God once again watches over His word to perform it. David Day, our boots on the ground in Montgomery, who helped prepare our way into Montgomery for our national event, contacted me with this report.
Two pastors joined him at the gates of hell, along with other saints. One pastor just wept as he ministered the word of God to those who were being led astray towards slaughter. I believe two lives were spared as God’s people intervened with the Gospel of the Kingdom.
There is other developing news, which I cannot reveal at this time, but just know it does not bode well for the death camp in Montgomery. Keep praying and pressing on saints to the high call and prize in Jesus’ name!
Two Pastors and other saints join the battle in Montgomery
Greeting Dear Friends,
It has been a little over a month since you guys came to Montgomery and showed them Heaven. What a time we had! It was a joy to labor and meet all of you and to learn and be encouraged by your devotion to the Lord, your families, and your desire to end the murder of babies. Thank you so much for what you did for my city and for speaking up for those who can not speak for themselves.
With the recent Planned Parenthood protest, I invited everyone on my Facebook account to come and stand this morning. Today was abortion day and we had about 15 total this morning including two of my pastors and others from my home church. For many, this was their first time out on this sidewalk. It was a terrible experience for them. I thank God they woke up early and made the drive and stood, spoke, and proclaimed the Word of God to the moms.
One of the deathscorts approached me and said, “You have some others with you today. Your normally by all alone.”
I replied, “No ma’am, I am never alone.”
Seeing those standing with me caught them by surprise. One deathscort wrote on Facebook wondering what was going on and why were we stepping up our game. I can only hope it is the bride of Christ just waking up!
I love you guys and thank God for all you. Please be careful and prayed up and wherever the Lord has you, Give them Heaven!
Praying for you all as well.
David Day and Family.