Our OSA-Regional Event started Wednesday night Sept. 21 at Milford Christian Church. Pastor Loomer is the pastor and the only pastor in CT that comes to the Planned Parenthood
death camp in New Haven every week. He unashamedly takes a bold, yet loving public stand against abortion. Around 100 people attended our first rally.
Jason Storms, our preliminary speaker, addressed the deep need to disciple our young and help them mature in an age that promotes perpetual immaturity. He also cautioned parents on the dangers of public education. Chet Gallagher, Assistant Director of OSA, trained the congregation in the discipline of Word in Warfare. The next day we applied the training of proclaiming God’s Word from Genesis to Revelation at key strategic spots in New Haven. Gallagher also revealed other Biblical weapons of warfare to increase our effectiveness in the battle for the souls of men, the lives of children, and the future of our bloodstained, perverted land. We had dynamic public reading of Scripture in strategic spots in New Haven including PP, Yale, Courts, and New Haven Green.
Thursday morning, Sept 22, we went to Hillhouse High School in New Haven with the Gospel. Armed with signs and Gospel literature we ministered the truth about sexual immorality and its subsequent evil, abortion. We met with the police ahead of time with our agenda. A couple of cops still gave our lawyer and others a hard time, (threatened to arrest them) but we won out. Some of the staff tried to take the literature from the students but many of them still kept it. Unfortunately, the school administration viewed everything we did through a faulty racial grid, which sought to impugn our motives and condemn our actions. We challenged them to replace the racial grid with a Biblical grid. Instead of seeing the world through the racial tension of black and white people, see it through the grid of good and evil, regardless of the race of men.
Saints Intervening to Save Lives
After the high school a few of us went to Planned Parenthood, others went to different venues. The place is usually packed, but to our pleasant surprise, it was empty. Three cars went in that looked like abortion clients. Pastor Dale Sochia ministered to them and they all left. One of them gave her contact info to us and we are following up. Her name is Georgette. Please pray for her.
Thursday night Rusty Thomas welcomed the rally with a short exhortation. He warned that there are two sins that once they reach heaven, we are in deep trouble with the Almighty. They are child sacrifice, the shedding on innocent blood, and homosexuality.
Andrew Street challenged us to be lovers of hospitality, which is a great way to evangelize! Street is a missionary to other nations. Pastor Ante Pavkovich spoke on how the Lord wants us to travail and be broken by what’s going on in our beleaguered nation. We can’t let entertainment take us away from prayer. He proceeded to state, “We are not protestors, we are Christians. We go to the mills because we love God and our neighbors as ourselves. It is our reasonable service.
Pastor Ante then read some heartfelt, mature notes by a 7 year old named Zion. Zion wrote them to God. They were precious and profound for his age. We must teach our kids to have a relationship with Jesus! Pastor Ante also covered America and Connecticut’s Christian history. He recommended America’s Providential History resource to study.
The Holy Spirit was so strong in this service that many left their seats and went to the altar. They kneeled in repentance and cried out to God to create in them a clean heart. They acknowledged that our nation is staggering under the weight of blood guilt and we need God to break this Covenant with Death that is savaging our nation.
Friday morning everyone went to PP. We did Word in Warfare, preached, and passed out Gospel literature to people on the streets and those going into PP. At ten o’clock we left to go to the New Haven Green with signs, literature and our Word in Warfare campaign. Another team went to Southern CT State University lead by Jason Storms.
Jason Storms Preaching to Captivated Audience on Campus
On campus, the team passed out tons of literature and had compelling conversations. Some students shook their hands and thanked them for coming. Some Christian students were convicted that they were not reading their Bibles and going to church. They committed to reconnect with the Lord. Unbelievers said that they were seriously thinking about repenting and trusting Jesus as their Lord and Savior!
The next session of students and teachers were addressed by Jason. One girl was trying to cause a disturbance and the police told her, “if you don’t like what they are saying, you can leave.” Brother Jeff talked to one young man for an hour and a half and exchanged phone numbers. Jeff invited him to church. PTL!
Recruiting More Good Soldiers into the Battle
Back at the death camp, God recruited another good soldier into the battle. A young mom in the PP neighborhood told us that she has been crying out to God to do something at the death mill. She was thrilled to finds the saints storming the gates of hell. She is going to join us, PTL!
Police Rally in New Haven
Around 2:30 PM that same afternoon, we held a rally in front of the New Haven Police Dept. We went to honor and support the police in this time when they are targeted for assassination. We passed out OSA’s Open Letter to the Police in America and delivered a loving, yet strong prophetic message to them. As Christians, we let them know that they have no greater base of love, support, and honor as they perform their duty as peace officers. We also let them know that we are praying for them and their families.
Afterwards, Rusty Thomas delivered a prophetic message. He called upon the police to repent with us and join with the Church of Jesus Christ to break the Covenant of Death. He beseeched the police to rise up and demand all governors of each state call a special session to outlaw abortion and allow the police to shut down any death camp in their jurisdictions. He warned, “Peace will never return to America as long as our country protects violence in the womb! We can shout black lives matter, blue lives matter, and all lives matter till the cows come home, but until preborn lives matter, no lives matter, including the police.”
Voiceless the Movie Premieres October 7th Nationwide
Friday night, two moms gave their testimony on how God rescued them and their babies from abortion based upon the ministry of the saints at the death camp. Pat Necerato, director and writer of the movie Voiceless, spoke at our rally. It was a treat. This movie deals with the reality of what happens when an abortion mill sets up its grisly trade right across the street from the Church. How should the church respond? Should they advocate for it, ignore it, or cross the line of obedience and drive it out in Jesus’ name? Necerato made mention that after the movie ends, they will challenge the movie-goer to get involved by texting a certain number. Immediately, Voiceless will send a link to a page. On the page will be a link to www.operationsaveamerica.org and all our resources to equip the church to fight the battle and rise up to end the American Holocaust.
The congregation was so moved by the presentation, Susan Johnson’s had the inspiration to stand and say “How can we get this movie here in CT?” After the meeting, many people signed up to help. We will be having a private viewing on Friday October 8, and it will be open to the public on Saturday, Oct 29, at a centrally located AMF theatre in CT (Southington or Plainville). We will have 250 tickets to sell for $10.00. If you are interested contact me at marilynprolife@aol.com. I believe they will go fast if we get a few churches to offer them. We are also getting five minutes before and after Saturday night’s showing to speak about OSA-CT. and the need to get involved! God is awesome! Rusty Thomas helped with the story, his booklet is one of the catalysts in this movie, and he even has a small part. PTL! We are so excited about this!
Ecclesiastical Court in the Midst of God’s Enemies
On Saturday, Sept 24 , the whole group went back to Planned Parenthood. Afterwards, we went over to the courthouse to hold an Ecclesiastical Court. The enemies of the Lord came to disrupt the proceedings. We pressed on in spite of their vile reactions. The church of Jesus Christ is a lawful government authority instituted by God. We came to hold the federal and Supreme courts accountable before the Court of Almighty God. Courts cannot make laws! In fact, we held these courts in contempt of the Court before whom every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. We addressed the several rulings pronounced by the courts of America that has banned God from the public life of our nation, codified evil into law, and invoked the wrath of God upon our perverse and blood stained nation.
On Saturday night, another mom gave her testimony. Rusty Thomas spoke on the Paradigm Shift to End the American Holocaust. The message will be made available soon on Youtube. This message is a game changer. Rusty Thomas also wrote a song and Pastor Dale Sochia unveiled it at our event. It is called the The Sin of Silence. This song was sung to the melody of the Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel.
These are the words: ” Hello Jesus my best friend, I come to pray through you again, Cause delusion strongly sweeping, Left its tares in men that were sleeping And your mission that was planted in my brain, Still remains: Confront the sin of silence. In troubling dreams that vexed my soul, No one cared I walked alone, Yet your word acting as a lamp, Guided me from the enemy’s camp, And my eyes once blinded was pierced by your holy light, That split the night. Removed the sin of silence. In Your brilliant light I saw, Enclaved masses from the Fall, People existing without living, People hearing without listening, People singing songs, that nations never cared, And no one dared, Disturb the sin of silence. Fools said, “God You do not know,” While silence like a cancer grows, Hear God’s word that He might teach you, Take His arms that might reach you, But His Words like bloody sweat drops fell, And echoed in the hell of silence. And the people bowed and prayed, To the neon gods they made, And the truth flashed out its warning, And the words that it was forming, And the sign said the words of the prophets are written on the sacred scrolls on countless souls, And thundered the end of silence.” On Sunday, Sept 25, we finished Word in Warfare at the local death camp by proclaiming the book of Revelation. Afterwards, Rusty Thomas preached at Calvary Life Church in Cheshire CT (my church). He delivered a powerful message on The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate . The church was so impacted, the leadership is making it available on national TV that has the potential of reaching 34 million viewers. They are going to offer the message and include Pastor Matt Trewhella’s books, The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate and The Magdeburg Confession as well. CDs, DVDs, books, the messages, the Ecclesiastical Court, and the Support Police rally will soon be available on YouTube.
Preaching Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate that is scheduled to go nationwide soon
We want to thank Promise land Church for hosting the lunches for three days and thanks to those who made the lunches (Promise land, Milford Christian Church, Christ the Redeemer) God bless you!