Here is a report from Becky Puckett concerning the Gospel battle for the lives of pre-born children in Dallas, Texas.

Enjoy! ~ Flip


By Becky Puckett

“Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary.” Galatians 6:9   (NAS).

Don’t lose heart Saints! For those of us who have eyes to see we have discovered ourselves to be in the midst of this raging battle between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman.  In this battle for good and evil many times we find ourselves growing weary and losing heart.  Sometimes we find ourselves standing with only two or three saints in front of the abortion mill.  We think one of these death camps is falling into the grave and then it seems that there is new life breathed back into its wicked shell.  We plant, we water and we wait for the LORD to give the increase.

In the past few months, I have been encouraged by the increase which I have seen coming from the LORD.  I had the privilege to travel with Miss Pat to Israel this spring.  I was so very excited to be in the Promised Land.  I was thanking Jesus for the privilege to walk where He walked and to be refreshed by other prolife believers and renewed for His service.  Our Father loves us and delights in blessing us and He is always about His Kingdom work.  I had no idea that he would take me on the other side of the world to introduce me to a group of ladies who live in and around the Dallas area.  I have met with them since our return to the states and have found that God is birthing in their hearts a desire to stand in the gap for those being led to slaughter and to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.  Their desire is that the churches take up this responsibility and be the Church.  Does this sound familiar to anyone?  I am also very encouraged by Christ for the Nations. They continue to stand faithfully along side of us and war in the heavenlies for our city and nation.

I say all of this to say to you, be encouraged brothers and sisters in the LORD.  In just a few short weeks we have seen Kermit Gosnell convicted of murder and sentenced, the (stalking) charges against Flip dropped, Latrobe shut down by the health department and struggling under the weight of its own sin to remain open, the Women’s health center in Jackson, MS will soon fall (we believe this by faith), and Delaware may very well become the first abortion free state. We must not despise the days of small beginnings.  Our God is on His Throne!

Do you remember the scene in the Chronicles of Narnia when the white witch comes before Aslan and declares “You have a traitor in your midst”. (There is no doubt that satan, the accuser of the brethren, makes that same accusation before the Lord Jesus daily of His Church.)  The White witch demands the blood of the traitor. (Edmond).  Aslan replies to her “Let me meet with you alone.”  They return and Aslan announces, “She has renounced her claim upon the son of Adams blood.”  The white witch turns to Aslan and says, “How do I know you will keep your promise?” Aslan then opens his mouth with a roar and the white witch falls to her knees!

Don’t lose heart Saints!  “Be strong and of a good courage.”  Aslan is on the move!