everything possible to keep this mill functioning.  We also know that abortion is going to come to an end in Mississippi because our God is an Awesome God!  Let Mississippi be the “end of the beginning” of our battle for the lives of preborn children in America.  Let the truth of what is happening here, radiate to saints across this nation to deny themselves, pick up the cross, and follow hard after Christ.  We win when we do, and God receives all the glory.

Enjoy, and give Praise to our Father in Heaven!    

Mississippi abortion clinic fights to stay open – 

Jackson Women’s Health Organization wants judge to block new state law

11:29 AM, Nov 28, 2012


After failing to obtain hospital admitting privileges for its abortion providers despite a months-long effort, the Jackson Women’s Health Organization on Wednesday renewed its request for a federal judge to block enforcement of a new state law.

In a document filed by its attorneys this week, the state’s sole remaining abortion clinic asked the U.S. District Court to prevent state officials from enforcing the law, which it calls an unconstitutional attempt to ban abortion in Mississippi.

“It became clear last week that the clinic had no hope of complying,” said a spokesperson of the New York City-based Center for Reproductive Rights, which represents the clinic in court.  The law went into effect on July 1 and requires all abortion providers to be board certified in obstetrics and gynaecology and have admitting privileges at a local hospital.

The bill’s sponsor, state Rep. Sam Mims, R-McComb, said the clinic has had ample time to comply with the new law. He also denied the clinic’s claims that the law hands over control to the hospitals, whose application denials could force its closure.  “The legislature doesn’t control what hospitals in the Jackson metro area do,” Mims said. “They have their own committees and bylaws set up, and they have to make the best decisions.”  Mims said it’s up to the judge now.

The clinic’s providers already are board-certified ob-gyns, but only one had admitting privileges at the time of the law’s passage. That physician provides only limited service at the clinic, Bernyk said. Those who provide the majority of procedures, including Dr. Willie Parker, were denied privileges after a months-long effort by the clinic to obtain them.  “I have dedicated half of my 20-year career to ensuring women have access to the full range of reproductive health care services—because when women get the medical care they need, they thrive,” said Parker in a statement.

Advocates of the law, including numerous state lawmakers, say it’s designed to protect women’s health, but many also have expressed hope it will shutter Mississippi’s sole abortion clinic. The clinic and the Center for Reproductive Rights had argued before U.S. District Judge Daniel P. Jordan III in July that lawmakers’ true intent was to impose a de-facto ban on abortion by passing laws with which it’s impossible to comply.

Jordan ultimately allowed the law to take effect but blocked the state from imposing any criminal or civil penalties on the clinic, its staff, or its physicians during the application process.

The state Department of Health, tasked with enforcing the law, gave the clinic until January to comply. The clinic sent applications on behalf of all the physicians to every hospital within a 30-mile radius. Many hospitals took months to reply, but all ultimately rejected the requests or refused to consider them.

“The nature of your proposed medical practice is inconsistent with this Hospital’s policies and practices as concerns abortion and, in particular, elective abortions,” read one rejection letter, according to the Center for Reproductive Rights. Said another hospital, “the nature of your proposed medical practice would lead to both an internal and external disruption of the Hospital’s function and business within this community.”

Jackson Women’s Health Organization has operated in the state for 17 years and has been Mississippi’s sole clinic since 2002. Its closure would mean an end to elective abortion in the state, and would force women to travel elsewhere for the procedure.

“This unconstitutional law has essentially handed over the fate of Mississippi women’s reproductive health care to hospital administrators,” said Michelle Movahed, staff attorney at the center. “… The dedicated staff and physicians at the Jackson Women’s Health Organization must be allowed to continue providing safe and legal abortion care without threat of closure.”