Voiceless the Movie Update
“The Lord gave the word; Great was the company of those who proclaimed it
(Psalms 68:11).
I’ve been on the set of Voiceless for a few days now and enjoying the
unique experience. According to Pat Necerato, writer and director, “It
took three years to prepare this sermon that will prayerfully reach
multitudes.” Folks, there is no doubt the message of this movie is solid
and it is being filmed in an inspiring way. We need to be praying for a
great editor to take what has been shot and beautifully weave it together
so that Voiceless hits the mark, touches hearts, and changes minds,
especially, the Church of Jesus Christ.
Personally, being on the set and shooting in the inner city of
Philadelphia brings me back to my childhood and being raised on the mean
streets of Bridgeport, CT. A lot of drugs, drunkenness, hopelessness,
despair, cults, and false religions running rampant. People will not look
you in the eye. It is difficult for them to acknowledge your presence
unless you go out of your way to engage them.
Once people find out you’re shooting a movie, however, doors open to
minister. I’ve had several opportunities each day to minister on the
streets to those who pass by and to minister to the cast and crew. By
God’s favor, I’ve had the opportunity to get to know the two main actors
of the film, James Russo, (Pastor Gil in the movie) who has done over 100
movies in Hollywood and Rusty Joiner (Jesse Dean in the movie). This is
his 10th movie.
We’ve discussed the Christian faith, Bible, politics, the American
holocaust, and the responsibility of the Church of Jesus Christ to end it.
Russo received all three of our books, on the condition I would sign them.
This I did gladly.
The last shot of the film will take place September 18. It is the climatic
end of the accumulation of the battle that has raged between a local
church and an abortion mill located right across the street. I will not
give it away, so you will have to go see the film when it comes out. It’s
scheduled release is for October of next year, 2015.
God willing, I’ll be heading home on the 19th to be reunited with my
family. Your prayers, love, and support help make all this possible. I’m
grateful to the Lord and the brethren for this opportunity to serve God’s
purpose through the medium of film. Keep pressing on saints to the high
calling and prize in Jesus’ name!