Last night we had the blessing of holding our granddaughter for the first time. God has already used her birth to touch the lives of many. We also had the honor to meet the police officer whom God used to help bring her into this world. We heard Destiny’s account, Caleb’s account, Mark (the police officer’s account) and his wife Jennifer’s account of what happened on that fateful day and how this has gone viral to bless many.
After we laughed and cried, I was able to share with them the rest of the story. The Holy Spirit ministered as we shared with them the correlation between what happened with them in Texas and how it was connected to the Open Letter to the Police in America in Wichita. We shared how brother Mark was literally acting out the Word of the Lord in Texas as it was being sent out throughout America. And what was the Lord’s message?
After the police felt punched in the gut through the violence that is being committed against them, (It was so bad Mark was questioning his call as a police officer) God used the circumstances surrounding the birth of our granddaughter to lift the spirits of police departments throughout America. The pall over them was broken and hope returned.
We believe this was the first fruits of the Word of the Lord to law enforcement in America. if they will follow the example of brother Mark to interpose, intervene, and protect the lives of babies in the womb, which is their duty before God, God will lift our spirits, break the pall over the land, and peace will return. If not, violence will continue to savage our nation and the police will remain a target as we all suffer the pangs of blood guilt that is savaging our nation.
One side note, please notice the tattoo on brother Mark’s rather large arm. He got that tattoo a couple of days before this incident with our family. As soon as I saw it, I laid hands on him and prayed that God will use him to protect the weak and abused children in the womb. None of this is a coincidence and those who have eyes to see, let them see and those who have ears to hear, let them hear.
Before we left, I place in brother Mark’s possession the Open Letter to the Police in America, (He had already read it) our booklet, The Offering of Cain: the Paradigm Shift to End Abortion, and Pastor Matt Trewhella’s books, The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate, and the Magdeburg Confession. I explained briefly the contents of the materials. He agreed to read them. Please pray for this man. I don’t know if this is the police officer or one of many whom God will use to spur the Civil Government and law enforcement to repent, help end the covenant with death, and return to their duty to protect life and stop the shedding of innocent blood, but we certainly need someone like him to rise up and demand it in Jesus’ name!