To those who may wonder what has happened in Wichita since our national event, the Summer of Justice took place, I got good news. The vision and mission we left behind is being implemented by the church in Wichita. Here is the brief report that I pray encourages your heart. Your work in the Lord was not in vain.
“All of us in Wichita and the surrounding area have been busy since our O.S.A. friends across the country joined with us during the ‘Summer of Justice’ event in July. First, we were busy catching up on all of the things we put off in the months leading up to the national event and second, planning and implementing opportunities that came to us because of the faithful service of O.S.A.
At Culture Shield ministry, Donna Lippoldt has been meeting and organizing efforts to make sure there is a ‘church presence’ at the abortion clinic everyday it is open. Although Mark Gietzen and his volunteers with Kansas Coalition for Life are present every open day providing counseling, Donna is organizing Christians from churches to provide prayer and worship opportunities on site everyday as well. Around 30-35 different groups and churches have been identified and sign up has already begun.
Additionally, the national event host church, Word of Life, is providing signs and support to regular visits to the homes of abortionists here in Wichita. We currently have 5 teams being led by Pastors Rotola and Henke, David Gittrich with Kansans for Life, John Pride, and Bruce Garren will be in the abortionist neighborhoods each week with signs calling attention to them and their shameless works.
It is the love of Christ that brought prolife brothers and sisters from every corner of our country to Wichita this summer, and it will be that love that continues to bring people locally to step out of the safety of their churches into the streets to expose this terrible sin against our Lord.”
Operation Save America
We unashamedly take up the cause of preborn children in the name of Jesus Christ; and we employ only biblical principles.
To contact us or donate by check:
Operation Save America
P.O. Box 120262
Melbourne, FL 32912
Phone: (414) 395-1142
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